I heard a good comment yesterday that I thought I would share. "All republican want less government telling them what to do, but they don't have any problem trying to tell some young woman what to do, when it comes to abortion." Honestly I got to thinking about it and most of the stories that I have heard this rings fairly true.
So, Bigbird from this statement I assume that you don’t consider a baby inside its mother a human life. You imply that no one should tell a woman what to do when it comes to abortion. At what point do you think we should be able to tell a mother, “wait you can’t kill your child, it’s a human being?
The Declaration of Independence says All men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. Most notable of these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Every person in this country is protected by these words except the preborn child and a convicted felon. For what crime do you think a preborn forfeits his or her Constitutional rights? Mainly their right to life.
Shortly after the fertilization of the egg the new life inside its mother has developed a protective hormone to prevent the mother’s body from rejecting it as foreign, since it is not a part of the mother. Within seventeen days of conception, the preborn has its own blood cells, and from then on, nothing new is added to the child except food, liquid, and time to grow. Around the twentieth day the entire nervous system has been laid down, and Mom doesn’t even know she is pregnant yet. At forty three days doctors can even measure the brain waves of a child. Meaning it’s a thinking child. By the ninth and tenth weeks a baby squints, swallows, and sucks it thumb.
Have you ever heard a mother refer to her preborn as a fetus, product of conception, or anything other than a baby? I know I haven’t.
I’m sure you like many are concerned about all the violence in this country, but many of these same people are comfortable with the millions of babies that are killed because of the deliberate decision of their mothers. If we accept the fact that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other? The blind, selfish, callous view of abortion in this country, will one day spill over into our nursing homes. Are you ready to accept that, as just getting rid of people that we don’t want anymore?
Isn't it convenient to accept the idea that an unborn child is not a human? It certainly makes it so much easier to say "its a woman's choice" and have it not sound insane. Doesn't it?