Was working on one of my guns and hated to tear it totally down so I ordered some of that Dunk-Kit from Cylinder and Slide. That's the one where you take off the grips and submerge the gun in the bucket of "stuff," wait 15 minutes and then dry/blow the gun off and put it back together.
The product seems to do what it says. Cleaner evaporates and you are left with an oil (or something like oil) coating. Did notice that I had to wipe the gun down the next day but that could be me not using the air compressor enough. Did do a nice job of cleaning the gun with a little help from a toothbrush.
I went with the 1 3/4 gallon size so there would be some left after repeated usage. Didn't use gloves but will next time. It is supposed to be not harmful (but then they told us that about Agent Orange--in another life time) but my hands did dry out. I'll keep using it and give periodic up-dates.