Author Topic: Democratic senators bail ship  (Read 60538 times)

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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #420 on: March 05, 2011, 07:05:28 AM »
Well said mirage, I think the parasite class is under the impression is that these taxes levied upon a corporation do not effect the end price of the product they produce.

I think it needs to be said again.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline beerbelly

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #421 on: March 05, 2011, 07:10:14 AM »
scootrd you keep bad mouthing the governor about him having tried this in the past. The people must have been for it, they elected him governor.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #422 on: March 05, 2011, 08:39:32 AM »
Scoot and TM-
Do not the INDIVIDUALS that make up a corporation already pay taxes on their income? Why is it that you feel they should be taxed twice? Maybe that is why they are moving the jobs offshore......

Oh I don't know perhaps because that's the way our tax structure was suppose to be to begin with
Individuals were never suppose to be taxed , only corporations, businesses etc that made things.

"...a national revenue must be obtained; but the system must be
such a one, that, while it secures the object of revenue it shall not be
oppressive to our constituents."
 - James Madison

The Act went on to imposed taxes, not on Congress' constituents, but on specific "goods, wares, and merchandise, imported into the United States", and not one dime was raised under the Act by internal taxation! Internal taxes were frowned upon by the Founders, especially when a national revenue could be had by requiring foreigners to pay for the privilege of doing business on American soil!

It wasn't until 1909 with the introduction of the 16th amendment was an individuals personal income allowed to be taxed. Now it has totally flip flopped, Corps pay nothing and the laborers pay everything.
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #423 on: March 05, 2011, 08:43:46 AM »
Well said mirage, I think the parasite class is under the impression is that these taxes levied upon a corporation do not effect the end price of the product they produce.

I think it needs to be said again.

And again!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #424 on: March 05, 2011, 09:18:33 AM »
Well said mirage, I think the parasite class is under the impression is that these taxes levied upon a corporation do not effect the end price of the product they produce.

I think it needs to be said again.

And again!

Billy the missing part of your equation is keep skimming over is  -  we are receiving nothing in return. No Job creation, outsourcing of America, no reinvestment into our economy etc.. For all your private sector rhetoric you seems to want to dismiss the conversation -  if two companies manufacture a widget and our framers wanted us to tax them through an excise tax, the two competing companies were to recoup that excise tax through the product they sold to the public. The one who could sell the best widget,  recoup their excise tax through sales, and make a profit , is the one that would survive. Capitalism !!!

Now , they pay zero tax, use cheap foreign labor to create , and bank profits,  all the while without investing back into our ecomomy but investing in other countries economies. This is so far removed from what our framers wanted it's ridiculous. So the Walkers of the world keep helping their cronies exacerbate this and put it on the backs of laborers to make up for the shortfalls.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
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Offline Cabin4

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #425 on: March 05, 2011, 09:31:54 AM »
Yes Scoot. Thanks to the policies of tax & spend. Look at what happening in Washington. Those criminals led by Obama are doing nothing to address the spending side of the deficit debate. Maybe, just maybe, if the Feds would address getting our national fiscal house in order, states like Wisconsin would not have to take such drastic measures. But to this point Obama and the rest of the criminals are just lining the pockets of their constituency of blood suckers. So, while obama continues his reckless spending, the state level workers get to take it in the back side. All of this is connected.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #426 on: March 05, 2011, 09:33:05 AM »
Well said mirage, I think the parasite class is under the impression is that these taxes levied upon a corporation do not effect the end price of the product they produce.

I think it needs to be said again.

And again!

Yes scoot you are missing it! Maybe that is part of the problem. Does that help?
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #427 on: March 05, 2011, 09:36:22 AM »
I challenge you TM and Scoot to find one single, even remotely credible source that will go on the record, that Wisconsin budget challenges are minimal in size & scope. $3billion is no small issue for a state of 6 million people.

OKay, so we're down to $3 billion from $3 Trillion....that's good for starters.

Credible sources...?  How about Wisconsin's own State records showing cash and liquid reserves of $124 Billion and not counting cities, towns, municipalties and other entities; from Wisconsin's  CAFR....,229197.0.html

They have no real immediate problems that can't be solved quickly and easily. And they could even tax appropriately, too.
The Walker/Koch whine is a ruse.....the setting in motion of a whole bunch of incredulous actions by first blaming unions. Scootrd has already proven the people of Wiscosnin do not want this kind of 'special interest governmnet'.  All financial experts agrre they have no major budget or economic problem except the one Walker is creating.


