Author Topic: Is it a "coincidence" ?  (Read 898 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Is it a "coincidence" ?
« on: February 18, 2011, 04:09:01 AM »
  Wer have riots and mobs demanding their "rights" for a "democratic" reform in many places.  Earlier, it was in EU countries like Greece & Spain, now the middle east is in uproar and the unrest is spreading to our country..  is it all one large COINCIDENCE ?  Or is there some sinister force behind it.  Here is my opinion, backed by various videos etc;
    The old Fabian Socialist plan is being effected as we speak...and people are falling for it.   The unrest is encouraged & often sponsored by liberals and the unions, both a modern incarnation of the Fabian Socialists.  It has been their aim to crush the prosperous individuals and countries, in hopes of elevating the poorer people and countries. They take not into account the difference the work & inventiveness of the prosperous individuals and nations.  As the president said, they want to "spread the wealth around". Of course, if they spread the wealth without spreading the work ethic which makes one prosperous..they will simply be spreading the wealth for one big party..thereafter to "spread the misery".
  We don't have to look for clandestine, esoteric organizations such as Tri-Lateral comm, Bilderburgers or Skull & bones for a "hidden conspiracy".  There is a conspiracy, but it is not secret .... and not hidden.
   The conspiracy is easily recognizable organizations which endorse the Fabian Socialists and ultimately the Marxist line.  Their ideaology was shown in a news report when a high union rep here was offering aid and encouragement to the rioters in the Middle East. today, there are reports that personell in the Obama administration are stoking the fires in Wisconsin, encouraging that mess to continue. Here is a series of videos worth watching..see if you agree..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Gary G

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Re: Is it a "coincidence" ?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2011, 01:16:11 PM »
It is simpler than that. Have you checked grain prices lately? They are shooting through the roof, and why is that? Because the Federal Reserve is printing money. Now grains are traded worldwide in dollars. When the money supply is increased, it takes more dollars to buy something as the dollar loses purchasing power. Our inflationary practices are in large part exported both in the trade deficit and hot money flowing to emerging markets. In these countries where a high proportion of the people work for the government, the standard of living is very low. A high percentage of daily income is spent on something to eat. When their government tries to control food prices, it causes shortages. They are tired of it. With the internet, they know things could be better with less government. Helicopter Ben admitted causing the stock market to rise, but refuses to take credit for the high food prices and riots.
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: Is it a "coincidence" ?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 01:24:18 PM »
IG I believe what you say is true, but the names are changed to protect the guilty.   
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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Offline bilmac

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Re: Is it a "coincidence" ?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 05:35:52 PM »
I believe some of Obamas radical buddies espouse revolution as a means to get their utopia.

Offline Dee

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Re: Is it a "coincidence" ?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2011, 03:28:41 AM »
It is simpler than that. Have you checked grain prices lately? They are shooting through the roof, and why is that? Because the Federal Reserve is printing money. Now grains are traded worldwide in dollars. When the money supply is increased, it takes more dollars to buy something as the dollar loses purchasing power. Our inflationary practices are in large part exported both in the trade deficit and hot money flowing to emerging markets. In these countries where a high proportion of the people work for the government, the standard of living is very low. A high percentage of daily income is spent on something to eat. When their government tries to control food prices, it causes shortages. They are tired of it. With the internet, they know things could be better with less government. Helicopter Ben admitted causing the stock market to rise, but refuses to take credit for the high food prices and riots.

Gary G, while the grain prices ARE "shooting thru the roof" let us look more closely at "WHY". While the farmer not only gets "farm subsidies" so does many of their wives, and or children whom do not farm. I personally know numerous farmers in my home town that do, and since it is little known public record, I also know how much they get. One in particular, along with his wife getting duplicate funds gets over $161,000.00 A YEAR, and she in fact is a stay at home mom.
This coupled with the fact that all the farmers in this area have bought their own grain elevators and HOLD THE GRAIN TO DRIVE THE PRICE UP! The farmer has you coming and going, by getting your tax dollar in the form of "farm subsidies", i.e. "farm welfare", and he holds his grain to drive the price up. All the while whaling like a calf caught in the fence about his poor pitiful plight. Most of this is done in the local cafes where the parking lot is flooded with $60,000.00 limited Edition "farm pickups".
After all, you can't expect them to go and check on their illegal Mexican farm hand in anything less than a King Ranch Edition Ford 4 wheel drive pickup with leather interior. ::)
Right now as we type, many farmers in the Texas Panhandle are laughing the butts off at the huge spike in cotton prices, and the news of the coming clothing price increases as high as 30%. Oh, and by the way. Their holding their cotton to drive the prices even higher, and still gettin your tax dollar funded FARM SUBSIDIY CHECK.
This FARM SUBSIDIY racket is as bad as any UNION, and just as corrupt. In a conversation less than two months ago with a farmer that his wife is also signed up, where they get a combined $84,000.00+ a year, he told me face to face, that: HE BELIEVES HE DESERVES THAT CHECK.
He has no idea that not only do I know that his wife ALSO gets a check, but that I know how much they get. He takes 3 and 4 multi week vacations a year, and yes. He and his wife drive two vehicles that combined cost over $110,000.00. Did I also mention that one of his hobbies is ANTIQUE JOHN DEER TRACTORS, and he has several, with more waiting in the wings to be TOTALLY RESTORED and he has the time to do them himself. That's a pretty expensive hobby.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Gary G

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Re: Is it a "coincidence" ?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2011, 11:14:51 AM »
Dee, grain prices are set on the futures market world wide by speculators. The farmers have little to do with it. If they hold it for higher prices, this is a benefit because it evens out supply over the entire year. You will notice that grain prices went orbital about the same time as Bernanke announced QEII. When the fed increases the money supply they have very little control over where it flows. Time before last it was dot com stocks, after that it was the housing bubble, now it appears as food, energy and metals prices. Notice the first two bubbles crashed and the government created more debt each time trying to prop up the unpropable. This too will fail at some point as Keynesian economics don't work. The debt is already insurmountable.

On farm subsidies:
F.D.R. started this to get votes. We were predominately agricultural then. I disagree with any subsidies on moral grounds.

1. Our life belongs to us.
2. Our liberty belongs to us.
3. Our property belongs to us.
If not, then they belong to someone else. That makes us slaves.

It is immoral for me to steal someone else's property.
It is immoral for me to allow an entity (like the government) to steal it for me. There in lies subsidies, handouts, free health care, etc.

The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline ironglow

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Re: Is it a "coincidence" ?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2011, 01:13:28 PM »
  The AFL-CIO and attendant unions started the riots and unrest in the mid-est countries..then not happy, they continue here in our midwest..the main perps in the unrest in Wisconsin; facilitated by Obama's lackeys.
    Here in a union publication, they boast of their involvement in the Egyptian riots;

   Scroll down especially, to the blue shaded paragraph !

     Where do they go from Wisconsin..where else do they plan on causing unrest an havoc here in the United States ?
  Will the president's lackeys be on board to help them ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)