Surprised to learn that about bananas, not surprised at the bikes however. Are the bananas grown in large quantity ? last batch I bought were DOLE don't know where they are grown..doubt they are labelled.
Unfortunately, not enough to supply our domestic market. I wonder has any US company like Dole, tried growing bananas in Puerto Rico? Dole is basically a large wholesaler, they own or control most of the banana & pineapple crop destined for sale to the US, and probably the world.
I do agree with you about Tarshaay, being "French" in their outlook. I recently saw a news report on the internet where, the Tarshaay stores in Mpls, MN, were catering to their muslim employees. For instance, when muslim employees refused to stock food products containing pork, management allowed them to avoid this work. What would they have said if Jewish employees refused? If it was us, we probably would have been fired for refusing to do our job. I don't care what color or religion you are, if you take a job, you have to do the
entire job, otherwise, don't take the job, or let someone else who is willing to do the work have the job.