Author Topic: Democratic senators bail ship  (Read 60388 times)

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Offline Skookum

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1050 on: April 01, 2011, 11:53:09 AM »
Wonder what jefferson would have said about the welfare class and the parasite class?

So now public sector employees are the welfare class?  Well in retrospect that actually might become an accurate statement after all this stripping and balacing budgets on their backs is through.

Actually I think the "and" in there was meant to separate the classes....

There you go with the scare tactics again.  Like I've said before in a year all will be forgotten, public sector will realize that Walkers demands were reasonable and the union thugs will have to go to Jersey and try and get a job from Guido if they want to continue their path of thuggery...

Might want to watch something besides "Fox Nuts". Walker's approval ratings are in the tank. He's on a terminal ride to being the Royal Honey Dipper for the Koch Brothers. Snyder, LePage and Kasich are in line to be his break relief.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1051 on: April 01, 2011, 12:01:09 PM »
here ya go C4 - 
From the Budget and Policy center

Corporate tax cuts Do not “pay for themselves.” The small economic impacts of state corporate tax cuts and the large loss of revenue mean that such cuts do not stimulate enough new taxable economic activity — and thus enough new revenues — to fully offset the revenues lost from the tax cut. Indeed, two state economic models concluded that additional economic activity would recoup only 16 percent of the initial revenue loss. Thus, corporate tax cuts would require significant household tax increases or substantial cuts in state services to balance the state budget.

And I should add at the Fed level extending the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% accomplished the same , Larger Fed deficit to be balanced on the backs of taxpayers.

Walkers Kind of a reverse Robin hood , Rob from the poor and give to the wealthy.

I'll stand with Labor , thanks.
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1052 on: April 01, 2011, 12:04:23 PM »
I like what Snyder is doing in Michigan. If he deems, he can replace your entire duely elected city gov't with a corporate flunky of his mentor's choice. So much for the Constitution.

Yep another farr right wing nut , as I stated earlier,  The moderate republicans have been hijacked by the radicals. No room for moderates in the tent anymore ( the good news is they can purchase a smaller tent now) The radicals claim   claim they want small Govt , but they are just the opposite. They want intrusive Govt and total control in all aspects of our lives. No room for moderates on either side of the isle anymore.

Your right, no room for self proclaimed moderates who don't believe in democracy, and support the blatant "middle finger" to the Constitution by the likes of paid off left-wing liberals running and hiding to avoid a vote, and liberal judges way overstepping their bounds in the courtroom.  I truly hope Sumi is stripped of her duties for this.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1053 on: April 01, 2011, 12:10:26 PM »
here ya go C4 - 
From the Budget and Policy center

Corporate tax cuts Do not “pay for themselves.” The small economic impacts of state corporate tax cuts and the large loss of revenue mean that such cuts do not stimulate enough new taxable economic activity — and thus enough new revenues — to fully offset the revenues lost from the tax cut. Indeed, two state economic models concluded that additional economic activity would recoup only 16 percent of the initial revenue loss. Thus, corporate tax cuts would require significant household tax increases or substantial cuts in state services to balance the state budget.

Walkers Kind of a reverse Robin hood , Rob from the poor and give to the wealthy.

I'll stand with Labor , thanks.

You overlook the benefit of keeping job in state/country or cutting taxes for the purpose of drawing corporations into a state...

I stand with those willing to do the right thing in order to move Wisconsin forward again.  Benefits to labor will be reaped with sorely needed jobs and growth, neither of which were accompished when democrats ( and Scoot's friend Diamond Jim Doyle) had control of the state. 

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1054 on: April 01, 2011, 12:19:12 PM »
Your right, no room for self proclaimed moderates who don't believe in democracy, and support the blatant "middle finger" to the Constitution by the likes of paid off left-wing liberals running and hiding to avoid a vote, and liberal judges way overstepping their bounds in the courtroom.  I truly hope Sumi is stripped of her duties for this.

Buckskin what you don't understand is constitutionally they did what they were suppose to do. But I am not going to debate this with you because it would be fruitless.  Senators answer to they're constituents. The DEM senators listened to their constituents. They were overwhelmingly elected by Democratic districts. 

