Author Topic: Have you ever had to use your wepon?  (Read 3979 times)

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Offline 10_point

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Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:08:39 AM »
I am in the process getting my CCL, my wife keeps questioning me if I really think I need it. My answer to her (besides the fact that we live in a county ruled by drugs) is that I would rather be packing and not need it then need it and not have it. But I am wondering if any of you have ever had to draw on some one before and if you don't mind shearing, how did it play out?


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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2011, 08:18:51 AM »
Many may feel it best to not ansewer this as it could bring them some trouble. I have when a couple bad guys tried to enter my home and they were arrested. The best ansewer for your wife IMHO would be that if enough go armed and it is likely that a criminal may pick an armed person in an attack he might move on. The idea is to make it difficult for bad guys to know who totes a gun . Another time more to your question - while on a service call a guy came toward another guy with me. The bad guy did not see me . He pulled a gun as he approched. I drew mine and drew his attention by saying something loud and strong . He looked at my gun and turnned and walked away. Things could not have worked out better ! I venture to say most confrontations end this way no shots fired.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 10:40:52 AM »
I lived in Va.
At the time CCW was not a right and you needed a permit.  Later they changed it and I got one.
But the time I needed the gun I had it one my.
My car was stolen and they found the guy after he crashed the car, stole a dump truck and firearms were found in my car that were not mine.  Everyone was afraid of this guy and none were willing to testafy against him.  I started to carry my gun as his friends lived in my apartment complex.  His friends met me, I was on a bike at the time with base all bats.  I produced a Sig Sauer P226 and then owned two base ball bats.  I was hesitant about shooting them.  They were inbetween me and my neighbors, that had kids, window and was afraid of where bullets would go and I was illegally carrying.
all ended well and the next day or two when his friends told him I was going to testafy against him in open court he plead to 55 years NO parole.
A handgun is like a parachute and when you need one nothing else will work as well.
With that said you may take more risks with one on your hip that you normally would and that same tool that can get you out of troubel can get you in a whole lot deerper too.

Offline kynardsj

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2011, 12:53:38 PM »
Have never ( Thank God ) had to fire in a self defence situation but back in the mid seventies producing a Colt 38 Super got me thru a couple of bad situations that I otherwise wouldn't have faired well. For a long time now I'm either carrying or I'm just not far from one of my guns. Some call it paranoid, I call it being prepared.
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Offline Mohawk

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2011, 01:17:24 PM »
I can't speak for anybody else but me as  such things are usually not discussed. I will not discuss my experiences but yes such needs do arise in which folks need to defend themselves. I will say the law is fair in such matters, at least here. And I will add that it is my belief that I would not be alive today, and expecting my new baby, had it not been for self defense. I think you can draw your conclusions. 


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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2011, 01:34:48 PM »
I am in the process getting my CCL, my wife keeps questioning me if I really think I need it. My answer to her (besides the fact that we live in a county ruled by drugs) is that I would rather be packing and not need it then need it and not have it. But I am wondering if any of you have ever had to draw on some one before and if you don't mind shearing, how did it play out?

once captured and held a carthief  hiding in my yard
held him at gun point till  police arrived

once punched in a parking  lot....he ran at the sight of my gun..i was under age..   illegal]

was attacked in a marina  i managed
sprayed  him with  HOT  did  he  run
i  was almost arrested over  that....but they gave me my gun back and let me go

but  from  you original  post
they  don't rule the country  i live in
drugs  played no role  in ANY  if  my incounters
most drug dealers  i know.....and  that  is a few  more than  i should
are  actually  very honest  folks...contrary  to  what  people that  DON'T  know  think
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline bubba

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2011, 02:00:29 PM »
Approximately 25 years ago, I was at my hunting camp.  My buddy and I went up to spend a week . I rode with him.  Well on Thursday night, he got the itch so to speak, and decided to go home for the night.  Well I decided to stay at camp with no vehicle, as he was coming back the next day.  Anyway around 2:30AM after the local establishments closed, I was awakened by lights in the yard and the door being ripped open as it was latched from the inside.  I was behind the curtain where the beds were.  Well it was two couples who thought the place was empty and were looking for a rendevous so to speak.  Well they were surprised when they were looking down the barrel of my 357.  They scrambled and headed out the door.  Well, my camp is 1 mile off the highway and 3 miles from the closest town.  I was a little nervous back there with no vehicle and the middle of the night.  So, I sat up the rest of the night and at day break, I went to town to phone the sheriff.  I got a plate number and description of the vehicle.  They found them and they wanted to press charges against me for pulling a gun. Long story short, the cop laughed at them and said they were lucky I wasn't trigger happy.  Funny thing our camp never got broke into again.   Was I ready to use the gun yes. Am I glad I didn't have to yes
”A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again.”

Molon Labe

Remember... Four boxes keep us free: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.

Offline torpedoman

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2011, 03:06:41 PM »
As most have stated the presence of a gun usually ends trouble with no need to fire it. A guy was trying to start a problem one evening and i guy who knew me told him" leave that old man alone I have never seen him without a pistol in his pocket" no more problem.
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Offline 10_point

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2011, 03:11:52 PM »
Thanks guys for reinforcing my belief that a CCL can save the life of me and my family. It is nor the drug dealers Im so worried about its the users who just got there daily dose of powdered courage and   is looking for some trouble. So to the above post, drugs in the county have alot to do with me getting a CCL. That and the face that with my new line of work I may have released inmates looking for revenge for what ever reason.


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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2011, 03:28:14 PM »
ccl  is real cheap insurance

your doing the right thing....for  you and your  family

also  as mentioned before.....
haveing  the right paople armed.....does us all  good
especially when  WHO  KNOWS  WHO  IS  ARMED

that  indistinquisable  armed  citizen  must really  scare the bad  guys
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2011, 10:53:23 PM »
A CCL will not save your life--you have to. You are your first line of defense.
If it were illegal---would you carry.
I don't understand this facination with "have you ever".
If you have to will you.
You need to think about all of this. Macho is not the answer.

Offline bubba

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2011, 12:23:58 AM »
getting a ccl is the first step.  The second is proper training so if you do need to use a handgun, you are ready for it.  In the hands of an untrained person, a "weapon" is more of  a hindurance than a help.  A lot of untrained people have their guns used against them.  Most good training involves learning how to not have to use a gun. 
”A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again.”

Molon Labe

Remember... Four boxes keep us free: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.

Offline Mikey

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2011, 01:15:12 AM »
1) Never ask that sort of a question in a open forum, it may well create a terrible liability for some. 

2) It is better to have and not need than to need and not have. 

3) Ask your wife if she really believes a 911 call will ever get help to her in enough time to save her life.  If she is really that naive, get her a damn cell phone and a healthy insurance policy, while   you get the gun.  But, make it a point that she knows: a)how to dial 911 in a emergency,  b) how long it will take from the time she calls in a emergency until the law arrives and c) then let her know that without the means to defend herself, she (and your daughter if there is one) will simply be hostages in your own home and at the mercy of a possibly drugged up criminal, rapist or murderer.  Oh yeah - d) don't forget to tell her how you are going to spend the insurance money.........................  Naivette has it's place when it's cute but when it's not cute and turn deadly there is no excuse for it.  jmtcw.

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2011, 03:07:00 AM »
45-70, I don't think I'd hold a car thief at gun point 'til cops arrived.  That could have ended badly, pointing a gun at someone unarmed.  It sounds as if your motive went beyond self protection.  Also, I wouldn't display a gun at someone who had punched me, unless I was afraid he was going to punch me severely.  Then again, I wasn't there.  Just responding to facts stated.   

Offline shot1

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2011, 03:29:26 AM »
One thing everybody should learn is this. YOU NEVER THREATEN SOMEONE WITH A GUN. If you have to pull a gun on somebody it had better be smoking. Trying to threaten someone will get you into BIG trouble. First off it can get you killed. If you hesitate in a situation that your fear level has risen to the point that you feel that sever body harm or death is imminent trying to bluff or scare off the threat will get you DEAD.  If someone pulled a gun on me and hesitated and tried to threaten me and I was within 5 feet of them I would have their gun in a heart beat if I was unarmed and that is very seldom. At the least you can be sued for brandishing a weapon or reckless endangerment.  Before you start carrying a weapon you need to make up your mind if the situation arises I WILL SHOOT. Then practice, practice, practice shooting from your carry position with every weapon you will be carrying. It is smart to just carry just one weapon ALL THE TIME.  That way it is automatic. You don't have to think about where the safety is etc etc. I hate external safeties myself because I have seen it get people hurt and killed. They forget to switch it to fire in a high stress situation and by the time they realize they have pulled the trigger a few times and the weapon did not fire they are shot or are already dead. I like Glock type safeties and revolvers. You just pull the trigger.

