Home remedies are great but one of these days it's going to cost you dearly. My dad had been stung by wasps many times and he never had any reaction to it at all....until the last one. What you don't know is that every time you are stung, the venom never leaves your body. When conditions are right, all of the venom can react just like everything that has ever stung you over your life has now hit you all at once. At least that's how they explained it to us after my dads funeral. He was only stung once so you don't have to be swarmed with stings. If we had an Epipen, he would have survived, but we didn't know any better. You can also carry Benedryl with you but you have ONLY 3 minutes to get it in your system. After that, you'll choke to death. And that my friends is not a fun thing to go thru. Be smart, keep an Epipen handy when in the country or just keep it in the glove box. Benedryl is a good back up plan too but you have to have access to it. In the med cabinet at home guarantees you a ride in a hearse. You certainly don't want the family to find out later that your life could have been saved by something so simple. And you need to know, no one is immune.