Government control of the HC system in Canada is through their control of the insurance program, is that about right? Does the HC system have any recourse of complaint if they feel like they're not being dealt with fairly by the sole insurance company? How does the distinction you made differ practically from a state run HC system?
Each Canadian province has their own ombudsman to resolve disputes - for example:, Canadians pick their own doctors, just like Americans do. The only difference is that every doctor deals with one insurer the provincial government for
Basic Services covered, which is accountable to the legislature and the voters for it's quality of coverage.
While the health care system in Canada covers basic services, there are many services that are not covered. Private health insurance plans are usually offered as part of employee benefit packages in many companies. Incentives usually include vision and dental care. Alternatively, Canadians can purchase insurance packages from private insurance providers.
Again , I am not stating I'm a proponent , I just feel we should as a nation be looking into and discussing many different models. whether that be universal multi-payer system with two main types of health insurance like Germany has, or National Health Service like England, or a single payer system like Canada, or the best of all and a developed Hybrid. The United States is alone among developed nations in not having some sort of universal health care system.
What we have now no-one on either side of the isle disagrees - our piece meal system is unsustainable,
In 2007 US HC spending was already 15.9% of our GDP.
In 2008 US HC spending was already 16.2% of our GDP.
In 2009 US HC spending was already 17.3% of our GDP.
At this pace it will soon eat up half our paychecks . This System needs to be fixed.
Whats should be debated is the bast way to do it. What is unacceptable is old status quo that got us into this mess to begin with, because we all see how well this has worked out.