Howdy folks. Interesting site ya got here. I've been fastenated by artillery my entire life. Served six years in the Artillery with the Army back during the NAM era. My job was compute'n fire for 'em and hit'n targets between 10 to 20 miles out use'n an FO's eyes on the ground near the enemy. Those were the 155 howitzers I'm refer'n to. I made up my mind about a week or so ago to make myself a cannon to enjoy on weekends with some whoopass target practice'n
. I've qualified with about every weapon you can imagine between black powder and modern rocket assisted projectiles (well, of the 70's era, that is haha). But black powder seems to keep calling me back. And hear'n an artillery report draws me to it like a moth to a flame.
I'm a sculptor by most definition and have my own studio/foundry to create within. I can pour up to 240 lbs of bronze per cast and have the capability of pour'n two such loads (using two furnaces in tandem) at once. I simply have to cast me a cannon and build myself a caison entrage to go along with it. The cannon won't be the problem... I don't have knowledge of how those carriages and tenders were built is all. Anybody here know of where I can find plans for such items? I can scale anything just fine, but having some actual dimensions to work with would be much easier.
Anyway... cool site!! Thanks to whomever that put this together. Cheers. Hope to make a few friends here.