I bought two Coopers last year when local dealers had (rare) sales on them. Both mine in varmint cal's. came with ragged-hole test targets; have heard about the 47 yard range, but prefer to believe their "less than half-inch group with 'match-grade' factory ammo" pledge - mine did exactly that, as I'm still breaking them in and haven't handloaded for them yet. Most of their centerfires are single-shot, if that's an issue; however their new Model 54 short-action repeater looks tempting, but it's more $. First Stop Guns is a good place to buy; you can also check out some of their large selection on
Some owners have complained of bolt durability problems, and some of the newer wood might not be the quality it once was. But when you consider the cost of upgrading/customizing a "generic" rifle and compare it to the price of a Cooper, the Cooper starts to look like a bargain (but don't tell them that - they might raise prices!)