yellowtail is always against the grain.
On lots of subjects. Is that against the rules?
The officer didn't put those children into this incident. Their father did.
You know, I agree with you on that.
After 20 years of L.E. I am somewhat sociopathic toward folks like drug dealers, and folks like yellowtail. I just don't give a damn what they think about anything.
sociopathic toward... folks like yellowtail... does that mean you'll just disregard my rights? That you'll be unpleasant/ Or that when you're around, folks who you disagree with need to have their Hi Power in in their Fobus?
If it weren't for that thin blue line called the police officer, someone long ago would have beat hell out of yellowtail, or killed him, and took all his stuff.
No disrespect intended - though I think you intend some? - but that's plain silly. Many believe - and police would have them believe! - that the police keep them safe. The police, however, are not personal bodyguards. They do act as a general deterrent to crime, both by their presence and by apprehending criminals after the crime... but they don't protect. I'll fine without you, Dee. I've been assaulted once, police were of no help. None of the property stolen from me was ever recovered by police. And you well know that courts have held that police have no legal obligation to protect anyone in particular. When was the last time someone successfully sued the cops for failing to keep them from being victims of crime?
Drug dealers contribute nothing but misery to this world, and make their living selling this misery.
Like the folks who ran 'shine back in '29, right?
Folks like yellowtail have lived a protected life, all their life, and are spoiled to it, not having a clue as to whom gives them the freedom to live out their selfish little lives.
Folks like me? Sheltered? Clearly, we've not met.
If it weren't for the police he would be looking out his shades, and could not even got to work for fear of someone robbing his house and harming his family while he was gone.
See above. Police keeping us safe from the rabble of criminals? I might feel the same, if I were drawing your paycheck.
He is too self righteous
only righteousness I've got comes from Jesus, and I know it. Where do you get yours? You badge and sense of self-importance?
to the store if it weren't for the police officer he so resents.
Not all of us walk around in fear, Dee, and even fewer think we owe our safety to you.
Lighten up and be nice?