Author Topic: Gun Grab?  (Read 1587 times)

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Offline saltshaker

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Gun Grab?
« on: February 23, 2011, 06:41:50 PM »
Worth anything? you decide.......

A friend of mine for over 43 years told me recently of a friend he has known for about 20 years( though I never met him, but my friend would speak of him occasionally), told him the government has
taken GPS readings on every doorstep of registered gun owners throughout the U.S. with the plan of using foreign soldiers, (U.N my guess )to make a coordinated work of freeing us from our guns.
To protect the man he would.t tell me about him except he is high up in government and had this information.....As for when this will take place ???? but if we get news of U.N. troops entering the country this may be what to watch for. I don't know exactly how to prepare for such a thing, but I don't want to lose my guns.....Any thoughts on this?????.Thank you

Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2011, 07:19:40 PM »
Were that to happen, I would respond with the proper resistance. If a large amount of u.n. troops ever entered the country to force the execution of unConstitutional acts by a rogue, corrupt government bent on disolving the Constitution, I would hope that my fellow countrymen and fellow patriots would take the appropriate action. I took my OATH on Jul 10 1972. I was never given a date of expiration. Liberty

Offline CrufflerSteve

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2011, 06:10:25 PM »
I don't know. The military probably plans for every contingency but in the current situation it would terminally piss off the vast majority of the population. This stuff has gone around before. In the 90's I was told very seriously by some gun store owners that UN troops were training in Texas for the big gun grab. Haven't seen them yet. I think the politicians like having us quiet while they loot most everything and ship the rest overseas. The last thing they want to do is get people upset.

OTOH, a major terrorist attack or two, economic default could change a lot of things.


Offline saltshaker

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 06:18:33 PM »

Thank You Pat/Rick.......... I live in California, sometimes a positive attitude about keeping our guns is somewhat difficult.  I've phoned and e-mailed many times on gun issues to our gov. knowing they're anti gun democrats I'm talking too.

Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2011, 05:57:39 AM »
 salt, Steve referanced a major terrorist attack. That would induce martial law if it would be NBC. Local LEO and EMS is entrusted with victim aid,triage, and crowd control, the rest is to be handled by military. No other agency would be equipped enough to make a swift move to "contain" the affected area.  Steve, is also correct that these "UN" types of stories have been going around for quite awhile. If that were to happen we would know about it beforehand. It wouldn't be some magical overnight arrival and at our doors the next morning at oh dark thirty. That size of operational logistics takes time.Like I said "were that to happen"....... I'm north of ya in WA, plenty of antis up here as well............................. It was said that the census workers took GPS readings during their "tour" as well.I would believe that before I exlusively thought the list was for just gunowners. I gave them the amount of people living at this address and told them I wasn't going to answer any more questions and that they could fine me. haven't heard from them yet. Whenever information mostly states one type of people, be leary of it.   ;)

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2011, 06:22:52 AM »
Come on... UN troops?  There are NO UN troops.  These "troops" are provided by other nations.  A very large percentage are US or UK.  Most other nations can't afford to deploy a battalion, much less the divisions necessary to sweep and control even ONE US state.  If they won't provide large forces to prevent widespread killings, maimings and ethnic "cleansing" do you really think they are going to provide troops to police the wealthiest and most prosperous nation on earth?  Do you really think they area going to desire to come to the US and get embroiled in what would become a decades long effort?  The US, with all it's technology, equipment and expertise can't get the guns away from a bunch of fourth-world tribal fanatics.  How are third world tribal fanatics going to even attempt to control even someplace as small as say, Oklahoma City?  Even when the UN decides to send troops; the US pays the bill, trains them, provides most of the logistics and are the real hammer in the event of trouble.

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2011, 06:27:41 AM »
Why would they need GPS ? they have addresses of CCL holders , hunters etc. Would our own military allow such ?
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Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2011, 02:51:25 PM »
All they'd have to do in the country is just knock on 99 out of every hundred doors. Pretty much the cities too. Guess if they tried I'd just have to go Crazy Horse on them! ;D

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2011, 03:16:23 AM »
UN troops could be depoyed here.  China and India have huge populations.  China especially could deploy troops if they choose to do so.  They have 200 million in their combined army, navy, air force, national guard, and police forces already.  Russia has a lot of troops also.  All are members of the UN.  The UN are supposed to pay the salaries of the blue hat UN forces.  Our government is only 5 trillion away from bankrupcy.  14 + trillion in debt, and 20 trillion will only pay the interest on the debt, so at 20 trillion we are bankrupt as a nation.  Our government takes in about 2.2 trillion in taxes, but spends 3.7 trillion.  600 billion is defence.  The rest is mostly social security, medicare, medicaid.  We will need to either raise more taxes, raise the retirement age, reduce the aid, cut all foreign aid, farm aid, or a combination of all.  Another way is for the government to pay back debt with inflated dollars.  Inflation is just a back door way to get our money without raising taxes. 


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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2011, 08:47:23 AM »
That would be interesting to say the least. Consider the civilian population of the USA is better armed than some military units around the world. Consider also the retired military men and women with the combined knolege they have . Interesting concept last time it was red coats ...
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Offline saltshaker

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2011, 09:37:05 PM »
Thanks to all of you for your excellent input.  I did have thoughts about them using gps because they wouldn't need to read our language,  just follow the gps.


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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2011, 01:06:40 AM »
sign language is universal ! They would understand  ;)
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Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2011, 11:37:21 AM »
The English (red coats, lobsterbacks,etc) with mercenaries from Germeny (hessians) gave it a shot a number of years ago. Some forty years later the brits showed up for round two. Some one hundred fifty years after that, Imperial Japan heard Yamamoto say, "I will not invade the USA, there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass".
    IF, the scenario presented itself, I doubt it would be with the assistance of a european military. Russia or China would make the most sense. Neither one owes any allegience or courtesy to the American people and have historically been enemies.
  Shootall, yes there are alot of veterans in this nation, and alot of us would still honor our oaths if the fertilizer hit the ventilator.
 For those who do not think troops could or would be used against the populace, do a history search. Federalized militia were called up as early as the whiskey rebellion to enforce the will of the gov't. ( sure started early didn't it?)

Offline torpedoman

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2011, 03:22:56 PM »
Worth anything? you decide.......

A friend of mine for over 43 years told me recently of a friend he has known for about 20 years( though I never met him, but my friend would speak of him occasionally), told him the government has
taken GPS readings on every doorstep of registered gun owners throughout the U.S. with the plan of using foreign soldiers, (U.N my guess )to make a coordinated work of freeing us from our guns.
To protect the man he would.t tell me about him except he is high up in government and had this information.....As for when this will take place ???? but if we get news of U.N. troops entering the country this may be what to watch for. I don't know exactly how to prepare for such a thing, but I don't want to lose my guns.....Any thoughts on this?????.Thank you

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Re: Gun Grab?
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2011, 03:55:09 AM »
I thought that every house had a gun , they don't ? How else could we do our duty to protect our rights ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !