just learning,
If it's a sem-auto that you're interested in, then take a look at the Russian Baikal (pronounced "bay-call"), in the MP-153.
It has a chrome-lined bore, 3 choke tubes, wood or synthetic stocks, matte blue finish, adjustable gas operating system for light or heavy loads, 24" or 26" or 28" barrel lengths and it can be purchased for less than $400.
www.eaacorp.comThis shotgun has a fit and feel of a Remington, better reliability and less cost. Some people complain about the wood to metal fit not being very good, but it depends on what you want the shotgun to do....look good or shoot good. Personally, I don't think the wood to metal fit is all the bad and the finish is great on both. I paid $325 + tax for mine and have no regrets whatso ever.
Nothing wrong with Benelli semi-autos either. Just a little more expensive.
Good luck with your choices!
Good hunting, Bowhunter57