The .375 H&H is "da bomb". I bought mine over 30 years ago and is one of a very few guns that I would never sell or trade out of. I used it almost exclusively for hunting black-tailed deer for the 7 years I lived in Alaska, just in case I ran into a cranky Brown bear. I shot over 20 deer with it, given the 4 deer seasonal limit. It truly is a versatile cartridge.
My most accurate handload was 80.5 gr of 4350 w/CCI 250 primers and the 300 gr. Sierra boat-tail. This is a pleasant load to shoot and would result in a clover-leaf group if I did my part.
I never tried the 235 grain bullets, but did fire a lot of factory Winchester and Remington loads and they were more than adequate for hunting accuracy.
Enjoy your new toy.