What a conversation on this subject. I would agree with Kyode and Graybeard and select the 10" 7TCU as my first and last choice. I have a 10" and a 14" 7TCU and they are my most used barrels out of 11 others. The reason is that they both provide superb accuracy, power and ease of shooting. How powerful are they, you might ask? Yesterday, I set up 10 500 meter Silhouette Rams and made certain they were hard set. With the 14" barreled 7TCU and a Hornady 162 grain spbt, I knocked down the first 5 in a row. I got cocky and missed a few and rang two of them. But that is a feat for a 7TCU. At 100 yards, most any shot on a dear would be a slam dunk.
I must really be getting old. I read about you ole bad boys shooting 357 Herretts and 44 Mags in a 10" TC, it makes me pucker up.
About 35 years ago, I fired a 10" octagonal barreled 44 magnum with the original Thompson thumb buster. That was more fun than I could stand then and now. Some time after that experience, I was shooting next to an Old Timer at the range from a bench rest. Every time his Thompson went off, my beard nearly caught fire and my lips flapped from the blast. However, I watched him and there was hardly any recoil at all and it looked like he was loading 44 Mags in the beast. I couldn't believe the lack of recoil that he was exhibiting.
I had to ask what he was shooting and of course, like all shooters that I know, they immediately offer for you to shoot their gun.
Well, I determined that the old coot must have had a grip like a steel vice. I damned near rearranged my forehead with the barrel of the TC.
When I read about folks shooting the big bad boys in contenders, I want you to know that you guys have gotta be some tough critters and you have my respect.
I am sticking with my 7TCU and possibly a 7-30 Waters.
Harold Clark