I have no specific rules for or against such a post. There is no really correct place for such a post at this time. I guess the Off Topic Forum would be the most appropriate with this the next most appropriate at this time. This one gets a lot more traffic than the Off Topic Forum.
Some general stipulations within the rules might or might not apply depending on any given job offer situation.
I don't want to turn this or the Off Topic Forum into a job search forum. Considering that we already have over 200 forums and most of the new ones set up in the last year or so have floundered and don't get any real traffic I have become a bit more leery of setting up new ones. I'm not saying no to such an idea but do wonder just how much such would be used. I'm tending these days more toward an attitude fo show me there is an actual interest via posts about the potential new forum than to just a straight vote on it via the forum for that purpose. Too many folks seem willing to "help someone get a forum they want" without regard to whether it will really fill a need thus folks will too often say they'll use it but then don't.
You'd be surprised how many new members register and begin asking for new forums and volunteering to moderate if needed then once it has been established that new member falls off the face of the earth and I'm left with a forum no one uses and have no one to moderate it. With over 200 current forums there really aren't many holes to be filled with new forums that will actually get use by the current membership.
So give it a try here or at the off topic forum and if such actually proves a need we'll talk about a forum for the purpose. I agree with the poster tho who said who wants a job, NOT ME! I'm retired.