Parrott-Cannon, thanks for your excellent program and complete instructions. The first thing I did was to ignore the instructions and input values for our Parrott 100pdr. Cannon. Sure its rifled, but we just wanted to get an idea at what the pressure would be with our new 600gr. armor-piercing load. The data I input and the calculated results are below. What should I discount and what should be approx. correct??
Bore size.............1.067"
Projo size............1.063"
Projo weight........3,062.5 grs.
Powder weight....600 grs.
Powder gran........FFg
Max breech Press......21,353
% Powder burnt...............99.8
Whoops. I forgot to report the velocity. The program calculates it as 1,258 f.p.s. and our Crony chronograph consistently has
the velocity for this wt. of powder and bolt at 1,241 to 1,260 f.p.s.
Thanks again; your program is wonderful. Oh, I did read the instructions, finally. Nice graphics too.
Tracy & Mike