For you guys that can' see,I'll explain what I see
I'm sure you claim I am nutz
What I continue to see is "interpretation" of why jobs are being farmed out over seas
you people say its (not tax) (Not Union)(not osha and all the other things
They HAVE TO do to keep doors open in USA including all the over reaction Rules and Government made Policies,so that Mr. Elect can give a job to
a Friend who needs to be paid 6 figures to look important,once this MADE Policy goes into effect
someone has to get the revenue to pay him /Her
I think Ms Obadmas was one who had such a Job
It was so important and needed They never replaced her
If memory is close 300,000 Plus dollars for that Hospital Job
OK we needed it (GET REAL)
I would need 24,000 pages to list them)
so If someone would believe you
The only reason any of these Companies are taking their Business else where is
THEY just want to see THE US DIECome on Be real they are leaving for all the reasons stated on the ever going Posts Here at GBO
and the News media
So I guess a man will make a Billion dollar company here in the USA then farm it out to China or some other country for the sole reason
so this country will go Broke Not that the other country welcomes them
I hear you guys saying They go there because the people walk out on them
they let Osha run there costs up to double cost of product
The other countries tax them and on and on!!!
you know how you think!!
Yep thats a Business plan If I ever did see one
I can't even feel sorry for the Fools who could try to argue this
And will