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2011, 04:52:27 AM »
Well said, Shot1.  Glocks and revolvers.  Simple is safer.  Of all the guns I owned and have owned, my favorite carry is a Charter Arms .44.  We can call it a cheap gun, and we can say it holds too few rounds, but for me, if I ever really need a gun, that's the one I want on my belt.  I know for sure it will function.  I know for sure a .44 is sufficient.  It's light and easy too carry.  Best of all, it's simple, simple, simple. 


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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2011, 05:36:51 AM »
45-70, I don't think I'd hold a car thief at gun point 'til cops arrived.  That could have ended badly, pointing a gun at someone unarmed.  It sounds as if your motive went beyond self protection.  Also, I wouldn't display a gun at someone who had punched me, unless I was afraid he was going to punch me severely.  Then again, I wasn't there.  Just responding to facts stated.   

thanks for  you scrutiny

the car theif...i new the police were chasing  him
he was  under  my house  and  under attack  from  me boxer  dog

the guy that punched was a set  up...
.i had a reputation as a street fighter back then...he thought fighting me would prove something
i had stuck a skill saw in my leg the 2 days before...was  hunting earlier that day

the  guy i sprayed with  brass  with  my  sub-machine gun
attacked me in my place of business...castle doctrine  extends  there
also he was told to  leave earlier that  night  by  sherriffs department  for  fighting
also  had right eye cut the day was  patched....[ok now]
there  were people behind  him...i guess  i could have safely   cut his legs out from under him
but  the HOT  brass  stopped the attack....and that is  my concern
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2011, 11:01:11 AM »
The idea of never pulling ones gun with out fireing it "smoking" is not good advice.
Lets look at it, first before you carry a gun you must have already decided that if needed you will use it to defene yourself and others you feel responsible for. If not willing to don't tote. When you tote leave the ego home , run from every fight you can. Some you won't be able to run from though. Hers the deal IF YOU FEAR FOR YOUR LIFE you can do what any reasonable person would do in the same situation. So if you capture a person that has made you fear for your life in reality he stays because he decides to . BECAUSE IF HE RUNS YOU WON"T SHOOT or should not as he is retreating. The gun was out to protect you. Why put it away ?
 Now if you fear for your life and pull the gun and the attacker backs off again why shoot him ? If there are wittnesses you will most likely be at fault for a crime . THE IDEA IS TO MAKE THE ATTACKER STOP WHAT EVER HE IS DOING THAT MAKES YOU FEAR FOR YOUR LIFE.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2011, 11:34:26 AM »
Shootall, that is my thinking also.  All serious threats do not come up instantaneously.  Some you see coming.  If the threat is real and obvious and deadly, it's a good idea to get your weapon out.  Not to display it, but to have that much more time in your favor.  Just because you draw it does not mean you'll end up using it. 

Another point related to holding someone until police arrive:  If you are not a policeman yourself, don't take folks into custody, which is exactly what you're doing if you point a gun at him for the purpose of detaining him.  The really big difference between police and non-police is the fact that cops are obligated to be aggressive against violators.  From an expired inspection sticker to a murder suspect, police go in with the intent to enforce the law, no matter how far circumstances escalate, even if it means shooting, they are obligated not to back away.  Not us.  "It's better to run than to shoot" does not apply to police.  Yet, even police officers do not hold a gun on someone to keep them from running.  If they point a gun at someone it's because there is a threat to themselves or others.  And I know from 30+ years of employment, a police officer points many more times in his career than he shoots.     


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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2011, 11:40:22 AM »
My biggest worry is that when police show up they see the good guy pointing a gun at someone. They may not know who is good or bad . Not a good place to be .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dee