That is democracy - 

Additionally what's good for the goose is apparently not ok for the ganders. (I cite but three instance but there are others )

WASHINGTON - Angry House Republicans are boycotting a vote to hold two presidential confidants in contempt for failing to cooperate with an inquiry into whether federal prosecutors were ousted for political reasons. Most Republicans walked out of the chamber just before the vote.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to overhaul the U.S. private pension system suffered another setback on Thursday as key House Republican lawmakers boycotted a negotiating meeting in a fight over whether to keep some $35 billion in tax breaks in the bill.

WASHINGTON - Republicans boycotted a Senate committee hearing Tuesday on a major bill to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Only one of the seven Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee -- Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio -- showed up for the panel's opening session. He left the meeting after delivering an opening statement. Committee rules require at least two minority party members to be present to reach a working quorum

It's messy , it's not suppose to be easy , and yes it is democracy in action.
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Offline Cabin4

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1055 on: April 01, 2011, 12:23:26 PM »
C4 I think your the one who is lost and doesn't understand the problem.

So we disagree

If you want to fix the issue? lower the tax rate and make the USA a competitive tax place for business to come to.
I don't disagree with lowering the tax rates . Close the loopholes stop the subsidies and make every corp contribute.
Business has a choice. Your approach is too tax the crape out of them ands scare them away.
This is not my approach, but stop giving them huge tax breaks with no return then try and balance budgets on the backs of the working class.  Fidelity was an excellent example of what I'm talking about.

And stop the guise of eliminating collective bargaining as a way to balance budgets after giving corps these huge breaks which exacerbate the state deficits and create the budget "crises" as Walker calls it. The two may be very marginally related with regards to worker reduction in payroll and benefits (and it certainly wont make up for 117 million tax breaks). The true meaning is 2012 and usurping Labor campaign contributions plain and simple.   

Lets stop playing games here  -
Since nearly every state is required to balance its budget, states must offset the revenue loss from corporate tax cuts by removing an equal amount of spending from the state economy through cuts in state spending on services and/or tax increases. Plain and simple. This is economics 101 and you know it.

Give the tax break to your big business buddies , require no reinvestment in america jobs , allow them to continue to outsource (best of both worlds) and then hit the taxpayers. Walkers Tax cuts helped exacerbate this so called "crisis" and now he wants to balance on the backs of the working class. plain and simple.

Your confusion continues:
When a business sets up an operation say in Germany, it is not a tax loop hole that they are not taxed in the USA. That is called a non-taxable event. They are already paying tax in Germany. Are you saying that the USA has “right” to place a tax on sale transactions/revenue/profit  that never touched US soil? WOW!! Because that is the issue. The government of Germany does not tax German companies that set up shop in the USA. Those Germans companies pay USA federal tax. So basically, any company on the planet is required to pay federal tax to the USA. And you refer to this as a tax loop hole. Lol. I guess Germany, Ireland, China, England, ect can all mandate the same thing! All companies must pay all governments income tax.

I’m not advocating for tax “loop holes”. A loop hole means you should have paid tax but found some microscopic opening in the tax code that allowed you to hide revenue/profit. Go ahead and close everyone of those. It will do little to solve the real problem. The US government cannot lay tax claim to revenue and profits made in other countries Scoot! Don’t you get it? If we could lay claim to that, then why can’t other countries do the same. That’s the point I’m driving at. You have to solve that issue. It’s about creating an environment so the USA can lay a tax claim. The ONLY way you do that is by getting the job and follow up sale/revenue/profit transaction back on our shore so you can levy a tax. It becomes an export! Sound familiar? It’s no different that if I cross over into Nevada and buy a TV. I pay sales tax in Nevada not in California. Is it right to tax me in California too? Of course not.

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline Skookum

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1056 on: April 01, 2011, 12:32:06 PM »
here ya go C4 - 
From the Budget and Policy center

Corporate tax cuts Do not “pay for themselves.” The small economic impacts of state corporate tax cuts and the large loss of revenue mean that such cuts do not stimulate enough new taxable economic activity — and thus enough new revenues — to fully offset the revenues lost from the tax cut. Indeed, two state economic models concluded that additional economic activity would recoup only 16 percent of the initial revenue loss. Thus, corporate tax cuts would require significant household tax increases or substantial cuts in state services to balance the state budget.

Walkers Kind of a reverse Robin hood , Rob from the poor and give to the wealthy.

I'll stand with Labor , thanks.

