Author Topic: Earth’s magnetic pole.. unleashing poisonous.. clouds linked to.. bird deaths  (Read 816 times)

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Earth’s magnetic pole shift unleashing poisonous space clouds linked to mysterious bird deaths

Following the unexplained deaths of several thousand birds over the last two weeks, events are now emerging that may offer a physics-based explanation for the mysterious deaths. It all begins on a runway in Tampa, where airport officials recently closed that runway in order to change the numeric designators painted there. Why are those numeric designators being changed? Because the Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting and the numbers previously painted on the runway no longer match up with the magnetic measurements of sensitive airplane instruments

As explains:

The primary runway at the airport is designated 18R/36L, which means the runway is aligned along 180 degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south. Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested the designation be changed to 19R/1L to account for the movement of the magnetic north pole.

This brings us to our first physics fact of this article:

Physics Fact #1: The Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting. (And not just a little bit, but enough to affect airport runways on the scale of human observation.)

Continue article at the source:

Video proof here:
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Offline rdmallory

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Autopsy on birds in US shows blunt trauma not poison as cause of death.

The Magnet poles have always been moving. We just made an adjustment for it, kind of like leap year.


Offline Shu

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Bird die offs aren't something new that has just been happening. They have been happening for a long time. With the internet and cameras in cell phones information is spread much much quicker.

Yes, the magnetic pole does shift around a bit.

Offline MGMorden

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As noted, magnetic poles shift around all the time.  If you've ever been in a cockpit of an airplane, right next to their magnetic compass is often a "compass correction card" which is periodically adjusted as magnetic north drifts around a bit.

As to the poles completely shifting - it does happen.  It's a periodic event that happens every few hundred thousand years.  It IS a magnetic shift - not a physical shift.  After it completes you'd basically see all compasses pointing south rather than north.  The physical orientation of the planet would remain unchanged.  The physical angle of inclination of the Earth changes VERY little - less than a few degrees even over billions of years - due mainly to us having a moon that is a significant fraction of the planet's mass.  The moon tends to act as a "gravitational anchor" which keeps Earth physically much more stable than a planet like Mars for example, which has two moons but they are very, very small compared to the mass of the planet.

Thing is, though it's something that happens very rarely on human timescales, in geologic timescales it's not all that rare.  It's not an extinction event - indeed we don't even see levels of life really dropping at all during pole shift events.  IMHO, if it happens anytime soon, it'll be something that really hurts air travel for a while, and we'll need a good solid decade or so to get all of our navigation tech that relies on a compass back into swing, but otherwise - no big deal.  

There's also a question of how quickly the change occurs too.  If the poles just slowly swap over a period of 20 years or so then I'm sure our current methods of dealing with pole drift will suffice.  If it changes in a matter of days - it'll probably be more chaotic.  Unfortunately while the geologic record shows pretty clearly that the pole shifts happen, it's rather hard to pull out any meaningful data as to how long the actual change takes.

Worst case scenario as far as health - the Earth's magnetic shield IS what deflects a lot of solar radiation around the planet.  If it's disturbed significantly during a shift, we may see an increased rate of cancer soon afterwards, but again - not like an extinction event or anything.

Offline Dee

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I don't think anyone, anywhere, has a clue as to what their talking about concerning a complete poll shift. Everyone THINKS they know, but KNOW ONE has ever been around when one occurred so IT IS ALL PURE SPECULATION, with UNDOCUMENTED DATA, to back up UNDOCUMENTED THEORIES.
Whether it shifts periodically, or if it has NEVER SHIFTED, no one really knows. They just THINK they know. Me? I don't know, nor do I care. It is not something I can do anything about anyway. It's like the second coming of Christ. He says know one will know, but a lot of folks sure claim to know. I wonder who's lying and who's tellin the truth on that one? My money's on Christ bein the expert.
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Offline Scibaer

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well actually, there is. oceanographic studies of the sea floors all over the world show the earths magnetic direction changes like clockwork.
 what is observed in layers of the earths crust at the sea floor, are magnetite and hematite particles that have orientated to the earths magnetic field and when new material has been pushed up at plate boundaries and then solidified into rock. there is a clear and evident pattern in the strata that reflects the change of polarity.  this is something that is well understood and taught in geology classes in just about every major university.
its nothing more then a magnetic shift of poles and their polarity..  (north becomes south) in a basic explanation of it . and the magnetic flow changes to follow.
and the only part of this activity we dont know about , like MG said was, is how rapidly the change occurs.

