My partner is a cleaning freak. He cleans his guns everytime he takes them out shooting. On a two week float trip he will clean his guns every night before going to bed. I'm just the opposite, I clean all my guns twice a year. Does not matter if it's been shot a lot or not at all it gets cleaned in the spring and then again in the fall. The rest of the year they just get shot.
My partner is constantly trying to duplicate the shots I make while we are hunting togeather. I don't think about it much I just find a good rest, control my breathing, time my heart beat, and take the shot. My barrel is always fouled so I don't have to worry about shooting from a clean barrel and the shot being off. His first shot is always off by a foot or more. His second shot will come in closer, then his third shot will be dead on. He still refuses to believe shooting from a clean barrel is throwing his shots off. He thinks it's just him, not being able to settle down and make that first shot good. He has missed, or wounded, several wolves that should have been solid hits between 500 and 700 yards. I no longer let him make the first shot when we find a pack feeding.