They're trying to rescue us from what those billionaires caused after they were given free rein by GW Bush and Company. You do remember that the financial collapse happened under GW Bush's command, don't you?
Maybe you could fill me in, and list each piece of legislation (if any) or any specific regulation or de-regulation that happened under would be interesting.
I am aware of some Freddie and Fannie changes (been going on for a long time before Bush)...since those were run by our government, I would think it was not the wealthy that caused that to crash, it was your government. Goes back way before Bush, will go on way after if we don't stop it.
As long as you have the idea that the wealthy are the root of your problems, your in for a long hard ride partner. Remember...people invested...that's always been a gamble, it's a personal decision. While we do need some financial regulatons, I would be more inclined to think the government itself is the root of most all our problems, not the wealthy. What I have seen over the years is government getting in the way and causing most all the problems over many years, Bush included, but remember, it goes way back before that, and Bush only signed what the DEMS put on his desk. As I remember it, it was the Dems that crashed Fannie and Freddie...this was run by our government, with government officials holding high offices there. Republicans did not help, or stop any of it...another worthless bunch that sat around and melted into the Dem party as one big blob of corruption.
A few billionaires are not your problem, they never were, they never will be...unless you make all the wealthy go away. Then you'll be in a hole you ain't climbing out of...ever.
Cause there IS no other money than capitialism...period. My advice would be to make yourself a millionare, or billionare or real wealthy...if you can't...get a job under one of them. If you look to government, to make things right, you'll have nothing, which is what a lot of people have now.
billionaires caused after they were given free rein
Billionaires will always have free rein...if you try to take what they have they will can't stop people with money from doing what they want, you won't be able to take it either, if they were smart enough to build a huge enterprise, they are plenty smart enough to keep it...just not HERE. People best figure out where money comes from pretty quick, it's not the government, or any legislation they pass. Obviously, after all the regulations and laws they have passed over many years, we should be able to see that by now, unless your stuck in one of the "parties" which case you'll be blind.