unless I am way off, it seems like I hit "eventually" and experience has taught me to leave things alone for awhile longer than the urge to pull tells me to.
our red fox seem a little more "homebodies" so if I get no response after 10 days I move those sets. I try to force myself to go a full 14 -20 days on coyote or bobocat sets, late in the season though. Early on I might move them around a little sooner, but late in season I've learned to leave them a little longer and of course check to make sure that they are still operable during freeze-thaw conditions. Especially on the cats. We just don't have the population here to get many visits at sets. I see coyotes often while driving around, and here them in evenings, but I also see the hunting activity, etc. and I think they get pushed out of sections and herded around somewhat by trying to avoid a pheasant hunting crew moving through a section. I think they range a little farther around here sometimes by being forced out of their happy hunting grounds. Plus, in late winter, a coyote standing in a field is sure to cause the next truck driving by to stop and shoot.
Again, may be a regional thing with populations and local animal activity patterns, but the later the season, the longer I tend to leave my sets now.