You overlook the benefit of keeping job in state/country or cutting taxes for the purpose of drawing corporations into a state...

Bush did that 8 years ago. How's that workin' out for us?

I stand with those willing to do the right thing in order to move Wisconsin forward again.

Wisconsin wouldn't need to be moved forward, if it wasn't for the tax breaks Walker gave corporations. They had a projected balanced budget with a huge surplus until Walker gave it to his buddies. I think the term "Thug" is more suited to the TP. 

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1057 on: April 01, 2011, 12:38:53 PM »
Your confusion continues:Scoot,
When a business sets up an operation say in Germany, ......

Your playing a semantics game cause the term loophole was used. You know exactly what I mean.
If you as a corporation accepts a state tax subsidy , tax break, whatever you want to call it , and you do not re-invest in that state yet continue to use the subsidy to perpetuate job growth overseas,  You should be required to give the subsidy back. likewise with a tax break. Just like fidelity. The Tax break isn't free.  It costs the state revenue, and the now greater shortfall needs to be made up for by the taxpayer or by cutting services. What Walker did was corporate welfare plain and simple, and now he has even more of a shortfall and so he is balancing on the backs of the working class in his state.

As I pointed out earlier  -
to fully offset the revenues lost from the tax cut. Indeed, two state economic models concluded that additional economic activity would recoup only 16 percent of the initial revenue loss. Thus, corporate tax cuts would require significant household tax increases or substantial cuts in state services to balance the state budget.

additionally ,
Instead of spending the full amount of any tax cut they receive in-state, corporations likely will distribute some of their tax savings to out-of-state owners in the form of higher dividends. Cutting state corporate income taxes might in theory encourage additional investment in a state by increasing the after-tax profitability of new investments. Numerous statistical studies suggest, however, that any such “supply-side” effect would be small and take several years to materialize. The consensus of these studies is that cutting total state and local taxes paid by businesses in a state by 10 percent — a very large reduction — is likely to boost economic output and jobs by only 2 percent to 3 percent.

Rob from the Poor , Give to the wealthy.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1058 on: April 01, 2011, 12:59:56 PM »
Just an after thought  -  There is only one recent example of a state eliminating its corporate income tax. Ohio phased out its corporate income tax from 2005 to 2009. It also eliminated its taxation of business machinery, equipment, and inventory property. Despite a more than $1 billion annual reduction in business taxes, Ohio’s budgets deficit is around 8 billion.

 yep we can see how well this no tax corporate welfare system works. The walkers of the world can't pee on my shoe and  tell me it's raining. they are so transparent it's disgusting. They must think the working class are all uneducated fools. Thats ok the recall and 2012 elections will straighten it all out.  It;s a shame really most moderate republicans have sound fiscal idea's but they are muffled by this radical right wing agenda taking place.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline Cabin4

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1059 on: April 01, 2011, 01:19:09 PM »
Your confusion continues:Scoot,
When a business sets up an operation say in Germany, ......

Your playing a semantics game cause the term loophole was used. You know exactly what I mean.
If you as a corporation accepts a state tax subsidy , tax break, whatever you want to call it , and you do not re-invest in that state yet continue to use the subsidy to perpetuate job growth overseas, 

I'm not playing any semantics, you are. I want to bring jobs back to the USA. Your the one hung up on the loop holes, subsidies and give away issues. As I've said before, go ahead and close all that up and stop the bail outs, bla bla bla.

The real underlaying problem is a loss of jobs to other countries. Those countries are creatinge a more freindly tax & regulatory environment. You refuse to acknowledge that the US has the highest business tax rate in the world and its negative impacts on business and resulting jobs. So while we have a $14 Trillion dollar deficit, your all hung up on the insignificant $117 million dollar tax cut Walker gave to incent business! BIG FREAKIN DEAL AND WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH  anything I wrote on the US Corp Federal Tax rate and off shoring of jobs? NOTHING!

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1060 on: April 01, 2011, 02:10:00 PM »

Show me in this report were it states that a revision of the corp tax rate would NOT incent on-shoring of jobs or that it would NOT provide incentive for new business creation and resulting jobs?

Show me in this report the competitive corp/business tax rate analysis of the US to other similar industrialized countries?

Show me in this report the same/similar tax issue/fairness analysis of individual tax rates to corp/business tax rates of the USA to other similar industrialized countries?

