Author Topic: .44/.45  (Read 2381 times)

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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2011, 05:14:01 AM »
 I guess you could have ask the difference in accuracy in a 44 S&W speical and a 45 Colt.
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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2011, 05:48:33 AM »
Well if that were the question I think I'd say probably the .44 special is more accurate because light loads of smokeless powder don't do so well in the larger case of the .45 Colt, but again probably the difference in cartridges is less than the difference between individual guns. But still we don't really know which .44 and which .45 you're asking about.
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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2011, 07:00:56 AM »
same weight bullet...
same velocity

44 shoot at distance  less hold-over error
45 does it with  less preasure'''''if thats an advandage

other than  that  there are  TOO  many other variables 
of  more  consequence  than the 2 caliber difference as far as accuracy goes

hottest  44 would be   444 marlin
hottest 45.......458  wetherby
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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2011, 08:20:01 AM »
Caliber size does not have anything to do with accuracy.. You can have 2 exact guns in the same caliber, and get one that shoots better than there other..  Cylinder, bore and a host of other variables can affect accuracy.. It is the nature of the beast.. But to say one is more accurate than the other is just plain untrue.

As for your wording of the question, you could of said. Does the size of the caliber affect the accuracy in a revolver, Such as a 44 Special or 45 Colt.  It really does not matter if the .44 is a 44 Special or 44 Mag, or the .45 is a 45 Schofield or 45 Colt.

Well I hope you get the answer to your question, as I see there are people that think caliber affects the accuracy. If you learn anything from your post, trust the guys that tell you caliber affects accuracy, they don't have a clue as to what they are talking about! :o
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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2011, 08:59:24 AM »
Which 44??  The old 44 blackpowder revolver?   The 44mag?  The 44 special?

Now with accuracy its the shooter, the revolver barrel length and how the round is loaded that were shooting.  Each gun does have its sweet spot when it comes to accuracy if we do our part. Shooting stout rounds is no good if your looking for accuracy.  We need to be somewhere between a mild and stout load to find the sweet spot for accuracy. I do try all my handguns at 100yds to see how much kentucky windage is needed to hit accurately at 100yds.  My longer barreled 44's are sighted in at 100yds. No matter what the caliber or barrel length is we can make 100yd shots pretty accurately if we practice them often. I had an older colt python in 357mag w/6" barrel that always shot high at 25yds. using my 140gr reloads i aimed it at 100yds on the berm and was pinging small rocks on the berm with every shot. It shot that good, plus my rounds were spot on, a little stout.

At my 60yo age with my diabetic eyes if i can hit a 10" circle at 25yds with a handgun i'm ok and if my groups are tighter its even a better day. Somedays i can make pinpoint shots. As we get older our good accurate days at the range do vary sometimes.  I can shoot good and hold my own i just don't boast or brag about it thats not me. With most of us its practice, pract6ice and more practice.  My older brother could make one shot to see where the handgun/rifle hit then adjust aiming it and put all the rest of the shots in the black he was that good at any distance.  I wish i was as good as he was but i do practice and practice more often.

Sorry just some food for thought,

" The  .44 Remington magnum"   Elmer Keith's  bullet.........First a big thanks to the godfather of handgun hunting, he was the man for sure.

I read bits and pieces here but the 44mag is popular because of Elmer Keith but the Dirty Harry movies with "did i fire five or six do you feel lucky punk?" Clint Eastwood made it even more popular and a gotta have by many shooters even to this day.

Now if were talking about a 44magnum revolver the S&W model 29 is really purdy but i think if your going to shoot more stout loads the ruger redhawk and the ruger super blackhawk will take more abuse with hotter loads.  The rugers are like the mack truck of the 44mags while there not the prettiest revolvers when compared to a S&W 29 in nickel the rugers will eat any hotter load and want more too.  I won't say how hot and past the max suggested loads i went with my super blackhawk but the people near me left the range that day.  I had 12" of flame out the barrel and 8" of flame out both sides of the cylinder.  The super blackhawk let everyone know it was the king at that time.  I thank god i only loaded a few rounds of those.  And i never loaded them again.  Back then i was into loading everything hot and now in my old age i'm slowing down and my rounds are too.  My point is the ruger can take the abuse with no fear of hurting it even with "Normal" or "Max" magnum loads.

Now the 45 LC or Long Colt;

When they offered the Ruger blackhawk in 45LC  they still have loads in the reloading manual that surpass the 44mag ballastics with the 45LC, with ONLY the RUGER revolver.   Of course if one could handle such a more powerful round. I do find the 45LC an interesting round and someday i'll probably own one too.

