Some people seem to think of Redding dies as premium quality and a cut above most of the rest. I'm not one of them. I've used Redding dies and like them fine but when loading same round for same rifle on them and other brands I've not been able to see any superiority to them yet they will usually cost more to buy. I've not needed to sent one back for repair so don't know their policy on that.
I've sent lots of stuff back to RCBS and they always fixed it even when my fault at no cost to me.
So far everything I've had to sent back to Hornady has been handled exactly the same way as RCBS. Free of charge. I've really come to love that Hornady seater and especially with the Micro Just added. I'll take it over any other seater I've used so far. I'm not quite as fond of the sizer deprime die. I could really live just as well or better without the collet feature thank you. But I've learned to live with it and found that if you properly clean it and tighten it down good it works just as well as even if no better than anyone else's. Give that I generally get Hornady for most everything these days given a choice.
Still I have dies from Lee, Lyman, Forster, Redding, RCBS as well as Hornady I use and ya know what? If ya do the job right all of them produce ammo that shoots as well as any of the others do.