" The Judge is a exercise in marketing to a crowd that loves to try new toys and a crowd that likes to have what the other guy has. I might call it a gimmick , I don't like trusting my life to a gimmick if I don't have to."
I agree with that except to say that in the beginning, I think the marketing took advantage of novice or non gun owners with the hype about it's dual "self defense" ammo capabilities. And then Shootall's assessment kicked in. I did mention in my first post that I tend to sound condecending when I comment on this subject. Sorry, I don't know how else to say it. And it's just my opinion..............
For whatever reason, the marketing strategy has worked so well that S&W is now selling a look-a-like.
Which is really weird considering it used to be the other way around. Doesn't say much for S&W in my opinion.
I will never own one. Hope others are happy with their purchase...............
Some interesting quotes, but I am neither a novice nor a beginner. I have many handguns and combat experience. So everybody is entitled to their opinion. marketing gimmick, maybe, but four or five MAJOR ammunition companies are NOW making ammo in .410 just for the Judge, or new Smith. You know they just didn't jump on the band wagon for the heck of it. It is a unique and great idea. I tried many times with the capsule shot shell in .357 and .44 Mag, gotta tell ya they really suck in a handgun. My Judge almost blew the head right of a copperhead at 7 feet with 6 shot.
Let's see, Ruger 204, gimmick?? or how about a Hornady 17 HRM, another gimmick? Just because it is different doesn't mean it isn't any good. I am a gun enthusiast and always have been. I have bought other Taurus revolvers, didn't like them and sold them. Heck I sold allot of Colts & Smiths that I shouldn't have.
The bottom line is, with the new ammo available, this is a reliable and deadly weapon. As stated are there better ones sure, are there worse ones sure. Nobody who knows they are expecting trouble says , oh I will just grab my .22 and take care of it. If I know I have trouble brewing the hell with it,I am grabbing my RRA LAR-15 with a couple of 30 round mags.
Also it is a good choice when wall penetration is a concern inside a home. The Buckshot will still probably penetrate wall board and sheetrock, but not as much as a 200 grain .45 LC at 1000 FPS.
I pooh poohed Glocks for a long time. Plastic this and that, ugly pistol and so on. Then a friend gave me to shoot at a range. Wow, shot lights out, felt great in my hand, I liked the trigger setup, bingo I bought a Glock 27 and I will buy another one.
Bottom line, don't knock it until you tried it, and tried it with the NEW BREED of ammo available from Federal, Winchester, and Remington just to name a few. Trust me, it is a WORLD of difference.