The 41 remington magnum  is another one of Elmer Keiths rounds that he worked with too.  Its really a great round that never took off.  With its 210gr bullet it has more power/ballastics than the 44 mag has with the 210gr bullet too.  We hear about nor see about the 41 special too.  I'm just getting my feet wet with the 41mags now. I also think the 41 mag lately is starting to catch on too.

A big overlooked difference between the special and the magnum calibers are we can get better ballastics sometimes in using the shorter special cases over the larger longer magnum cases.  When i reload the 44 special with the lead cast its faster and more powerful than using the same load in the longer magnum cases(brass). Its the sane with the 38 special and the 357mag too. Now i load all my cast bullets in the special brass. Now if i'm packing a magnum revolver i'm not using the cast bullets, i'm using the hotter magnum loads after all why buy a magnum if were going to shoot/carry special loads.

I know nothing about the 44cal blackpowder revolver but i do own one but never shot it yet.  I purchased it because it was on clearance(cheap). The movie Joesy Whales raised my interest in blackpowder revolvers .

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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2011, 12:04:42 PM »
Well, lets try it thisaway.
Considering a .44S&W and a .45 colt or LC---What are the differences in balistics and accuracy---considering factory loads . And, is there enough variables between the two to consider one of them a superior round.

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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2011, 01:37:46 PM »
I like them both. About equal at least to my satisfaction. I prefer the .45 Colt due to ammo availability and more variety in factory bullet selections.

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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2011, 05:05:04 PM »
I like them both. About equal at least to my satisfaction. I prefer the .45 Colt due to ammo availability and more variety in factory bullet selections.

Well said!  ;D
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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2011, 12:03:03 AM »
william i personaly have had better luck with 44s then 45s if were talking the differnce betwee 44specials and mags compared to 45 colts in accuracy. I think its a matter of a couple things. First the the 45 colt is an old round and theres differnt ideas on what the dimentions of a revolver shooting it should be. The 44s ive owned dont seem to have the big swings in dimentions but there exceptions even to this. Second is that most guys shoot bullets around 240-260 grain. The 45 bullets in this class just dont seem to shoot as well or stabilize as well as the 44s. Probably because there shorter. Thats compounded by the fact that many 45s arent capable of shooting them fast enough to stablize them in slow twist barrels.  Step up to 300 grain bullets and any accuracy differnces narrow fast. You can get a lemon in either caliber and an exceptional gun in either too. But if a guy had the money to buy a 100 ruger 44 mags and a 100 ruger 45 colts id bet my house that youd find twice as many exceptional 44s in the bunch then 45s.
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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2011, 02:46:11 AM »
I like them both. About equal at least to my satisfaction. I prefer the .45 Colt due to ammo availability and more variety in factory bullet selections.

Yep , but if a secong gen Colt SAA in 44 S&W spl. comes along with a low price jump on it . They are few and far between  ;)
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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2011, 05:32:29 AM »
As I stated earlier.
44 Special, 45 Colt are ballistic twins.
Depending on what you want the gun for could determin what you pick.
Are we talking  S&W N frame or colt P frame.
Defensive handfun or Cowboy action.
Plinking or self protection?
I think there are more self protection bullets loaded into 44 Special nad there are more hunting and plinking bullets loaded in to the 45 colt.
Other than that.....
We are talking .429 Vs .452 at the same weights and speeds.
44 Special was know for it's accuracy.  ut I am not sure if that Reputation came from the guns it was first chambered in or the round it's self.

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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2011, 06:23:39 AM »
Don't get me wrong! I "I Adore the .44". My grandfather took out a hostile with a .44 Spl decades ago with a hand ejector as a Dallas cop. I still own that gun. Hasn't been shot since the "incident". Rifling about gone though. But.......... I have more options with the .45. Everything I find in .44 spl is factory LRN. I don't reload but if I could get a wide metplate SWC in .44  spl it would be a blessing.  However, the .45 Colt is probably the greatest standard pressure load I can think of. In short, if the .44 spl had more offerings I would definately be on the fence......

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Re: .44/.45
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2011, 07:01:35 AM »
I find the opposite.
That all of the 44 Special loads are the expensive 180 or 200 grain hollow points by Hornady or Winchester.
The 246 grain lead round nose are sweet heart loads to shoot. 
I really miss the Remington 200 grain Semi wadcutter Hollow point.  They were accurate, cheap(ish) and served as a general purpose load for personal protection and target.  the data was a little exadurated, showing them on par with 357 mag laods of 535 Foot pounds.   But they were everything that the 200 grain flying ashtrays in 45 ACP were.
I always hoped that S&W would revive the 44 special and make the 696 longer than they did.
With that more ammo would be made for the round and hopefully Rem would bring back the SWCHP load.
Same load Dirty Harry uses in his Model 29, the book.