Author Topic: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?  (Read 2241 times)

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Offline PowPow

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I use one of those cargo racks that slide into the hitch receiver on my Barbie Jeep to take my deer to the processor, or back to the camp to dress. Just load it in the tray and drive on.

My buddy says it is illegal in Alabama to transport a visible dead deer, that I am required to cover it with some type of tarp, so the PETA-types don't get their feeling hurt. Says the po-po's won't give you a ticket, but a game warden will.

This is the same guy who said it was illegal to shoot a predator from a tree stand, and declared that hot water freezes faster than cold water.

I found this in a google search of Code of Alabama and game laws:

Section 9-11-259
Game, birds or animals to be transported openly; confiscation, etc., of game, birds or animals transported or taken illegally.

All game, birds or animals taken or killed in this state must at all times be carried or transported openly, and failure to do so shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $25.00. All game, birds or animals carried or transported in an illegal manner or taken or killed illegally shall be confiscated and disposed of under regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources.

(Acts 1935, No. 383, p. 813, § 24; Code 1940, T. 8, §107.)

What say you, good GBO experts? Can I get a ticket for an exposed dead deer on my cargo carrier? Or am I at risk in covering it?
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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 05:42:37 PM »
I've seen them carried that way often and from WMAs also where you are just about guaranteed to be seen by wardens. I fully intended to do just that had I killed one while driving my Sequoia but now with the Tundra it's a non issue for me.

I dunno the definitive answer but I don't think anyone is gonna give out a ticket for carrying them that way. If so a lot of folks are sure in danger of a ticket cuz a lot are transported that way by Jeep and SUV owners.

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 02:27:41 AM »
I think that to hold down any controversy from the non-hunting public, it would be wise to at least cover the deer with a tarp or something. I have hauled deer out strapped on the spare tire of a Landcruiser before, simply because it was easy to get it on there and haul it out. In today's new age where we are seeing less and less hunters and our hunting population is rapidly declining and seeing more people against our heritage, I wouldn't do it that way again. Basically it's the same as we used to see almost every pickup truck on the road with a rifle or shotgun in a gun rack in the back window. You just don't see that as much anymore to keep the pressure off from non-gun owners just looking for an excuse to trash our rights. ;)
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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 03:24:51 AM »
put it on the rack and go wit it.

Offline Tom W.

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 03:39:45 PM »
Transporting it "openly" has more to do with trying to hide the critter from the C.O.  Some people will bag the deer and leave the head exposed, so it could easily be seen that you had a legal deer. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

What would you do with small game? Strew them in the back of your Pickup?
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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 03:25:02 AM »
Cover it at least up to the head just for cleanliness.  I doubt you'd get a ticket either way.

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 08:55:05 AM »
Why not ask a Game Warden or two?? :)
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Offline PowPow

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2011, 09:29:17 AM »
Why not ask a Game Warden or two?? :)

I was hoping there might be one on GBO.
I have heard we have them in Alabama; I have never seen one, much less two.
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Offline Tom W.

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 02:35:59 PM »
Why not ask a Game Warden or two?? :)

And take away all of our fun?
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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2011, 08:19:42 AM »
Well Tom if you consider getting citations from a Game Warden as "Fun"  go for it ! :D
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Offline Tom W.

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2011, 04:29:53 PM »
I think you misunderstand my post.... To help you out, I was referring to the fun we have giving answers to the post... ::)
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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2011, 08:02:10 AM »
 I did...I did for sure got it wrong!! :o ::)
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Offline scootrd

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2011, 08:32:18 AM »
This is the same guy who said it was illegal to shoot a predator from a tree stand, and declared that hot water freezes faster than cold water.

Off topic but regarding your comment about your buddy claiming Hot water Freezing faster than cold.
He may have his facts mixed up a bit but Under certain circumstances it can. its's called the Mpemba_effect.
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Offline PowPow

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2011, 09:53:17 AM »
Thanks for the reference.

The refrigeration cycle creates waste heat that could be used to heat water.
Wonder if, in a competitive environment, the commercial ice-making industry is using that waste heat to heat their water so it will freeze faster?
I want to believe Wikipedia so bad, but then I see that someone like me could get an account on Wikipedia, edit that post and create my own truth.

It would be just like my buddy to go make up that Mpemba effect stuff and post it on Wiki, just to add creditibility to his tarp covering a deer story.
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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2011, 10:31:40 AM »
Cover it at least up to the head just for cleanliness.  I doubt you'd get a ticket either way.

Yep nothing worst than gritty deer burger  ;)
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Offline scootrd

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2011, 10:45:33 AM »
Thanks for the reference.

The refrigeration cycle creates waste heat that could be used to heat water.
Wonder if, in a competitive environment, the commercial ice-making industry is using that waste heat to heat their water so it will freeze faster?
I want to believe Wikipedia so bad, but then I see that someone like me could get an account on Wikipedia, edit that post and create my own truth.

It would be just like my buddy to go make up that Mpemba effect stuff and post it on Wiki, just to add creditibility to his tarp covering a deer story.

I only pointed to Wikipedia out of selfish convenience. Feel free to Google it at any of the .edu sites.
I'm sure many a college student and professors have written white papers and / or Science discussions
surrounding the affect.

Here is a Physics paper  -

Here's a white paper fro So, Ill. University

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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2011, 01:50:47 AM »
Guess the ref classes I have taken have all been wrong since it states that warm water dosen't freeze faster and they have films showing the experiments and laws of thermodynamitics to back it up. One law states that heat only moves from a hot area to a cold area. Thus to freeze water the area around the water must be colder , this would lead one to believe the hotter the water you start with the longer it will take to remove enough heat to make it freeze .
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Re: Transporting a deer to the processor on a cargo rack - covered or not?
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2011, 02:01:48 AM »
The real reason that you do not see guns in pickup racks any more is THEFT plain and simple!
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