Dear Sir or Madame,
I have noticed the sign posted at your establishment that expresses your wish that no handguns are allowed to be carried in or around said establishment. This causes me to question your motives for the posting.
Have you made enemies you are afraid will do you some harm? If so, a mere sign surely would not deter a person bent on doing so.
Are you “Just following orders” from a superior or person of authority? Please forward this letter to them.
Allow me to point out a few things to you:
First, I am licensed to carry a concealed firearm by the State of Arkansas. I passed a training course, TWO background checks (state and FBI), a proficiency test proving my ability to safely handle and shoot a handgun, and paid almost $200 in fees, not to mention the cost of my firearm. You are probably safer from crime because of this, since a criminal never knows whether they are accosting an armed or unarmed victim.
Secondly, The Constitution of the United States, in the Second Amendment, states “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Thirdly, The Constitution of the State of Arkansas, Article II, Section 5, states “The citizens of this state shall have the right to keep and bear arms for their common defense.”
Lastly, keep in mind that an armed person is a citizen, an unarmed person is a subject!
I would also like to express my gratitude for your acceptance of the liability of my personal safety while in your establishment since you have seen fit to deny my right of self defense.
Because of your sign, I will seek out and patronize other businesses and establishments that allow the LAWFUL entry of LEGALLY armed citizens.
Thank you,
An Armed Citizen