I guess this forum has changed...............i remember when someone would post a pic of a cool cannon or mortar, and all kinds of people would make a comment, now it's very few people that say few words. What's the matter with people? are they turning into sissies and scared to talk?
You will see over time that there is an ebb and flow. Sometimes folks are very vocal, sometimes needful of discipline (fortunately not often), and sometimes there are quiet spells.
I watch to see how many members and guests are on. Of late there have been a dozen guests on every time I logon. New names pop up. And after a period they participate.
Over time, there are folks that will participate for a year or three, and come back after a leave of absence.
Our interests drift - our reasons for participating change. If we, as a board, meet technical and social needs of the participants we're doin' OK. (With a nickle or two to keep up Graybeards hosting.)