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1061 on: April 01, 2011, 04:42:43 PM »
Based on all the illogical liberal gibberish that I've seen on this topic, I think they're bringing me around and I am starting to see why they need a union to help them through life... ???

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1062 on: April 01, 2011, 07:57:27 PM »
Based on all the illogical liberal gibberish that I've seen on this topic, I think they're bringing me around and I am starting to see why they need a union to help them through life... ???

 Buckskin;  I was thinking of that today...
           Do these public union members realize that the biggest share of the population goes forth to EARN a living..without a union shoulder to cry upon ?  Somehow they make themselves useful enough to hold a job without employing thousands of their "brothers" to threaten work stoppages and other kinds of reprisals.
   They don't seem to realize that a competent individual can hold a job without a menacing gang to back him up..
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1063 on: April 01, 2011, 08:19:33 PM »
In my email from this mornings financial newsletter. Seems to be an explanation that makes sense to me. Hard to find a silver lining in the quoted text below. Also backs up Cabin 4's assertion that the government and the government unionized employees are the drain on the system that we are discussing here.

Here's another interesting fact… Stephen Moore in the Wall Street Journal today writes:

More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers. Nearly half of the $2.2 trillion cost of state and local governments is the $1 trillion-a-year tab for pay and benefits of state and local employees.

 Forgive me for being cynical… but it seems the only sector of our economy that's growing is the banking sector, which manufactures profits via a paper currency regime that's stoking a massive inflation and remains threatened by a growing banking crisis in every developed country. Meanwhile, the banking system is being held together by our government, an institution that's bankrupt on any conceivable scale – to the point that the world's largest bond investor (PIMCO's Bill Gross) has sold every single U.S. Treasury bond and is publicly calling Congress a house full of "skunks." The government has also become the largest employer, the largest source of union members, and the single largest customer of almost every company in the United States.

Offline Buckskin

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1064 on: April 02, 2011, 03:47:22 AM »
That is a sobering statistic that anyone in their right mind should be displeased with.  The fact that since ZerObama has taken office federal sector jobs have increased by 144,000 and private sector jobs have decreased 2.9 million. 144,000 more jobs sucking the life out of the country and putting nothing back into it. The resources the government spends do not materialize out of thin air—they are taken from the private sector.

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1065 on: April 02, 2011, 04:06:49 AM »
That is a sobering statistic that anyone in their right mind should be displeased with.  The fact that since ZerObama has taken office federal sector jobs have increased by 144,000 and private sector jobs have decreased 2.9 million. 144,000 more jobs sucking the life out of the country and putting nothing back into it. The resources the government spends do not materialize out of thin air—they are taken from the private sector.

    "Sucking the life out of the country"   It is a fact; and can anybody find s better description of a PARASITE ?

   Now we have a big old govt cow that produces neither meat nor milk or hide.. but it is bigger and more voracious than ever,  with fewer and rewer people feeding the beast...what is the likely outcome ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1066 on: April 02, 2011, 04:08:48 AM »
That is a sobering statistic that anyone in their right mind should be displeased with.  The fact that since ZerObama has taken office federal sector jobs have increased by 144,000 and private sector jobs have decreased 2.9 million. 144,000 more jobs sucking the life out of the country and putting nothing back into it. The resources the government spends do not materialize out of thin air—they are taken from the private sector.

Correct Buckskin, As yourself and others have continually pointed out in this topic. Being that this is a forum mainly about firearms and hunting, it makes me wonder if all that participate in the politics section even own a gun. As the democrats are the benefactors/pimps for the union, they are also for the most part, the party of gun control, which has always been the main reason I am a conservative voter.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1067 on: April 02, 2011, 04:33:38 AM »
For you guys that can' see,I'll explain what I see
I'm sure you claim I am nutz

What I continue to see is "interpretation" of why jobs are being farmed out over seas
you people say its (not tax) (Not Union)(not osha and all the other things They HAVE TO do to keep doors open in USA including all the over reaction Rules and Government made Policies,so that Mr. Elect can give a job to
a Friend who needs to be paid 6 figures to look important,once this MADE Policy goes into effect
someone has to get the revenue to pay him /Her
I think Ms Obadmas was one who had such a Job
It was so important and needed They never replaced her
If memory is close 300,000 Plus dollars for that Hospital Job
OK we needed it (GET REAL)
 I would need 24,000 pages to list them)
so If someone would believe you
 The only reason any of these Companies are taking their Business else where is
THEY just want to see THE US DIE
Come on Be real they are leaving for all the reasons stated on the ever going Posts Here at GBO
and the News media