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2011, 12:02:39 PM »
Concealed carry pistols are handy to have around, and not just for personal defense. Back in the summer a large dog that looked like a Rottweiler broke out the front window up on the highway to get out of his owners house. I had never seen the dog until he visited my place with the intentions of disassembling my Jack Russell. After I got my wife out of the way whom had one of those short aluminum ball bats, I tried to bluff the dog into leaving. He in return, tried to bluff me into leaving, and since it was my place I called with a Model 60 Smith I "ALWAYS" CARRY. He left with one and one quarter ear, and a lesson in bluffing. A head shot on an aggressive dog is an iffy thing with a two inch barrel, but he got the idea and left.
The police (I called them) looked at the matter and determined I did what needed to be done. I waived filing charges on the owner, as they were apologetic, and agreed the dog had an attitude. It really was an odd occurrence and know one knows what possessed the dog to break out a front window to get out. Maybe a cat in the front yard, maybe the mail man. Who knows
Analogy? I spent 21 years carrying a weapon on duty, and never broke the habit. I used it twice to win fights, and numerous times to stop a situation, but it was a different enviorment in that arena.
A pistol is a tool, just like a pocket knife around my place. My wife, and even my 79 year old mother carries. And her mother carried into her eighties.
I have an Iver Johnson break top in 38 Smith & Wesson laying in my safe that my great grandmother carried when Oklahoma was barely a state. She carried it in her apron pocket, and used it for travelling trouble makers, and to catch chickens she could not catch. I guess it runs in the family carryin. Spiritually God created all men equal. Col. Colt caught them up physically.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline 10_point

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2011, 12:47:07 PM »
Apologizes to all, I didn't mean to offend any one I wouldn't want you to post anything on here that might open a re investigation. I guess what I was really wanting to know was had the CCL ever came in handy to any one on this board.
Back in the summer a large dog that looked like a Rottweiler broke out the front window up on the highway to get out of his owners house. I had never seen the dog until he visited my place with the intentions of disassembling my Jack Russell. After I got my wife out of the way whom had one of those short aluminum ball bats, I tried to bluff the dog into leaving. He in return, tried to bluff me into leaving, and since it was my place I called with a Model 60 Smith I "ALWAYS" CARRY. He left with one and one quarter ear, and a lesson in bluffing. A head shot on an aggressive dog is an iffy thing with a two inch barrel, but he got the idea and left.
The police (I called them) looked at the matter and determined I did what needed to be done. I waived filing charges on the owner, as they were apologetic, and agreed the dog had an attitude.

I'm curious as to why you called the police over shooting a dog? Here in ky I can kill ANY domestic animal that comes on my property for ANY reason I want. How do I know? Because I probably killed over 200 dogs and had the owners call the cops on me about 50 times, they all were told the same thing... That ky has a "put up" law and there lucky I don't sue for any damages the animal may have done. We own a dog kennel that is our lively hood and WILL NOT tolerate people letting there animals run who knows where and then bringing parvo  to my home/place of business resulting in me losing thousands worth of dogs. Any way, I was just wondering if in your state the police get involved with that kind of stuff.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2011, 12:58:06 PM »
Well Dee is inside the town limits and any fireing is wise to be reported.
I will be honest---at my age and physical condition, If I draw it i am going to shoot. i will not draw it unless I feel there is a reason to fear. At 70, a blow can leave you worse than dead.

Don't pull it if you are afraid to pull it.

Offline Dee

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2011, 01:18:41 PM »
Apologizes to all, I didn't mean to offend any one I wouldn't want you to post anything on here that might open a re investigation. I guess what I was really wanting to know was had the CCL ever came in handy to any one on this board.
Back in the summer a large dog that looked like a Rottweiler broke out the front window up on the highway to get out of his owners house. I had never seen the dog until he visited my place with the intentions of disassembling my Jack Russell. After I got my wife out of the way whom had one of those short aluminum ball bats, I tried to bluff the dog into leaving. He in return, tried to bluff me into leaving, and since it was my place I called with a Model 60 Smith I "ALWAYS" CARRY. He left with one and one quarter ear, and a lesson in bluffing. A head shot on an aggressive dog is an iffy thing with a two inch barrel, but he got the idea and left.
The police (I called them) looked at the matter and determined I did what needed to be done. I waived filing charges on the owner, as they were apologetic, and agreed the dog had an attitude.

I'm curious as to why you called the police over shooting a dog? Here in ky I can kill ANY domestic animal that comes on my property for ANY reason I want. How do I know? Because I probably killed over 200 dogs and had the owners call the cops on me about 50 times, they all were told the same thing... That ky has a "put up" law and there lucky I don't sue for any damages the animal may have done. We own a dog kennel that is our lively hood and WILL NOT tolerate people letting there animals run who knows where and then bringing parvo  to my home/place of business resulting in me losing thousands worth of dogs. Any way, I was just wondering if in your state the police get involved with that kind of stuff.

