I pick up a early model 7600 in 30-06 in 22" barrel this spring off a auction site. It was in nice shape for the age,with the standard wood stock. Ordered a synthetic camo stock from Grices, to lessen the weight and to save the nice wood! Took it to the range to zero in and was impressed with the MOA trajectory. I've shot bolt actions,in Rem 700 270,270wsm T3 Tika , Mauser in 270 win and a 300 Wheatherby. Had a 742 in 243 didn't really care for this,it went down the road. Took this rifle out in our Nov rifle season,killed a 10 point buck at 60' it went 40yds. and tipped over. In the middle of the week took another nice 8 point at 350-400yds,it took three shots, first one was a hit,second one a miss, and the 3rd was a dead deer. The nice quick follow up shots made this happen! Last week went out in our late rifle season,killed a doe at 200yds,bang flop, then another doe at 80' bang flop. I don't know why I waited so long to get one of these pump rifles,they are sweet!!!! It's my go to gun and the Rem 700 will be the take along. I'm a happy hunter with the new toy!!! Zeak