Greetings Conspiracy theorists,
The winter of 2011, a cold season for career politicians. Outraged citzens begin to sieze control
of government. A Democratic lawman in southern AZ knows they need an event to short-circuit the
spiraling events. A nutbag in Tucson is located and cultivated. An expensive weapon is procured,
his history of mental and crime supressed. A perfect victim is a popular centerist Democrat female,
something to offend everyone. The shooting takes place in time to derail the repeal of Obamacare.
The sheriff can not wait for the leftist attack dogs and places political blame during his first press
conference. The media sees the opening and piles in. Troublesome conservatives are targeted. A
memorial service becomes Obama's first campaign speech of 2012. Event suceeded.
Far fetched? Did anyone follow the events in Waco? The media was OK with the gassing/burning.
The only unlikely senario in AZ is that the event was planned, the exploitation of that event is fact.
Some facts will take decades to develop. Some facts are known now.
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