Personally I will take carbon over alums. I start with aluminums and I like the venture with them and being one of the few that still shot them at the time, but when it comes down to it carbons are generally more narrow so they will penetrate better, also carbons are either straight or broke, yes I know they do get some bend in them but not really a noticeable amount that is possible with alums. I have alway hated the WB. Sure it works, but if you have any errors in your form (which you will get more so in hunting because buck fever, rushed shots, and shooting down if shooting from a tree stand) it will magnify them, sometimes greatly. There are several good drop aways that do offer some sort of full containment so you don't have to worry about an arrow falling off. Among my favorite are the QUAD Ultrarest and the Ripcord. Expandable vs Fixed is one of the hardest to settle on. There are great broadheads on both side of the spectrum that I would shoot. One thing that a lot of people will tend to do that you shouldn't, is they will switch to expendables because they cannot group fixed blades. Fix blade broadhead should group just as good as FP with a properly tuned bow, if they do not this something is out of whack, and switching to expandables only covers that up, but you can still be losing precious energy, especially in a older slower bow. Also another thing to think about is if you are gonna shoot fingers or with a release. I prefer a release to fingers but that is just me. You can tend to get better groups with a release but groups from fingers are more than adequate for hunting. Also another thing is are you going to use feathes or vanes. I prefer the look of feathers over vanes. Also feathers tend to be more forgiving if you have any slight contact with a cable, string or the riser. Vanes with be more durable as well as being waterproof. Vanes will also generally be quieter than feathers, but feathers are faster out of the gate and stabilize better than vanes, and only at longer ranges (40+yrds) will vanes begin to take over feathers for speed, but truthfully the difference really shouldn't be a factor.