Offline Dee

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They also teach evolution in universities. We all used to be monkeys, evolved from a mud puddle. ::) Looking at a rock formation or mud at the bottom of the ocean, or at the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro proves that there were changes of some sort, but there is absolutely know way of knowing for sure what caused any such thing without actually witnessing the before and after event. It is all surmising.
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Offline rdmallory

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The magnetic shift is not effecting navigation like it used to . Just about everything has gone to GPS over VOR, compus, or Loran-C.
Magnetic compus is more of a backup.


Offline XD40SC

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They also teach evolution in universities. We all used to be monkeys, evolved from a mud puddle. ::) Looking at a rock formation or mud at the bottom of the ocean, or at the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro proves that there were changes of some sort, but there is absolutely know way of knowing for sure what caused any such thing without actually witnessing the before and after event. It is all surmising.

Evolution did and does occur- to what extent is the real question.

Offline Scibaer

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doug, the 'real' reason that planes are not effected by fluctuations in the magnetic field, is that planes really dont fly  ;D
its all speculation and hoaxes  ::).. there is no proof that planes have ever flown ;)..

 so back to reality, i agree that the magnetic field affects animals, specially when talking about migration by air or sea.
im not convinced that it could release gases that would be responsible for killing these flocks.
no more or less then volcanic activity anyhow.  my guess is these birds ( and now fish ) that were killed were misdirected and died from impact, while disoriented.

Offline scootrd

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There was a huge Bird death in Atlanta this weekend. Appears a massive flock of falcons met their demise by running headlong into an immovable  wall  of Wisconsin Cheese.   ;D

I also heard alot of Ravens died over the weekend around the Pittsburgh area. Think they ran into some Pittsburgh Steel grid Iron.  :D
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Down in South America thousands of birds die in fields each day  ;) the locals make a profit on it  ;D
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Offline Pat/Rick

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Don't remember when I read an article or what source, but it had to do with Moscow,Russia actually becoming the N Pole by whatever year. Other than that ,its all I remember about the article, didn't figure I'd be around to see it, seemed it was a ways off yet. Being one to avoid most technology I don't use a GPS so I don't know if you can get both magnetic and or true north readings from them, or which system the airlines or shipping use for navigation. My Silva Ranger compass has the declination set on it but I don't need that set up as I don't do any x-country work anymore, so just use magnetic. Unless orienteering/trying to find an airport/harbor over distance 1 or 2 degrees really doesn't matter much for general purposes.

Offline Mohawk

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It's normal.

Offline magooch

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There was a huge Bird death in Atlanta this weekend. Appears a massive flock of falcons met their demise by running headlong into an immovable  wall  of Wisconsin Cheese.   ;D

I also heard alot of Ravens died over the weekend around the Pittsburgh area. Think they ran into some Pittsburgh Steel grid Iron.  :D

Don't forget about the seahawks that perished in Chicago.

Offline Scibaer

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its quite common, these small die offs of animals. its just we are now hearing about it more.
several reasons for it , the speed at which now get world news and people pay more attention to local phenomenon when they brought to the public attention.

Offline gypsyman

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Over 30 years ago, when I took my first boating safety course, I remember the instructor stating that the magnetic true north change's around. Up here on Lake Erie, being that most of the time boats are within 10-12 miles of shore, it doesn't make that much difference. And the lake is only 40-50 miles wide, but over 200 miles long. That little bit of change wouldn't make much is the way of a boats course. Whole other story out in the oceans where you have thousands of miles of travel, and a degree on a compass might mean hundreds of miles being off course.
Like rd said, navigation has switched to GPS/satilite, so magnetic changes don't mean as much now days.
Birds and fish have had die off's as long as I can remember. Just something that happens. gypsyman
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Offline Scibaer

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even if someone was to ignore the the fact that bird carcass samples were sent to several  universities for testing, ( no tests should be needed if this is a Gov. project ) how does this explain the birds in Europe that died ? or the fish that washed ashore ?
na ... the only thing worse that the Gov. lying to us, is them pitty-patting us on the head with these 'rest-assured' statements, that really dont make alot of sense.
secondly, these alleged poisonings dont fit with the report of blunt force trauma as cause of death that the investigators found in the samples.
na.. i'm calling this statement BS