Alright got the pics resized and up.

Optima - 100 yards - 100gr Pyrodex Pellets - 270gr Platinum Powerbelt. Didn't like the 270s at all.

Next up i changed to the 300gr Platinum Powerbelt with 100gr Pyrodex Pellets.
For the life of me, i dont know which hole shot #3 went into. They impacted surprisingly low.

Just to make sure it wasnt a fluke, i took a 5 shot group. All this shooting and ZERO swabbing.

No mistake about that! 100gr Pyrodex Pellets and the 300gr PB Platinum is a winner for this rifle.
I had to switch to the smaller dot as the Konus Pro 3-10x44 has super fine cross hairs. That orange dot i think is maybe 1/4" in diameter.

After taking the rifle home to clean out, It cleaned up with 2 patches when using muzzle foam. Followed up with a single patch of bore scrubber just to clean it better and went out again with the 295gr powerbelt hollow points and 100gr Pyrodex Pellets.

Switched muzzle loaders and brought out my nephews Wolf with 100gr blackhorn209, cci 209m primers and the 295gr Powerbelt hollow points.
If you can make it out, thats shot #1 though this $55 Bushnell 3-9x40 scope @ 100 yards.

That load kicks like a mule though so one of these days i am going to zero it in again with its normal 90gr load. Its amazing how much less it kicks with 10 grains less BH209.