I used a hard cast gas checked bullet for both in my 44 Mag. Even if you use a 240 gr. hard cast bullet with a long flat nose or a wide flat nose, it will work on both. Personally I don't like hollow point bullet on hogs. My buddy used a Hornady XTP, and it did not penetrate the front shoulder. It took 3 shots with his hollow point XTP's to drop that hog. When we skinned it out we found the first shot in the shoulder, it never reached inside of the hog. It was he second and 3 shot the went through the ribs and took out the lungs, but bullets never exited the hog. It was a 275 pound hog.
I used a 300 gr. hard cast and dropped my hog with one shot, right in it's tracks. The bullet went through both shoulders. I also use the 300 gr. to take a few deer, and it worked great.
All I use in my handguns are hard cast bullets.