Herrett is good,
I love 35 contenders, have 38 special, 357 mag, 357 max, 357/44 B&D, 357 Herrett, 35 rem and 358 Bellm. IF and when (if ever!) funds become available, I'll be looking for a 358JDJ and maybe a 35 Winchester and 35-30 some day in the future. Personally, I've found the 35 bores to be extremely accurate, easy to develop loads for and deadly on deer and pigs. I wish you luck with your Herrett; unlike some folks around here, I dont think that on deer out to 125-150 yards anyone can tell the difference between the herrett, the max the B&D or even the 35 remington....When you get to the 358 Bellm, then you really start to see a difference. I've been thinking about having my herrett chamber cut to use full length 30-30 cases resized in the herrett dies, that would leave a very long neck which is great for longer bullets, especially 220 and heavier cast bullets, increases powder capacity to nearer the 35 remington and would make all that case trimming obsolete.
good luck with your Herrett, you should find it fun to play with.