Only using voo doo math and creative accounting TM. The state level budget is broke with a huge deficit. Money in local municipalities and at the country level is not thier for the central state government to rape. That, is also tax payers money. That money is not at the disposal of some politician or accountant in Madison to just take! That would be criminal but agree not outside the scope of what any politician or union thug would do.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #428 on: March 05, 2011, 10:00:53 AM »
I have noticed one thing. While the left gives there opinions , it seems some of the right can't do so without name calling of some kind.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #429 on: March 05, 2011, 10:03:08 AM »
scootrd you keep bad mouthing the governor about him having tried this in the past. The people must have been for it, they elected him governor.
I guess you can say that for our president also.  ;D

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #430 on: March 05, 2011, 10:53:05 AM »
I have noticed one thing. While the left gives there opinions , it seems some of the right can't do so without name calling of some kind.

Sorry, but we are sick and tired of the politicians and union thugs stealing our money. Apparently, you've never been to a lefty rally or cared to watch to the news either.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #431 on: March 05, 2011, 11:01:39 AM »
Once again the decent folks have to clean up after these union pigs.

What a discusting group of parasites.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #432 on: March 05, 2011, 11:06:47 AM »
Looks like my bro in law is doing good in Ohio.

Cut the blood supply off from these union lice.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #433 on: March 05, 2011, 11:52:31 AM »
This is spreading like wildfire. I love it!!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #434 on: March 05, 2011, 12:11:15 PM »
Assests are physical items such as buildings, land, trucks, inventory, ect. Go ahead, sell all the State government owned "assets" and lay off all the union workers that work in or use those assets to perform all thier worthless jobs. Pay off the debt with the sale of those assets. Good idea TM.
Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #435 on: March 05, 2011, 12:44:55 PM »

How come you won't address the question about the debt in this country??? And tell me how YOUR president is doing for you since he is in the hip pocket of unions and willing to spend trillions more than we can handle, IMO.  But I'm sure you think that were flush with assets and nothing to worry about....

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #436 on: March 05, 2011, 03:03:43 PM »
"We’re broke. We don’t have any more money."  -  Walker
False  - Politifact

under My budget-repair bill, "collective bargaining is fully intact." - Walker
False  - Politifact

"I campaigned on (the proposals in the budget repair bill for Wisconsin) all throughout the election. Anybody who says they are shocked on this has been asleep for the past two years."  -Walker
False  - politifact

"The alternative" to higher state worker pension and health care payments "is to look at 1,500 layoffs of state employees or close to 200,000 children who would be bumped off Medicaid-related programs." - Walker
False  - politifact

"Wisconsin employers have repeatedly said in surveys that our anti-business litigation climate is one of the most important factors affecting their expansion decisions". - Walker
False  - politifact

"In Wisconsin, 98 percent of all small businesses will qualify for income-tax relief under my plan, freeing them to expand and create jobs". -Walker
False  - politifact

"The things I said (during the prank call by a blogger posing as GOP contributor David Koch) are the things I’ve said publicly all along" about the Wisconsin budget debate". - Walker
False  - politifact
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #437 on: March 05, 2011, 03:50:24 PM »
  You must be the last person on earth not to realize that "Politifact" is simply "Media Matters" dressed in impartial-appearing clothing!  :D ;D
  All that is a moot point however, nobody should give any credence to those ugly protesters who 'occupied' the capitol building in Madison..or the cops who shrugged their shoulders at the lawbreakers. Coupled with teachers who lied about sickness, forced children too cut classe and "doctors" who sold their integrity fore fake sick reports...and we see the nature of these people.
  That bunch of pigs did $7.5 million dollars damage to that building !  Like a slovenly crow that soils it's own nest, these slobs have trashed their own credibility !

  If those are the kind of hogs the governor must deal with, I don't blame him for not wanting to deal at all
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #438 on: March 05, 2011, 04:20:48 PM »
The union parasites will lie cheat and steal to keep sucking the blood from the economy of America. They are seeing their free ride coming to and end and will do anything to try to stop it.

Yes IG those parasites (I refuse to call them hogs, pigs or crows as the swine is a much more noble creature) damaged and left a mess of the capital building. The fine decent folks of the tea party volunteered their time and cleaned it up.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #439 on: March 05, 2011, 04:27:34 PM »
  Billy; can you find a link to the noble, upstanding, Tea up after the nest soilers ?  Put it here if you can..

  That doesn't surprise me though, the Tea Party events I attended people were just naturally careful to clean up after themselves..just the difference in uipbringing and whhich groups the decent people vs the slobs align themselves.
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If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #441 on: March 05, 2011, 04:37:12 PM »
HEH. Just read where the I hate America michael moore is rallying the unions against the state. What a scumbag he is. That will really help their image. He will fire up the pantywetters.  POWDERMAN.  :P :P
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #442 on: March 05, 2011, 05:36:44 PM »
TM7 and Scoot, What Wisconsin and the unions are experiencing is what happens when you run out of other peoples money.

I think a optional collection fund should be set up administered by a R member and a D member of the assembly or senate for anyone that wants to contribute funds to help pay for government services above and beyond what taxpayers can afford to pay for.

Seeing as I'm for less government in my life I could then keep my funds for my own benevolence
fund here at Poverty Paradise and you guys could contribute to the arts, the UW system, union workers fringe benefits, whatever you please. Seeing how you think it is wise policy to use other peoples money for those endeavors, I'm sure you would put your money where your mouth is.

Again you pay for your dream and I'll pay for mine. Comprendo Holmes?

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #443 on: March 05, 2011, 05:45:47 PM »
Well put carbineman, the parasites are always willing to spend others money.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #444 on: March 05, 2011, 05:58:32 PM »
Problem is- they get fired, they collect unemployment (more tax money) for almost 2 years! (hmmmm-wonder who passed that one? maybe they saw the writing on the wall...)

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #445 on: March 05, 2011, 06:12:49 PM »
According to some on this forum (and the thugs that run the Unions) , the state of Wisconsin's finances as reported by the state are a farce. They further claim this farce has been orchestrated by Gov Walker and the Republican Legislature. The state is not broke and its actually like a fountain spewing untold  sums of cash. They claim that there is no financial problem, but actually an enormous financial surplus.

So this is what we are dealing with. People who just refuse to accept even the basic premise that the state and the country is spending too much and its broke. It’s the illusion that they and others like them in the left wing media and the union thugs must create to justify the continued raping and pillaging of the tax payers. What’s amazing, the former Gov Doyle, a Democrat said himself that the state is broke with an estimated $3 billion budget deficit. In addition, the Wisconsin State Controller (Morgan) is the one that produces the official financial statements. Apparently he is lying as well and so are the democrats because they agree.

The effort to create and Illusion continues.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #446 on: March 05, 2011, 06:45:58 PM »
According to some on this forum (and the thugs that run the Unions) , the state of Wisconsin's finances as reported by the state are a farce. They further claim this farce has been orchestrated by Gov Walker and the Republican Legislature. The state is not broke and its actually like a fountain spewing untold  sums of cash. They claim that there is no financial problem, but actually an enormous financial surplus.

So this is what we are dealing with. People who just refuse to accept even the basic premise that the state and the country is spending too much and its broke. It’s the illusion that they and others like them in the left wing media and the union thugs must create to justify the continued raping and pillaging of the tax payers. What’s amazing, the former Gov Doyle, a Democrat said himself that the state is broke with an estimated $3 billion budget deficit. In addition, the Wisconsin State Controller (Morgan) is the one that produces the official financial statements. Apparently he is lying as well and so are the democrats because they agree.

The effort to create and Illusion continues.

That has been the standard old Union tune for years in the private sector as well. The Union people allways think that a Corporation has unlimited money & then they pi## & moan when the Corp. moves to the South, shuts down or goes overseas. They never believe they have to do these things!  ::)
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #447 on: March 05, 2011, 11:30:21 PM »
Problem is- they get fired, they collect unemployment (more tax money) for almost 2 years! (hmmmm-wonder who passed that one? maybe they saw the writing on the wall...)
Not sure- can someone collect unemployment if fired. I didn't think they could, but I don't really know.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #448 on: March 06, 2011, 12:27:41 AM »
TM7 and Scoot, What Wisconsin and the unions are experiencing is what happens when you run out of other peoples money.

I think a optional collection fund should be set up administered by a R member and a D member of the assembly or senate for anyone that wants to contribute funds to help pay for government services above and beyond what taxpayers can afford to pay for.

Seeing as I'm for less government in my life I could then keep my funds for my own benevolence
fund here at Poverty Paradise and you guys could contribute to the arts, the UW system, union workers fringe benefits, whatever you please. Seeing how you think it is wise policy to use other peoples money for those endeavors, I'm sure you would put your money where your mouth is.

Again you pay for your dream and I'll pay for mine. Comprendo Holmes?

     Hear..Hear !  Way to go !
   If these programs are so superlative, surely they will be first up to donate their own money to such worthy causes...their money, not our money !!
   Such a fund should be set up, even if it doesn't collect a dime; at least it would expose the pure hypocrites involved in government..
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #449 on: March 06, 2011, 01:30:42 AM »
Problem is- they get fired, they collect unemployment (more tax money) for almost 2 years! (hmmmm-wonder who passed that one? maybe they saw the writing on the wall...)
Not sure- can someone collect unemployment if fired. I didn't think they could, but I don't really know.
Oh yes they can!  We fired a salesman in January, got a 2 months severance and was collecting unemployment by week 2...  You get fired apply  for unemployment, the ex-employer can fight it if he wants, but rarely wins these days of excessive handouts...

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne