the other day my brother gave me a very old cast iron pulley with bearings in it that he had left lay outside.i wanted to use it in my skinning shed to lift deer out of the back of my truck and suspend them for skinning. the pulley was froze up. i took it apart,with much beating, and it had 2 ball roller bearings in it that were rusted and froze up. i was about ready to toss them and see if i could buy new ones.then i rememberd a trick i heard once of soaking them in iodine. i had a gallon of high strength iodine i got from a buddy who used it in his turky operation for a disenfectent.i tossed the frozen bearings in a cup of iodine and a couple days later was rewarded with two bearings that looked almost new and rolled fine.reassembled the pulley and it worked fine, with appropriate grease of course.the steel that was before highly rusted now looked like new and the outside diameter was still tight.very interesting.