I don't think H&R makes any camo Huntsman forends, just plain hardwood, commonly called "pallet" wood, you'll probably have to camo the forend that comes with it, but you can always ask on the order form.
SB1 are ductile cast iron shotgun frames, those the come with the 357mag and 44mag have smaller rifle firing pins. SB2 rifle frames are heat treated, investment cast alloy steel, made for high pressure chamberings like 30-06 and 270 Win. If you 44mag has SB2 on the barrel, it doesn't mean you have an SB2 frame, H&R has been putting SB2 marked 357 and 44 mag barrels on SB1 frames since 2008, the only way to know what you have is to compare it to the pics in the FAQs and Help sticky, or call H&R and ask what barrels can be fitted to it. If it's relatively new and has a CAC serial number prefix, it's an SB1.