Author Topic: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???  (Read 6942 times)

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Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« on: December 30, 2010, 09:07:35 AM »
I'm looking for a new budget .22 for dragging through the squirrel woods.  Clip fed is preferable since I get in and out of the truck alot near county roads. The 795 is basically a model 60 with a clip so I expect it to shoot fairly well.  Have any of you shot these guns and what kind of groups did you get?  I couldn't find anything online. 

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 12:48:44 PM »
u can find all the info u can read on (rimfire central)...that place has all rimfires u can think of to read about.....i have a 795 and for 125 new u cant beat it light weight and short..i can shoot 1in or less at 50yds off the back of my 4 wheeler and that is with rem golden bullet bulk ammo...i cant say much on the savage 64 but probly a good rifle to..hope that helps

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2011, 02:05:12 PM »
I shot a Marlin 70 for about 7 years and had fairly good luck with it.  Accuracy deteriorated after 2,000 rounds.  This is probably due to micro-grooved rifling.

I bought a hardwood stocked Savage 64 in 1999.  Scope is a Simmons 44MAG 2X- 7X.  I've fired well over 3,000 rounds through it.

It a tack driver at 35 yards.  Savage features button cut rifling which does not wear down like Marlin's micro-groove barrels. I've had good luck with all 22 LR ammo but tightest groups with FEDERAL and WINCHESTER ammo.  But keep your Savage 64 clean for perfect functioning.  Even the magazine should be dis-assembled and cleaned.  YouTube has an instructional 3 part video clip on dis-assembly and cleaning that is quite informative.

I feel that Savage has the BEST trigger and BEST accuracy despite very affordable price.  Savage 64 is a keeper!

If you're bored with plinking plain paper targets: shoot deer, elk, moose, etc. within magazine photos and calendar pictures.

Good shooting to you.


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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 02:37:43 PM »
I shot a Marlin 70 for about 7 years and had fairly good luck with it.  Accuracy deteriorated after 2,000 rounds.  This is probably due to micro-grooved rifling.

There is no way in the world that you could damage any .22 barrel with 2,000 rounds.  Microgrove or not.  It may have needed a good cleaning, or you could have damaged the crown.  But you did not shoot it out with that few rounds.
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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 05:02:59 PM »
I have handled both and prefer the Savage 64.  Both will be accurate and reliable.  I suggest you handle them both and come to your own conclusion.
Winchester 100 .243; Marlin XS7 .308; Stevens 200 .223; Rossi 92 .45LC; Marlin 1894C .357M; Marlin 30AS .30-30; NEF Pardner Pump 12ga; Mossberg 500 Turkey 20ga; Winchester 1200 20ga; Savage Mark II F .22LR; Henry H001 .22LR; Marlin 60SB .22LR; Ruger 10/22 DSP .22LR; Remington Genesis .50 cal ML; Ruger Vaquero .45LC; Ruger Blackhawk .357M; Ruger SR9c 9mm; Ruger Single-Six .22LR; Browning Buck Mark Camper .22LR; Crosman Powermaster 760 .177; Crosman Storm XT .177; Mission X3

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2011, 01:56:20 AM »
STUMPJMPR - have you seen a 64 in the stores? I figure if its a budget 22 its in the big box stores. Academy, Dicks? how much? this thread has me wondering...
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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2011, 03:57:14 AM »
I've seen both the 64 and 795.  I seemed to like the 795 a little better.  However,  You can get a heavy barrel 64.  In my other post Ruger or Marlin out the box accuracy you said you were going to pick up a model 60.  Did you ever get it?  How did it shoot?

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2011, 09:20:16 AM »
My local Wally World carries both.  The Savage 64F was ~$125.  I think the Marlin 795 was about the same.  I like the receiver on the Savage and the overall size and feel of it.  The Marlin 795 seemed cheap and more like a kid's gun.  Just my $.02
Winchester 100 .243; Marlin XS7 .308; Stevens 200 .223; Rossi 92 .45LC; Marlin 1894C .357M; Marlin 30AS .30-30; NEF Pardner Pump 12ga; Mossberg 500 Turkey 20ga; Winchester 1200 20ga; Savage Mark II F .22LR; Henry H001 .22LR; Marlin 60SB .22LR; Ruger 10/22 DSP .22LR; Remington Genesis .50 cal ML; Ruger Vaquero .45LC; Ruger Blackhawk .357M; Ruger SR9c 9mm; Ruger Single-Six .22LR; Browning Buck Mark Camper .22LR; Crosman Powermaster 760 .177; Crosman Storm XT .177; Mission X3

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2011, 09:57:18 AM »
Did you ever get it?  How did it shoot?