So I guess a man will make a Billion dollar company here in the USA then farm it out to China or some other country for the sole reason
so this country will go Broke
Not that the other country welcomes them
I hear you guys saying They go there because the people walk out on them
they let Osha run there costs up to double cost of product
The other countries tax them and on and on!!!
 you know how you think!!
Yep thats a Business plan If I ever did see one
I can't even feel sorry for the Fools who could try to argue this
And will  ::)


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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1068 on: April 02, 2011, 05:15:51 AM »
It all boils down to 3 very simple questions:
1.Why are jobs of ALL kinds being off-shored to other countries by US business & corps?
2.Why are foriegn business & corps that sell product into the USA, not bringing more jobs here?
3.Why are foriegn business & corps that manufacture a product not manufacturing here and exporting?

Yes, why are they setting up shop someplace else? That "some other place" is more freindly to set up shop. Simple as that.

Look at our tax & regulatory structure. There is the answer. All the populist BS about loop holes and subsidies is all political jargon fed from the left and the unions. These microscopic articles we see posted here on tax fairness......... How about a Macro economic view?  So while you clearly can find some opportunity to fix some of these unfair loop holes, subsidies, etc, the real issues contiune. The same trash that got us here. So while the "increase tax" and "Greed Mongering" crowd can continue to yell on, the jobs keep leaving and raising tax will do nothing except scare away more business and resulting jobs. If all the these companies really are paying ZERO tax and have it so easy as TM & Scoot claim, why are they all leaving or not coming here to begin with????????????????????????? DAH
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1069 on: April 02, 2011, 05:19:20 AM »
That is a sobering statistic that anyone in their right mind should be displeased with.  The fact that since ZerObama has taken office federal sector jobs have increased by 144,000 and private sector jobs have decreased 2.9 million. 144,000 more jobs sucking the life out of the country and putting nothing back into it. The resources the government spends do not materialize out of thin air—they are taken from the private sector.

Correct Buckskin, As yourself and others have continually pointed out in this topic. Being that this is a forum mainly about firearms and hunting, it makes me wonder if all that participate in the politics section even own a gun. As the democrats are the benefactors/pimps for the union, they are also for the most part, the party of gun control, which has always been the main reason I am a conservative voter.

You own "A GUN" ? I own a whole bunch of them. And whats more I shoot them on a weekly basis. Not off of a bench poking holes in paper, but I actually shoot them, off-hand at long ranges standing on my hind legs. And I hit what I'm aiming at a vast majority of the time.

I like the "rugged Individualist" smack talk. "I've got what I've got because I did it all on my own." Bull crap!!!!

Got news for ya. If the likes of the Koch Brothers were to get what they want. They won't hesitate to come after you and yours next.

Based on all the illogical liberal gibberish that I've seen on this topic, I think they're bringing me around and I am starting to see why they need a union to help them through life...

 What is the U.S. Better Business Bureau? It's a UNION of business'. Labor unions are far from perfect, and do have their share of problems, but the Better Business Bureau is corrupt to the bone. Bought and paid for by the Corporations that will not blink an eye when it's time to come after what you have.

As any trained and knowleable negotiator knows, when the personal attacks begin, the argument is won. It appears that is all that you have left. Enjoy your minority status when this is over. You'll have no one to blame but yourselves.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1070 on: April 02, 2011, 05:59:56 AM »
Bla bla bla TM7. Answer some real questions. Need solutions as well. Right?

Show me in this report were it states that a revision of the corp tax rate would NOT incent on-shoring of jobs or that it would NOT provide incentive for new business creation and resulting jobs?

Show me in this report the competitive corp/business tax rate analysis of the US to other similar industrialized countries?

Show me in this report the same/similar tax issue/fairness analysis of individual tax rates to corp/business tax rates of the USA to other similar industrialized countries?


