I looked in my manual and I could not find where it said not to clean with a bronze brush, could you tell me what page it is on.
Thanks Drags
Page 22 says to use a patch from the breach end - do not scrub the barrel .
There is nothing here about not using a brush , but some where I read this be it on the Web or with paperwork on the first tikka I had , which is gone . I found at first cleaning with solvent and patch's was the long way of going things , but after awhile , the bore does not seem to hold deposits that a few soaked patch's will not clear .
So maybe the brush is making some micro scratches in the bore that hold deposits , I am not sure.
One thing for sure . I normally shoot at least four to eight box's a year,and over a peroid of five years , the bore shines like a mirror and takes nothing to clean .
So , If you like I see if I can find the statement on the brush,or maybe some one else knows where they saw it .
Follow my lead and after a few box's of ammo tell me it not if the barrel is easy to clean , and the groups did not tighten up a bit since you first stated with your gun.If you want use a good foam cleaner then the patch.(ASk any one what happens with tooth brush and a denture ?).You scrub the finish and it holds the crud!!
So after a thousand or two rounds of ammo and the third or forth bronze brush, you can tell me how you like your tikka. Then maybe you have traded it in . Then maybe not . you find it out yourself