10_point have you ever heard a Model 60 2" go off with a 125 grain JHP in 357 mag go off? The entire neighborhood heard this one, and although they all thanked me, they heard it just the same.
Also as william pointed out I am barely in the city limits, but in them I am. Also, I didn't know the dog owner, and I wanted the matter looked at by the police.  Although I was tryin to kill the dog, I didn't but, instead uglied his head up some, and he left the premises. Had my shot been better, he would have been treated with the SSS method.
I was in no fear of prosecution as we have the Castle Doctrine in Texas, but when the animal left, I wanted the matter made crystal clear to all. A neighbor up the road also heard the shot, and saw the results, and wanted to file charges on me even though it wasn't his dog. Everyone knew I had had a run in with him over his pit bull, and the whole damn neighborhood, including the local police, and constable came down and told me they would go to court with me if the judge accepted the complaint. When the neighbor saw this, he backed down, and moved out of the rented house to parts unknown. I am, as some know, a matter of fact ole fart, and the young pit bull owner didn't quite understand my propensity of so much clarity.
Since then the City Mgr whom also backed me, has bought the house and has moved in. 
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2011, 03:09:22 PM »
ohh, makes since now.. Living with in viewing distance of neighbors must suck. Dee, when he said he was going to press charges you should have asked him if he wanted to send his dog over Normally when some one gets hateful with me for killing there dog I say something along the lines of "I bet you keep the next one put up wont you?" and they normally do for a few months, then there buying a new dog.

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2011, 04:11:59 PM »
Actually the guy had flagged me down about 2 years ago and asked if I could help get a flat off his car. I went home, loaded an air compressor, and impact wrench into my pickup, and went back to his house to get the tire off. While I was there, his wife had let their pit bull out in the front yard with us. As I was gettin ready to leave, I told him I always helped my neighbors and they me, but his pit bull was not welcome at my place. He assured me ti was friendly, and I assured him as nicely as I could that pit bulls were shot on site on my place. After I left my younger neighbor whom was helping us, told him I was good ole man, but always meant what I said, and would indeed kill his pit if he allowed it to roam on my place.
Well he resented my attitude toward pit bulls, and when he got the chance to try and get even, he took it. Problem was, my neighbors agreed with me but unlike me lacked the intestinal fortitude to commit the deed of shooting it. He has moved now, but the whole neighborhood as such knows I will do what I say I will, and have.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2011, 03:24:15 AM »
I sometimes think people that keep pitbulls have an emotional issue.  Pittbulls are inherently mean and viscious.  They kill children.  Maybe not all of them, but too many.  Like Dee, I'll not have one on my property. 


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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2011, 04:16:20 AM »
I'm a bit different with regard to dogs . I don't care for a mean one of any breed and if its your dog keep it under control and in your yard. A pet gets out but shows no aggression I have no problem unless it is over and over. Hunting dogs show up no problem. An aggressive dog is not welcome.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2011, 09:23:28 AM »
I'm a bit different with regard to dogs . I don't care for a mean one of any breed and if its your dog keep it under control and in your yard. A pet gets out but shows no aggression I have no problem unless it is over and over. Hunting dogs show up no problem. An aggressive dog is not welcome.
I have the same attitude.
But dogs are like poeple and some are just wired wrong but most will mimic the owners.
There is a Pit bull next door to my father- sweet little dog but I would never allow a kid near it.
You just never know with a fighting dog.  I also remember as a kd my father having to pull one of his friends German Short hairs off my mom.  For some reason the dog did not like her and had her pinned into a chair and was snarling and bearing teeth.  Dad came in ready to yell at me and grabbed the dog and toss it across the room.  The dog stayed out in the yard for the rest of our trip.

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Re: Have you ever had to use your wepon?
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2011, 04:03:46 PM »
I had a good friend back in the early 80's who was a route man and decided to get a ccl. About 2 years later he was held up. After giving the bad guy $500 the thief was walking away, my friend drew his 38 S&W and told the guy to drop his gun and put his hands up. The guy spun around and shot my friend in the chest-my friend then shot the bad guy in the leg. My friend died leaving a young wife, 2 kids under 5 and a small life insurance policy. The guy went to jail 10 years. It's not so much I'm against CCL's but 95% of people who carry have absolutly no training on how and when to use it. When the Adrenaline starts pumping all that "target" shooting training is useless. If, my friend had shot the guy in the back he would have been the one on the way to jail.