It all boils down to 3 very simple questions:
1.Why are jobs of ALL kinds being off-shored to other countries by US business & corps?
2.Why are foriegn business & corps that sell product into the USA, not bringing more jobs here?
3.Why are foriegn business & corps that manufacture a product not manufacturing here and exporting?

Yes, why are they setting up shop someplace else? That "some other place" is more freindly to set up shop. Simple as that.

Look at our tax & regulatory structure. There is the answer. All the populist BS about loop holes and subsidies is all political jargon fed from the left and the unions. These microscopic articles we see posted here on tax fairness......... How about a Macro economic view?  So while you clearly can find some opportunity to fix some of these unfair loop holes, subsidies, etc, the real issues contiune. The same trash that got us here. So while the "increase tax" and "Greed Mongering" crowd can continue to yell on, the jobs keep leaving and raising tax will do nothing except scare away more business and resulting jobs. If all the these companies really are paying ZERO tax and have it so easy as TM & Scoot claim, why are they all leaving or not coming here to begin with????????????????????????? DAH
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1071 on: April 02, 2011, 07:03:00 AM »
So what your saying is the USA is such a perfect place for these corporations to operate with the ZERO tax, yet they all decide to send activity over seas ::) Does that really make any sence to you? The issue is we tax & regulate to high, they off-shore the activity to escape this environmnet and the result is they pay no tax becasue there is nothing to TAX! So how do you bring the activity back on our shore so the activity can be taxed? That is the question that must be answered. You never address this.

Just raise thier tax you say! What do you think will happen? Zero X any number is still ZERO. I know that is a hard concept for someone on the governement dole your whole life understand. What will you raise the tax on then? The activity they have in Germany, China, Ireland? What? How are you going to collect this money? What will be the impact of taxing higher? Will it result in more activity being off shored? If the past is any indication of what will happen, then I think your solutions suck. The same approach will give you same result. More off shoring of activity, fewer jobs, etc. Just ask your beloved BO and his best buddy at GE.
Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1072 on: April 02, 2011, 07:36:00 AM »

Got news for ya. If the likes of the Koch Brothers were to get what they want. They won't hesitate to come after you and yours next.

Based on all the illogical liberal gibberish that I've seen on this topic, I think they're bringing me around and I am starting to see why they need a union to help them through life...

 What is the U.S. Better Business Bureau? It's a UNION of business'. Labor unions are far from perfect, and do have their share of problems, but the Better Business Bureau is corrupt to the bone. Bought and paid for by the Corporations that will not blink an eye when it's time to come after what you have.

As any trained and knowleable negotiator knows, when the personal attacks begin, the argument is won. It appears that is all that you have left. Enjoy your minority status when this is over. You'll have no one to blame but yourselves.

When liberals start the sky is falling, doomsday, scare tactics you know they have lost the arguement, and have nothing left in the tank.  As usual, since they base their arguements on feeling, emotion, natural order, wealth distribution, class envy junk they think that they can scare people into thinking their way.  AlGore did a great job selling his global warming bs and created billions of wealth for himself by his sky is falling propagana.  Selling carbon of all things... And costing this country hundreds of billions in energy cost for nothing.

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1073 on: April 02, 2011, 08:20:07 AM »
....ummm, errr...'the sky is falling', was started by team Koch/Walker--remember!!??  They claimed massive deficit, corps leaving the state, Unions are predatory scum leaching the system dry, the unions can't be fixed, too much gov spending, corp taxes must be zeroed to keep corps home, the State is broke, the democrats ran off with the constitution, them durn unions support democrats, the demonstrators busted up the capital building, the infra structure is so poor the State has to privatize with no-bid contracts and sales, teachers and educators are the whole cause of all this malaise,,,,the PD and FD are exempt of course, etc, etc.


....Errr, ahhh, ummmm - The liberal sky is falling technique has been used since Kennedy...

And the difference is, every one of those great examples you put forth are indisputable facts, and I'm glad to you see you finally coming around.

The preposterous - enjoy your minority status, hope you like minimum wage, 3rd world, US going to become a desert - scare tactics is what I was referring...

By the way, the Wisconsin PD's and FD's are next, just like in Iowa.


