Author Topic: .460 Weatherby  (Read 3585 times)

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Offline Boomer68

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.460 Weatherby
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:02:11 PM »
Does anyone own and shoot one of these bad boys? I have a Mk V Japanese model with the pendleton brake.

Offline redneckdan

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 04:48:40 PM »
I look up info on the cartridge every once in a while when the urge strikes me.  Then I come to my sense and realize if i need that much horse power I might as well take the next step up and find bullet launcher with wheels on it.

Offline Boomer68

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 05:22:39 PM »

When closing the bolt on a cartridge, it is almost like loading artillery :)
Here are some I loaded up with 500gr Hornady solids and 115grs IMR4350

Offline bigbird09

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 05:51:30 PM »
god my shoulder hurts just looking at them....I WANT ONE.
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Offline mauserand9mm

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 12:22:42 AM »
I know one guy in out club that has one that's been Magna-Ported, or something similar. But even without that apparantly the recoil is not as bad as the 378 Weatherby, which is less in energy on paper, but much more slap to it.

There's another guy that fires a 505 Gibbs without recoil supression (and he shoots it very well). He must realise that asking if I want a shot would be a waste of time, since he's never asked so I've never had to knock back his offer.

I haven't been offered a shot with the afore mentioned 460 but would give it a go.

Offline drdougrx

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2011, 01:27:46 AM »
That cartridge has retinal detatchment written all over it!
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Offline GUNNUT in Iowa

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2011, 01:45:48 AM »
I have one.  It is the only gun that I own that has drawn my own blood - checkered bolt knob, recoil, abrasion on the trigger finger knuckle, OUCH!

I think the most I have ever shot it at one time is maybe three times - EXPENSIVE! - and somewhat painful.  I single load mine because I don't want to mess up the nice engine turning on the magazine floorplate.  Mine is the older model that has the magna ported barrel instead of the "corn cob compensator".  I think it sure is pretty.

The cartridge is not as big as my .50 BMG, but then again it does not weigh as much as the AR-50, so the 50 is very manageable compared to the Weatherby.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2011, 02:19:55 AM »
That cartridge has retinal detatchment written all over it!
my eye doctor said we need to stop with the various .300 magnums. and even those are suspect.
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Offline mauserand9mm

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2011, 02:03:57 PM »
I think it's the sharpness of the recoil and that relates to velocity, and that's why the 300 mags can be nasty too.

Many years ago I had a Brno 602 in 375H&H and my mate had an identical rifle in 300Win Mag. I could bench shoot mine all day long, but only tolerate a few shots through the 300WM off the bench.

Offline drdougrx

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2011, 02:24:11 PM »
Worst recoil I've ever felt is from my Ithica 37 slug gun with ounce and a quarter fed short mags.
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Offline Boomer68

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2011, 02:52:24 PM »
I used to own a .378 and it did not have a brake. The recoil was not as heavy as the .460 but it was very fast and could definitely cause eye damage. And probably break a few scopes too :)

Offline GeneRector

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2011, 06:42:40 PM »
 :) Howdy! I've always wanted to shoot a 460 Weatherby once or twice just for the experience to say that I have shot it! I probably will never get the chance; however, just something on my mind once in a while. Believe it or not, I read an article or a comment on the 378 Weatherby. Someone gave a rather compelling argument that it would be a great varmint/predator caliber. I think the 378 would be rather far down the list of my choices to be used for varmints, etc. I have heard that some of these big calibers can be tweaked to be used for smaller size game instead of elephant, etc. A few years ago I considered buying a 458 WinMag or 458 Lott rifle. However, I never did. I figured that it would just sit in the gun cabinet and become lmore of a conversation and show rifle. The 460 Weatherby has had its place in hunting big game for years. I used to think there would never be anything bigger than the 460; however, there are some now from what I have heard. Take care!  Always, Gene

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Offline Mike270375

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2011, 05:12:50 AM »
I have owned two 460s, both the Japanes with the Pendleton Dekicker, which is not nearly as effective as the Wby Accubrake.

I shot a lot of kangaroos, goats and pigs with them. Mainly used 115 grains of IMR 4350 or 115 grains of Win 760 and 500 grain Hornady. Both loads do right on 2500 f/s and are well below maximum.

Also used 85 grains of 4064 (no filler) which did right on 2000 f/s. That was very low pressure as a maximum load is at about 105 grains. I bedded both and floated both rifles and accuracy was consistently under an inch. The 85 grain 4064 load would shoot 3 shot triangles that were from 1 to 1.5 inches

Also used 28 grains of Dupont HiScor 700 X with 400 grain Speer and no filler. Velocity was right at 1300 f/s and it would cut ragged holes at 50 yards. Although recoil is nothing the Pendleton Dekicker still makes the rifle have a nasty crack. In fact that load in combination with the Pendleton Dekicker made me swear off integral muzzle brakes for all time.

I used heaps of other loads but forget most of them as the ones above were what I ended up using the most.

I have owned several 378s and an unbraked 378 kicks quite a bit more than the 460 with the Pendleton Dekicker and especially the Japanese 378s as the barrels are very light. Made in US 378s have the heavier barrel contour, same as the 416 and the Accumarks.

Withthe 400 grain Speer, don't load those with high velocity loadings. If you do the bullet appears to slug up in the barrel and it will nick the Pendleton Dekicker as it exist. You will see the notches where te bullets clip it. The nicks don't ruin the rifle's accuracy but it is very annoying just knowing they are there.

I have had a quite bit to do with other 460s and eveyone of them that was correctly bedded would shoot an inch and less with the 115 grains of IMR 4350 or 760 and the 500 grain bullet.

The 460 is great big bore to play with. I have worked with the 450 Ackley and comparing the two is like the 460 is a big V8 and does the 2400 plus in cruise mode.

Offline charles p

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2011, 01:28:32 PM »
Just wondering why you shoot goats, pigs, and kangaroo with a 460?  Thought it was designed for dangerous game.

I suppose if you are shooting kangaroo, you are in Australia.  Do you have any dangerous game there or do you also hunt in Africa?

Offline Halwg

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2011, 02:08:49 PM »
Funny...that's twice as much IMR-4350 as I use in my 30-06.  I figured you'd use a slower powder in a case that large.
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Offline mauserand9mm

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2011, 11:38:12 PM »
charles p, I also live in Australia. We have asiatic buffalo in the Northern Territory (these are not native to Australia by the way). I'm not sure they can be classed as dangerous game though. From what I've seen and heard they are fairly sedate, unlike the Cape Buffalo in Africa.

Unless you know a property owner over here, hunting buffalo is outragiously expensive. I understand that the industry is targeting overseas hunters, mainly from Europe, where the cost is more attractive (due to currency differences).

I've used my 458WM on rabbits and pigs, with reduced loads to suit.

Offline Drilling Man

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2011, 01:16:56 PM »
  I've fired both the 378 and 460, the 460 had a  brake and it didn't have as much felt recoil as the 378.  I really didn't like either one, so never bought one.


Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2011, 11:20:23 PM »
my buddy has both a 416 and a 460. Ive shot them both with and without a break and alothough im not a fan of breaks on these there about manditory. Without breaks on them i thought the 416 was the worse of the two. With breaks on both the 460 had a bit more. Niether are what id call a gun id be shooting for fun. It was more work then fun and after shooting about 20 rounds of each i had a real good headache. Part of it probably comes from the weatherby stock. Its just a stock that i never did like and it tends to pop you in the jaw. Funny thing was that after putting them down i shot one round of factort 500s out of his 458 #1 and it felt like shooting an 06 after taking that pounding.
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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2011, 01:50:22 PM »
The 460 in a Mark 5 with muzzle brake is actually quite mellow to shoot, even off the bench, the non ported 458 lott in the cz 550 has more felt recoil.
 Is whats fun is shooting 350 gr X bullets at around 3000 FPS, this load will pulvarize any thin skinned game in the usa.
Ruger #1 .500 A-Square
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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2011, 01:59:21 PM »
Does anyone own and shoot one of these bad boys? I have a Mk V Japanese model with the pendleton brake.
The pendleton brake model is one of the better muzzle brake designs, Less noise but still quite effective at recoil reduction. Those new brakes are LOUD
Ruger #1 .500 A-Square
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Remington 700 375 H&H
Weatherby MK 5 458 winny
S&W X frame 500 4 inch

Offline us920669

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Re: .460 Weatherby
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2011, 12:45:01 PM »
There was a magazine article 2 or 3 years ago, they were testing scopes with the 460, took one to a range, tried to get anyone to shoot it, maybe hot handloads.  They broke their lead sled, then a scope mount came off, sheared the screws right off.  Sounds incredible but there were pictures.  There is also a youtube somewhere with guys shooting a 600 Tyrannosaurus, indoors, looked like a ballistics lab or something.  A few dropped the rifle, one got bowled over so bad he broke the glass door behind him.  Some may not have been experienced shooters.  I've had 458s with no break, really not that bad,  but the most foot pounds I ever threw was with a Ruger Magnum in 416 Rigby, loaded to the fare-the-well, I'm afraid.  Weight is everything and the heavy Ruger felt like a shotgun, just a push.  The gun that hurt me the most was a light Styer in 308 and I think the problem there was a too-squishy recoil pad that would bottom out while the rifle was still moving pretty fast.