sorry for being so slow to respond..advice was much appreciated.. negotiated with time warner it dn to 136 .00 a month ..i paid it this month .. that will give me time to look around for my best daughter has put me on her cell phone system,verizon i think it is..15 a month..
now to find the cheapest internet and satelite t.v.service ,i guess..
ps yall pray for this old man, who as yet has not learned how to be alone , old an semi disabled..
i fight self pity,, much as i can and be thankful im not hungry or cold an such..but what is,,, is..
ive yet to figure out,, how to make life interesting again..when things got tough in the past ,i just worked harder , more hours and days were full .. but thats not an option thats open to me thanks again,
and yall have a great day..god bless.