"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1074 on: April 02, 2011, 08:57:06 AM »
....ummm, errr...'the sky is falling', was started by team Koch/Walker--remember!!??  They claimed massive deficit, corps leaving the state, Unions are predatory scum leaching the system dry, the unions can't be fixed, too much gov spending, corp taxes must be zeroed to keep corps home, the State is broke, the democrats ran off with the constitution, them durn unions support democrats, the demonstrators busted up the capital building, the infra structure is so poor the State has to privatize with no-bid contracts and sales, teachers and educators are the whole cause of all this malaise,,,,the PD and FD are exempt of course, etc, etc.


....Errr, ahhh, ummmm - The liberal sky is falling technique has been used since Kennedy...

And the difference is, every one of those great examples you put forth are indisputable facts, and I'm glad to you see you finally coming around.

The preposterous - enjoy your minority status, hope you like minimum wage, 3rd world, US going to become a desert - scare tactics is what I was referring...

By the way, the Wisconsin PD's and FD's are next, just like in Iowa.

That's Rich! Scare Tactics?! The TP was founded on fear, the Right-Wing sustains itself by using fear. "Obama is creating death panels", "Obama's a Muslim who was smuggled in as an infant to destroy the U.S.", " If Obama is elected, black gangs will be raping your daughters". "Obama's a Nazi, no wait, he's a Marxist, or is it a Communist , he's a Facist , he hates White People." And the same old, same old... "He was born in Kenya and was trained as a Mau Mau." Only a paranoid fool would believe any of this crap.

The fact is, that the likes of the Koch Brothers and their minions are predators. They want complete control, and all of the wealth they can steal. Once they have sucked the working class dry, they will move up the food chain. They could care less what your political views are, or whether you are on their side. They want what you have. They won't be happy until everyone is licking their boots for any crumbs they want to drop. Hell, they would shoot Scott Walker in the head if it would get them what they wanted. He's nothing to them, but a flunky.   

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1075 on: April 02, 2011, 09:13:30 AM »
Alabama lowered their corporate income tax and I think actually do not tax any corporation who locates here.  We have attracted Mercedes, Honda, Hundai, and their various suppliers the last few years.  About 15 years ago we got Briggs and Stratton.  Many who have left the northern states have moved south.  Alabama is also one of the most unionised states in the south now.  We also have Goodyear, Goodrich, and Michilen tire plants here.  We still have some steel industry left in Birmingham.  One large pipe manufacturing company.  We also have some small shipbuilding.  In north Alabama Boeing built a Delta IV rocket factory that now also makes Atlas V rockets.  Both are used to launch telecommunications, weather, and satelites for Nasa and the Military.  Our textile industry has left during this same time and moved overseas due to its requiring higher labor costs. 

Hmmm.  Lower taxes. Better business climate and we are a right to work state. 

Offline Buckskin

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1076 on: April 02, 2011, 09:23:33 AM »
Alabama lowered their corporate income tax and I think actually do not tax any corporation who locates here.  We have attracted Mercedes, Honda, Hundai, and their various suppliers the last few years.  About 15 years ago we got Briggs and Stratton.  Many who have left the northern states have moved south.  Alabama is also one of the most unionised states in the south now.  We also have Goodyear, Goodrich, and Michilen tire plants here.  We still have some steel industry left in Birmingham.  One large pipe manufacturing company.  We also have some small shipbuilding.  In north Alabama Boeing built a Delta IV rocket factory that now also makes Atlas V rockets.  Both are used to launch telecommunications, weather, and satelites for Nasa and the Military.  Our textile industry has left during this same time and moved overseas due to its requiring higher labor costs. 

Hmmm.  Lower taxes. Better business climate and we are a right to work state.

Whhooaaa there Dixie that can't be!!!

Well, I guess proof is in the pudding...

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1077 on: April 02, 2011, 09:27:17 AM »
Alabama lowered their corporate income tax and I think actually do not tax any corporation who locates here.  We have attracted Mercedes, Honda, Hundai, and their various suppliers the last few years.  About 15 years ago we got Briggs and Stratton.  Many who have left the northern states have moved south.  Alabama is also one of the most unionised states in the south now.  We also have Goodyear, Goodrich, and Michilen tire plants here.  We still have some steel industry left in Birmingham.  One large pipe manufacturing company.  We also have some small shipbuilding.  In north Alabama Boeing built a Delta IV rocket factory that now also makes Atlas V rockets.  Both are used to launch telecommunications, weather, and satelites for Nasa and the Military.  Our textile industry has left during this same time and moved overseas due to its requiring higher labor costs. 

