Author Topic: Poacher  (Read 3765 times)

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Offline flintlock47

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Re: Poacher
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2011, 06:08:35 AM »
I always thought it would be good to record the sound of a pump shotgun shucking a round into the chamber for intruders to hear when they tresspass.  Pretty intimidating sound. :o


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Re: Poacher
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2011, 06:17:19 AM »
What is important ? for him to stop or you inflict injury to him ? Is he so powerful you can't face him ?
 What most are saying is do it the legal way the right way . When someone screws up as he has it dosen't give you lic to hunt him down and do as you want.
 Incase you don't realize it when folks do stuff like what you propose it makes the rest of us nervous and not trusting of your actions .
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Offline woodchukhntr

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Re: Poacher
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2011, 06:39:16 AM »
We found a Tree stand on our property up in NY that someone had been hunting in.  We arent able to get up there for hunting season any more, but its posted heavily.  Anyways, I climbed the pegs, and took an ax and cut the back support to the stand, then we cut a nice groove all the way around the tree so that if he climbed it to get his stand, the tree would fall  ;D   If I would have found him up there, I would have took my AR and put 30 round just passed him into the ground.

I understand your frustration and anger, but what you did is illegal (unfortunately).  You will be the one who spends time in prison while he will be the one who is laughing while still trespassing on your property.  That is if it is still your property since you will have a very big legal expense.  NYS law protects landowners when someone is injured while trespassing, a civil offense, but setting a trap is a criminal offense.  Also, shooting in his direction is also illegal.  Don't think that your lawyer will get you off.  The best thing is to just take the stand down and destroy it, leaving the pieces right there.

Offline Mohawk

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Re: Poacher
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2011, 01:07:41 PM »
Plus it would be first degree(pre-planned). In addition, why someone would be eager to approach a trespasser armed with a high powered rifle is beyond me. Just contact authorities. When I had a trespasser the Sheriff's dept handled it very well. But if you insist on setting traps just remember, you just announced it to possibly Millions of people. Good luck with a defense. 

Offline Jax

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Re: Poacher
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2011, 03:53:20 PM »
First off, I live 2000 miles from this property, so its not like i can just drive over there and check on it to see if someone is there, or putting up more stands, which they did recenty...  I guess the 50 POSTED signs doesnt mean anything to this person...  The other thing is if I were to approach this person, and they were there hunting, yes I would have a weapon.  If someone has no respect for your land, and walks right past the posted signs to get in there, whats to say there not going to shoot you during a meet...  Ok many of you are right, it wasnt right to half cut the tree.  I took his first 3 climbing pegs so he couldnt get to the stand in the first place, and the main plan was for the tree to be blown over with winter storms after weaking it.  Its not easy to cut down a 2ft wide cottonwood tree with an ax.     The Sheriff is a thin spread force in these parts, and theres maybe 4 police for the town which is 30 miles.  They arent as easy to get out for a trespasser as you would think.

The question I ask since many say id be in jail for the tree fall on this guy is, your walking through a park, or pubic land maybe even private and a tree blows over on you, who are you suing?   Maybe it was dead, or weakened by a beaver, or whatever.   Who do you blame?   


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Re: Poacher
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2011, 01:32:35 AM »
If no one had damaged the tree it would be an act of God . If it was a dead tree in a public park you sue the owners of the park as it was a nusance . Same could be said on private land in areas where people frequent. IF YOU CUT A TREE PART WAY AND LEAVE IT IN A WAY THAT COULD HURT SOMEONE IT IS A TRAP .
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Offline charles p

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Re: Poacher
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2011, 02:50:18 PM »
When I was in the Coast Guard, my men often boarded vessels to search for drugs.  We left one person aboard our boat with an M16 and put three on the suspect boat.  Often we would use a female in the boarding party and she carried a 870 pump with no round in the chamber.  At the first hint of any problem, or whenever a foreign crewman could not understand English, we were taught to nod to the female who would then shuck a round into the barrel.  It was an attention getter as most people we boarded were already leary of the female with the shotgun.  A sudden apprehension of the English language was normally accomplished.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Poacher
« Reply #37 on: March 02, 2011, 03:06:19 PM »
I would be very careful about taking his stands. In most juridictions that is theft. Now if you removed them and left them on the side of the road you would have a case of it not being theft. We had a case of where a local land owner in a bunch of small wood lots thought one of our stands was on his property he took the stand. He was charged with felony theft, his caim to innocence was he thought it was on his property. The sheriff informed him that even if it would have been on his property it would still have been theft. He plead guilty to a lesser charge and knows the well marked property lines are now.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline mechanic

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Re: Poacher
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2011, 04:23:51 PM »
I would be very careful about taking his stands. In most juridictions that is theft. Now if you removed them and left them on the side of the road you would have a case of it not being theft. We had a case of where a local land owner in a bunch of small wood lots thought one of our stands was on his property he took the stand. He was charged with felony theft, his caim to innocence was he thought it was on his property. The sheriff informed him that even if it would have been on his property it would still have been theft. He plead guilty to a lesser charge and knows the well marked property lines are now.

The law is whatever the local law wants it to be.  I had trespassers on my land this year as well, but I left them notes on the stands that I would give them two weeks to move them.  Then I used orange flagging to indicate the property line.  The stands are still propped up against my barn.  I left address, phone numbers, etc. where they could contact me to pick  them show thus far.

Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)


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Re: Poacher
« Reply #39 on: March 03, 2011, 03:17:38 AM »
if someone places a stand on someone elses posted land they are inviolation of the law. comming back to get it they violate the law once more . If I find anything on my land and no one is around then I feel it was disgarded there and they can explain why they violated the law twice .
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