I might get tomahawked for this, but it seems like if the farmers were cut loose from government subsidies and government controls, they could operate like the free market is supposed to. They could grow what they want instead of being told what to grow by the government and when to grow it. When to plant and when to sit idle and collect tax dollars. The free market always works better than government control. It should work out better for everyone. As hungry as the world is, they should be able to prosper providing not only for the US but the international markets too. There was a time when American farmers fed the world. Now China is starting to take that role. Along with all the other roles America used to fill. Isn't US government control grand?
When thinking about the insane policies concerning food, fuel and economies around the world and especially in the US, I have to wonder if the Cloward and Piven strategy is being used the world over. That is to collapse economies and everything so the people will look to governments to save them. Because the people are so desperate they will either submit or be forced to do anything the governments demand.
Many, if not most, people see the C & P strategy playing out in America by the progressives who learned it in college. Possibly from Obama himself, since I have seen a picture of him teaching it on a chalkboard in a classroom from his past teaching days. It's all about collapsing economies, gaining control of the people, power and "fundamental transformation".
It's getting to be common knowege that the EPA and others are tools to bring about their desired results. Controlling our natrual resources.
From a Biblical standpoint, it is written that there will be great famines and pestilence. These do not necessasarily come just from droughts and other weather changes. They can be manipulated by man.
Then too, there is the Bilderbergs and others who believe that there is too many people in the world to control so starving off or in some manner disposing of large numbers of people is a good thing,....to them. It's what Mao Su Tung did in China. Starving out millions.
I'm not a big conspiracy theory guy, but the C&P strategy, as crazy as it is, is the only thing that explains the insane self destructive policies we see going on in the US and elsewhere.......But I'm open to suggestions.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think it's intentional.