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obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« on: December 29, 2010, 01:59:43 PM »
Sudden Surge: Obama Starts Mentioning Christian Faith Way More Often
Posted on December 29, 2010 at 4:53pm by  Meredith Jessup
While vacationing in Hawaii over the weekend, President Barack Obama and his family attended a church service Sunday, capping off a “steady rebirth” of his faith in recent months, marked by frequent public expressions of his Christianity. According to Politico, President Obama has publicly mentioned his “Christian faith” more times over the past three months than he has over the past year.
Though some people have always harbored questions about the president’s personal beliefs, Obama’s Christian faith became a hot-button issue in recent months after the commander-in-chief repeatedly failed to mention “our Creator” in recitations of the Declaration of Independence and mistakenly identified “E pluribus unum” as America’s national motto instead of “In God We Trust” during a trip overseas.
In addition, the change in messaging comes weeks after an August Pew Research poll showed that one in five Americans believe the president is actually a Muslim, not a Christian — a rumor his campaign vehemently denied during his campaign for president in 2008. But in just two years, the president has not attended church as regularly as he did as a presidential candidate and has openly emphasized his own family’s Muslim roots more since taking office in 2009.
Politico noticed the recent change:
[Obama] has more frequently cited passages of the Bible, including repeated references to the spirit of Genesis 4:9 — “I am my brother’s keeper; I am my sister’s keeper” — which was a mainstay of Obama’s 2010 campaign stump speech. And he’s taken his family to church twice, a shift for a president who has preferred to worship privately since the end of the 2008 campaign.
“He presents his Christianity as an important aspect of his identity but one he doesn’t want to foist upon anyone else, and he would rather risk downplaying it than offending somebody,” said Jeffrey Siker, a theology professor at Loyola Marymount University, who has studied Obama’s use of the Bible in his speeches.
“One recurring phrase — and I’ve noticed this frequently of late — this notion that we are our brothers’ keepers, which is kind of a mantra for him,” Siker added, noting that Obama “would see the notion of being our brother’s keeper as something that crosses all religious lines.”
Obama has used the reference, which was a regular feature of his on the 2008 campaign trail, in two dozen speeches since September. Before then, he’d used it just four times as president. References to his “Christian faith” also have appeared more times in Obama’s speeches since September than they did before.

But despite the noticeable change, the White House insists nothing has changed in the president’s public remarks. Obama “has consistently talked about his Christian faith, and the role of faith in America, over the course of his public life,” deputy press secretary Bill Burton says.
Instead of being a part of his person, Obama seems to have incorporated his faith into his politics. In explaining his stance for government programs such as Democrats’ landmark health care overhaul legislation passed earlier this year, the president frequently used religious phrases in pushing his political agenda, including being his “brother’s keeper” — a Biblical lesson from the story of Cain and Abel.
“We believe in a country that rewards hard work and responsibility, a country where we look after one another, a country where we say, ‘I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper, I’m not just thinking about myself,’” Obama said during his election campaign. “That’s the choice in this election. That‘s what we’re about. That‘s why we’re Democrats.”
The president again cited his “core ethical and moral obligation” to be his “brother’s keeper” and help his fellow man during the debate over health care and called on a group of Jewish rabbis to help him push his agenda in 2009, calling them “God’s partners in matters of life and death.” Opponents to his health plan, however, were accused of spreading “misinformation” and “bearing false witness,” a direct accusation of violating God’s laws — the Ten Commandments.
In August, Obama’s aides downplayed the Pew poll. “The president is, obviously, Christian. He prays every day,” Burton said. “His faith is very important to him, but it‘s not something that’s a topic of conversation every single day.” But just days after the poll’s release, the president was attending church services with his family and publicly quoting from the book of Job.
“There is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again and that its tender branch will not cease,” Obama said in prepared marks on the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. “The work ahead will not be easy, and there will be setbacks. There will be challenges along the way. But thanks to you, thanks to the great people of this great city, New Orleans is blossoming again.”