All I have done is waffle back and forth about whether I really need another 22. I was wanting a 60 to put my leupold 4x on and make my 10/22 open sights, but I recently found out the 10/22 has a stripped receiver hole. I made a little heli-coil to hold the screw to the scope base, but that wouldn't work for the little receiver stud, and I am not ready to commit to gluing it in and make it open sights only.

So I may be looking for an open sight 22.
Don't care for the sights on the 60.
Assume the 795 is the same.
How are the sights on the 64?
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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2011, 10:17:34 AM »
The front site on the Savage 64F is a standard blade, not like the Marlin that is on a ramp.  They appear decent, but I have not shot one.

I am a fan of the wood stocked Marlin 60... but the synthetic 795 just doesn't do it for me.  The Savage 64F feels and looks like a real gun.
Winchester 100 .243; Marlin XS7 .308; Stevens 200 .223; Rossi 92 .45LC; Marlin 1894C .357M; Marlin 30AS .30-30; NEF Pardner Pump 12ga; Mossberg 500 Turkey 20ga; Winchester 1200 20ga; Savage Mark II F .22LR; Henry H001 .22LR; Marlin 60SB .22LR; Ruger 10/22 DSP .22LR; Remington Genesis .50 cal ML; Ruger Vaquero .45LC; Ruger Blackhawk .357M; Ruger SR9c 9mm; Ruger Single-Six .22LR; Browning Buck Mark Camper .22LR; Crosman Powermaster 760 .177; Crosman Storm XT .177; Mission X3


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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2011, 10:38:25 AM »
I have been back and forth as well what to get.  I'll be using it mostly for squirrel hunting so accuracy is important.  I have been thinking about saving up some more money and getting a CZ 512, TC R-55, or evening a browning.  All I know for sure is that I want an auto.

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2011, 03:16:47 PM »
Have you seen a CZ 512 in real life?
Didn't know if they were widely available yet.
Looks good, but I can't get excited about a 22 auto with a 5 shot mag.

My view is that an auto is a tool, where a bolt or lever 22 is a piece of art to last generations.
The exception to that rule is Brownings. I don't have one, but they are classic.
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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2011, 01:34:17 AM »
Have you seen a CZ 512 in real life?
Didn't know if they were widely available yet.
Looks good, but I can't get excited about a 22 auto with a 5 shot mag.

My view is that an auto is a tool, where a bolt or lever 22 is a piece of art to last generations.
The exception to that rule is Brownings. I don't have one, but they are classic.

I've only seen the 512 in pictures.  I don't need a 10 round mag for hunting though.  The brownings are very nice guns.  Almost too nice to hunt with.  My Father has a belgium made browning.  The rifle was flooded during hurricane Katrina.  It still functions but the bluing is blotch from the salt water. 

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2011, 05:38:50 PM »
Antique thread but Google still finds it.
Savage 64F barrel is retained by a bent steel plate that engages a slot cut in the barrel.
Barrel must be removed to clean receiver and bolt. Mine shot no better than a stock 10/22.
3/4" at 50 yds. no wind with ammo it liked. Over 1" was more the norm. Single screw held action
to the syn. stock. Floating barrel was not a option. Appx. five pounds upward pressure on barrel
seemed to be most accurate. Trigger was fairly easy to work on.
Gave the rifle to my son.

989 Marlin predecessor of the 795 has shot under 1/2" groups at 50 yds. no wind with different
lots of Wolf Match. Two action screws allow free floating barrel. Slender Marlin stock is very
sensitive to any torque applied to the wrist when benchrest shooting. Trigger is harder to work on.
Should not be a beginners first gunsmithing effort.

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2011, 06:24:28 PM »
My 795 will consistently shoot under an inch at 50 yards, and that's in the wind.  I put a big old scope on it with a mil dot reticle.  Really helps when shooting beyond 100 yards.  Seems like it goes on sale quite often.  I had a few gift certificates and picked one up at Sports Authority for about 50 bucks.  That was a happy day.  Here's a photo.
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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2011, 03:07:51 AM »
SteveHawaii if that 3-9 is like most parallex is set at 100 yards. Tested my brothers Remington 597
yesterday using his 4x 100 yd. parallex scope. Got some 5/8" groups @ 50 yds.with ammo it liked but
head placement fighting the parallex was a struggle. If your scope does not have adjustable objective
the smallest head movement moves your crosshairs @ 25 or 50 yds. Your 795 may be a tackdriver
with a airgun or AO scope.
(edit: Having a senior moment original post said Remington 795)

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Re: Marlin 795 and Savage 64 accuracy???
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2011, 10:05:29 PM »
Oops, I posted the wrong picture in my previous post.  I replaced it with the correct photo.  The scope has an adjustable objective.  That really helps.

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