SHOOTALL, when folks refuse to look at Lincoln's racially and bigoted speeches about the black man, and his opinion that the Mexican race was nothing more than sub-human mongrels, and when they then continue to hold to the idea that Lincoln's war was to free the poor slave, is voluntary blindness to the facts. No amount of factual information will change their mind. They are right, and your facts are of no consequence to them.
If Booth had not shot the scoundrel Lincoln, all blacks were Liberia bound when the war ended, and things settled down. It is truly amazing that folks will willingly believe a lie, when the proof is right there, and they simply refuse to look because they like the lie better than the truth, and all the while calling you a liar for believing the blatant archival facts.
Lincoln's freeing of the slaves was yet another desperate effort in breaking the South's economy, as Robert E. Lee and his army were kicking McClellan's ass at every fight. He was getting desperate when he finally hired that drunk we refer to as U.S. Grant, and he and Sherman began their SCORCHED EARTH POLICY of warfare killing non-combatant citizens, and destroying their property.