As the president’s poll numbers continue to slip and his beliefs are called into question, expect his faith to become more of a “topic of conversation” and make a significant comeback in time for a 2012 re-election campaign.

His actions say different.  :o :o. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
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Offline Conan The Librarian

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2010, 02:24:51 PM »
He is Christian. Let us not forget the twenty years of Christian worship he did with extremist anti-American racist pastor Jeremiah Wright. If that's not proof, then I don't know what is.

But does anybody actually believe he prays every day. Gimme a break.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2010, 02:28:14 PM »
Of course he could deny the wright connection, but then everybody will start assuming he's Islamic.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2010, 02:37:22 PM »
Molehill: a tiny pile of dirt from which right wing fanatics try to build mountains.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2010, 02:43:55 PM »
He will need to try hard, very hard!
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2010, 02:46:07 PM »
Molehill: a tiny pile of dirt from which right wing fanatics try to build mountains.

Your right, he's not a muslim. He's a follower of the "Hate White People Theology" church.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline powderman

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2010, 02:50:36 PM »
But does anybody actually believe he prays every day. Gimme a break.

Well, we know he has muslim prayer in the whitehouse every Friday afternoon.
junior. Pile of dirt is right, Christian???? Not even close. You described the obamination perfectly. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2010, 03:58:39 PM »
The "church" he attended on the 26th was actually the base chapel at Marine Corps Base Hawaii for the Protestant worship service. Preaching that day was a great Chaplain and friend, CDR Steve Moses, a southern Baptist presently assigned to MARFORPAC. I have 100% confidence that what the first family heard for that particular worship service was from the Bible, conservative Christian preaching with at least 2 gospel appeals in it if I know Steve. Of course he was hearing that from Chaplain Cash (also southern Baptist) at Camp David when he first took office and he didn't want to pick a DC church.

I think it's kinda cool that 2 of my fellow sbc chaplains have preached to the first family, and I pray that Gods Word does not return void.
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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2010, 05:08:53 PM »
TN. That reminds  me of a black lady here who is widely known and respected. She actually sang at the govornors ball years ago. When klinton was in I believe Cincinatti she was given a private meeting with him. This was when he he was denying his adulterous affair, at least one of them. After the meeting he was visible shaken and asked his aides, why didn't somebody warn me about her????? She is a Christian lady and very outspoken. Our local paper interviewed her and asked her what she said to him. She said, that boy needed a good whupping and I done give him one. I'd love to turn Mattie loose on the obamination. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2010, 06:38:30 PM »
Let the tv media take a look inside the white house. They may find the prayer rug facing east in one of those giant rooms.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2010, 07:21:13 PM »
He'd have better luck convincing me of his ability to lie through his teeth.

Offline teamnelson

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2010, 08:29:17 PM »
The "church" he attended on the 26th was actually the base chapel at Marine Corps Base Hawaii for the Protestant worship service. Preaching that day was a great Chaplain and friend, CDR Steve Moses, a southern Baptist presently assigned to MARFORPAC. I have 100% confidence that what the first family heard for that particular worship service was from the Bible, conservative Christian preaching with at least 2 gospel appeals in it if I know Steve.

Here's something my buddy sent to me tonight regarding chapel service with the President.