Hmmm.  Lower taxes. Better business climate and we are a right to work state.

 From Alabama's Channel site...

"Birmingham, AL (WVTM) --- Alabama's poverty rate is 16.6%.  The national average is 14.3%.  The federal definition for poverty is a family of four making under 22-thousand dollars a year.

According to the Alabama Poverty Project, Alabama has the 2nd largest gap between rich and poor in the entire country.  That means we don't have a middle class which is needed to help bring an end to poverty and provide economic stability here in this state.

The Alabama Poverty Project also said a third of Alabama families live at 150 percent of poverty level.  That's about 33-thousand dollars for a family of four.  Those families are also struggling to make ends meet and doing so by seeking emergency food assistance."

Wow! A dream come true for the Corporations... Yup! "The proof is in the Pudding" alright.

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1078 on: April 02, 2011, 09:32:21 AM »
....ummm, errr...'the sky is falling', was started by team Koch/Walker--remember!!??  They claimed massive deficit, corps leaving the state, Unions are predatory scum leaching the system dry, the unions can't be fixed, too much gov spending, corp taxes must be zeroed to keep corps home, the State is broke, the democrats ran off with the constitution, them durn unions support democrats, the demonstrators busted up the capital building, the infra structure is so poor the State has to privatize with no-bid contracts and sales, teachers and educators are the whole cause of all this malaise,,,,the PD and FD are exempt of course, etc, etc.


....Errr, ahhh, ummmm - The liberal sky is falling technique has been used since Kennedy...

And the difference is, every one of those great examples you put forth are indisputable facts, and I'm glad to you see you finally coming around.

The preposterous - enjoy your minority status, hope you like minimum wage, 3rd world, US going to become a desert - scare tactics is what I was referring...

By the way, the Wisconsin PD's and FD's are next, just like in Iowa.

That's Rich! Scare Tactics?! The TP was founded on fear, the Right-Wing sustains itself by using fear. "Obama is creating death panels", "Obama's a Muslim who was smuggled in as an infant to destroy the U.S.", " If Obama is elected, black gangs will be raping your daughters". "Obama's a Nazi, no wait, he's a Marxist, or is it a Communist , he's a Facist , he hates White People." And the same old, same old... "He was born in Kenya and was trained as a Mau Mau." Only a paranoid fool would believe any of this crap.

Hmmmm, I've been involved in this post since it's inception, I don't recall any of these "right wing" issues coming up.  But I guess you can just throw them in as if they were...

The fact is, that the likes of the Koch Brothers and their minions are predators. They want complete control, and all of the wealth they can steal. Once they have sucked the working class dry, they will move up the food chain. They could care less what your political views are, or whether you are on their side. They want what you have. They won't be happy until everyone is licking their boots for any crumbs they want to drop. Hell, they would shoot Scott Walker in the head if it would get them what they wanted. He's nothing to them, but a flunky.

Yes, yes, they are all about world domination... And liberals are all about saving us from them. I get it.  Thanks for all the logical facts there...  :o

By the way, I noticed that you have a total of 8 posts on this forum 6 of which are in this topic and already you have jumped to the farthest left of all that have posted here. ::)  Congrats!  You don't happen to be related to Scooter do you??? ;D

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Democratic senators bail ship
« Reply #1079 on: April 02, 2011, 09:36:37 AM »
From Alabama's Channel site...

"Birmingham, AL (WVTM) --- Alabama's poverty rate is 16.6%.  The national average is 14.3%.  The federal definition for poverty is a family of four making under 22-thousand dollars a year.

According to the Alabama Poverty Project, Alabama has the 2nd largest gap between rich and poor in the entire country.  That means we don't have a middle class which is needed to help bring an end to poverty and provide economic stability here in this state.

The Alabama Poverty Project also said a third of Alabama families live at 150 percent of poverty level.  That's about 33-thousand dollars for a family of four.  Those families are also struggling to make ends meet and doing so by seeking emergency food assistance."

Wow! A dream come true for the Corporations... Yup! "The proof is in the Pudding" alright.

And what would the poverty level be if those companies didn't set up shop there??? 4%???  Wow, liberals never cease to amaze me in their logic...

Alabama would be much better off if you corporations would stop bring jobs into our community!!! LOL!!!

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne