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Offline bigbird09

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Wanting some opinoins
« on: January 19, 2011, 01:06:09 PM »
As you know i was looking for a cheap .22 not so long ago, but now I have another delima.  I'm kinda partial to bolt guns for some odd reason, so I was kinda looking for a something along those lines in a .22.  Then I got to thinking that the ruger 10/22 is a decent little platform that can be made very accurate and also has a lot of options for it.  So I'm gonna post kinda what I'm looking for and what I'm gonna do and see what kind of opinions I get from ya'll that have been around longer than I.  Basically it will be mainly used for plinking, but I want it to be extremely accurate, but I don't want a dedicated bench gun.  I do plan to use it for some squirrel hunting ever now and again.  As said I'm kinda partial to bolt guns, but the ease of use of an autoloader could be nice and fun for plinking, but it would have to be reliable.  Let me know what you guys think, and feel free to ask me any other question that you need.  Also I'm gonna say that my budget will probably be around $250 or so.
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Offline trotterlg

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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2011, 01:39:15 PM »
To get a 10-22 that is "extremely accurate"  you will probably have to double your budget.  A nice bolt gun like a Remington 581 or 582 will be within your range probably and will likely out shoot a tricked out 10-22.  Now I am sure that someone will chime in with their 10-22 stories of 10 rounds in one hole at 200 yards, but those are only urban miths.  Larry
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Offline PowPow

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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2011, 02:54:27 PM »
I was on the same path for a plinker bolt gun about 8 months ago.
Savages have a reputation for accuracy across their whole product line.
The Savage Mark II has accutrigger, hardwood stock and a MSRP of $240.
I ended up buying a CZ 452 American, because it has a checkered walnut stock and a great reputation for out-of-box accuracy.
I can hit shotgun shells reliably at 100 yds with a scope and bipod mounted.
Mine was a LH version so it was MSRP, but I think you may be able to find a RH version for a lot less.
My 10/22 is completely factory, and has "hunting accuracy"; shot a crow at 60 yards with a red dot and some luck.
The thing about an autoloader is, at 3 cents a shot, you just keep shooting til you hit it.

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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2011, 01:04:07 AM »
  With that budget & for mostly plinking the 10/22 would do. I wouldn't sink to much $$ into it, just the trigger for starters. That Browning T-Bolt seems nice, up near $500 though. I just bought a slightly used BL-22, lever action Browning. It's fun & something a little different. I'd also keep an eye out for local used guns. That would be shops or private sales.
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Offline trotterlg

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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 08:00:11 AM »
Today I see Cabelas has a Savage scoped combo 22 bolt gun with accutrigger on sale for $199.00.  That would probably hard to beat and well under your budget.  Larry
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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2011, 10:35:44 AM »
Ruger 7722 add a good scope and be done with it .
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Offline shiprex

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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2011, 10:58:37 AM »
For around $250 and some patience/effort to shop, you can get a very accurate Savage or Marlin with a scope (packaged or picked by you).  They are realatively inexpensive, within your stated budget, accurate, and both offer bolts and semi-autos, with the bolts being only slightly more accurate.  If you want to spend closer to that $400-600, then the up-grades are as mentioned above.  Lots of choices and price ranges, but for the buck and accuracy, it's hard to argue against the savages and marlins.


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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2011, 03:24:43 PM »
I have a 10/22 and a CZ Scout, both in your price range.
The 10/22 had a terrible trigger (most do), but that was easily fixed with a Volquartsen hammer. It will shoot under an inch at 50 yards with quality ammo, and a half inch with CCI SV or Mini Mag solids.
The CZ Scout is just as accurate, maybe more. It doesn't seem as finicky about ammo.
I shoot the CZ more often, it's just a great little gun. I took the scope off of it and just shoot it iron sights now. I dunno why, I just get a kick out of that little gun. It comes with a single shot adapter, but also takes 5 or 10 round mags.
If you want a dedicated scope gun, get the CZ American.
If you like open sights, take a look at the CZ Trainer, fantastic tangent sights, great stock design.
The Lux is the walnut stocked version of the Trainer, I have one in .22WMR, great gun.

I still shoot the 10/22 occasionally, but my CZs get a lot more range time.

Offline Keith L

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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2011, 04:57:06 PM »
Ruger 7722 add a good scope and be done with it .

You won't even get a real good scope for $250, and last time I checked the 77/22 was more than that also.  I think in that price range Savage is hard to beat.
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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2011, 02:14:17 AM »
Well no matter the rifle the scope is a seperate cost. I buy used most of the time so finding a good 7722 used would be my plan. But still it might be a tad higher than 250. But then the rings come with it. I guess from experince I would rather save a little longer and up grade.
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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2011, 06:31:57 AM »
If you wanting a fun plinking 22 I would take a look at a Henry lever action. I have a Browning lever action 22 that everyone enjoys shooting but the Henry would be more in your price range. I have one on the way. I also have a Roger 10/22 that is alot of fun to shoot also. Bolt action guns are probably going to be the most accurate but the are boring for plinking in my opinion. Marlin has a new one comming out soon that I would take a look at. The nice thing about any of these guns is they aren terribly expensive and you could get more than one!

Offline gunnut69

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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2011, 07:24:27 PM »
It used to be simple just find a gun show and buy a good used M69A winchester a;ready drilled or with grooves for mounting a sdcope and voila!! Not so much any more.. The prices have risen drastically and the quantity has fallen. Many have disappeared into collections but they can still be had.. The last one I bought had been factory drilled for a Lyman receiver sight and still had the winchester front for the receiver sight option,, It was missing the butt plate(?????) and magazine. The mags for these rifles are easily available from Brownells and are some of the best ever built.. Oh almost forgot- I paid the asking price--$75... The Browning lever rifle is a relatively low cost rifle for the quality and I have no reason why.. I have several 10./22's and are OK but the accuracy of the others I've spoken about is in a totally different leaque.. The real genius of the 10/22 is the ease with which parts can be swapped! A gun built for the tinkerer.. Another rifle I should mention even though you may not be interested is the M67 Winchester. The long 27 inch barrel and simple nature of this rifle belie the normal level of accuracy. I have never seen a rifle shoot even close and be anywhere  near the same price range.. and they can usually be purchased for under $200, much less if drilled for a scope..
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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2011, 08:31:08 AM »
If you want a bolt action, look for a Marlin model 81, great shooters, affordable and durable.
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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2011, 05:13:34 PM »
The marlin bolt action 22s are a real bargain as well as the savages. But for me I'd check the used gun market for a older Remington or Winchester bolt action. Those guns would shoot and are still a great find.  ;D


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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2011, 05:54:10 PM »
I've got an old Stevens Model 86C bolt action. It's one of the best shooting rifles I've ever owned... I wouldn't trade it for 3 Ruger 10-22's


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Re: Wanting some opinoins
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2011, 09:13:21 AM »
i got one of those rem 5 models they imported for a while. made by zastava. very accurate and still available as zastava 5. you might like it as an inexpensive bolt .22. all steel and wood, solid feel
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