Subject: Preaching to the President
Dear Friends,
I've had a lot of folks ask me about preaching to the President this past Sunday. Most people want to know about the news accounts about my heart condition, which occurred nine years ago, others want to know what I preached on, so here's a Reader's Digest version. On Christmas Eve, I was told the President and his family would be attending our worship service on Sunday, 26 December. The title of my message was,"Now What?". It was the day after Christmas, the shepherds and angels were gone, Mary and Joseph were alone with a new baby to raise, the Son of God ... "Now What?". My text was Matt 10:29-31. The passage describes how God cares for sparrows worth no more than a half cent, therefore He cares for us even more. Since He watches over these insignificant birds when they fall to the ground, think about how much more concerned He is abiut what happens to us. Even in those moments when it seems we've been left alone or abandoned, God is watching over us Providentially, Personally and Powerfully. In my point about God's providential care over us, I pointed out that when bad things happen to us, God is either Protecting us from something worse, Preparing us for something greater, or Pulling us closer to Him. A section of my sermon that gained some notoriety was where I talked about the doctors discovering a heart defect during a routine physical nine years ago that required a cathiterization procedure in my heart called cardio ablation. They went into my heart with 32 catheters, poked a hole from my right atria to my left atria, and blasted my heart with RF pulses to fix a bad current path. I questioned why God didn't just heal me. During the sermon I joked maybe I had to go through the procedure so that I wouldn't have a heart attack if I ever have to preach to the President! I added that in addition to protecting us from something worse, preparing us for something greater or pulling us closer to Him, sometimes God allows us to experience a crisis so that we can declare His sufficiency to others as Paul did when he experienced the thorn in the flesh. There's more, but that's plenty. The sermon was well received, I gave invitations for rededication of trust in Hod for the New Year and I gave an invitation for salvation. There were good responses. Afterwards, we had communion and the President and his family came forward to receive communion. After the service, the President complimented me on the sermon, said he was glad I came through the heart procedure so that I was here to preach to him, and he very sincerely asked me to pray for him and his family. By the way some of the news accounts say "the congregation clapped and sang Joy to the World as the President entered." The truth is music was playing as he and his family entered and after the welcome and opening prayer we sang, "Joy to the World," as our first song.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2010, 02:53:34 AM »
I don't care if he is a Christian or not. But I sure would like to know if he is an American or not!

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2010, 03:58:58 AM »
There is a huge difference between campaigning and actual, functional practice.  obama hasn't made the transition from campaigning yet.  These media photo-ops, interviews on talk shows, and obvious public relations info dissemination are just continuations of the campaigning obama.  The more somebody feels the need to stress a point, especially when it concerns convincing you of their goodness, the more likely it is that they are lying.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2010, 04:26:01 AM »
Sorta like "if you gota try to prove yer a Christian" ,then likely yer not.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2010, 04:50:09 AM »
Sorta like "if you gota try to prove yer a Christian" ,then likely yer not.


"By their fruits ye shall know them" No evidence as yet by his actions, he just bent over backwards to give the homos a Christmas gift, we shall see.

I believe he is in full campaign mode, he fooled the folks once, he may pull it off again.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2010, 06:25:42 AM »
He'd have better luck convincing me of his ability to lie through his teeth.

He's already done that.
GRAMPS. Very true, he has shown no signs by his actions yet to show he has a Christian bone in his body. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2011, 05:05:56 AM »
Molehill: a tiny pile of dirt from which right wing fanatics try to build mountains.

Denial and attack: methods in which libs react when confronted by the facts.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2011, 07:00:51 AM »
HOOKER. Good asessment. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2011, 09:28:26 AM »
Is the President a Christian or a Muslim. I don't really care. He can claim to be anything he wants to be.
There are alot that claim to be Christians but thier actions prove to be otherwise. Each should look to his own salvation with great fear and trembling.

If you claim to be a Christian you should pray for the President whether you like him or not. The Word instructs Christains to pray for those appointed over them. If you got a hard time with that well...

Is he an American or not? Do you think this question has been vetted by numerous federal investigative agencies before the election?

No, I don't like the President. No, I couldn't do better than him in that position. Yes I am a Christian and a voter.

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Re: obama tries to convince people that he's a Christian.
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2011, 03:01:30 PM »
Sorta like "if you gota try to prove yer a Christian" ,then likely yer not.

Well said Gramps, while my attendence in formal church services is rare, my belief in God and Jesus Christ is without faulter. I have never seen a need to prove my Christianity to any man.
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