Swampman I work in the natural gas industry. Natural gas if found with oil, in coal mines, in shale rock formations. Eisenhower, check it out if you don't believe me, put the oil in western shale formations (200 year supply) in naval reserve and created OPEC to use their oil up first. I don't know what you are reading, but we have oil in the gulf, offshore California (no more drilling allowed), in Alaska's north slope, Anwar. Lots in northern Canada. If we were going to run out in 30 years, with vehicles lasting an average of 20 years, then why is the whole world making more cars? The just recently had a huge discovery off the coast of Brazil. They are just starting to get the Braken shale oil in North Dakota (not on government property). If gasoline gets and stays above $4 a gallon, it then becomes cost effective to make oil from algae (greenhouses the size of Rhode Island could produce all of Americas needs). Exxon is spending $500 billion I think, right now on algae greenhouses. We don't have to import Arab oil. It is stupid to do so. Let the oil companies drill onshore on government land, let them drill in Alaska, let them drill offshore. Sure there are risks, risks in every thing we do. It is more risky to just drive around since 50,000 people are killed every year in cars. At some point it will become economical to make synthetic fuel from our vast coal supplies. The EPA hasn't approved any new refineries in the US in over 20 years. We have to get our imported crude shipped to Canada or Mexico to be made into gasoline. Environmentalists, regulations, etc, have killed our ability to drill and produce our own. These same government regulations have driven our industry overseas. Rare earth minerals are needed to make electronics and lithium batteries. We have plenty in the US, but environmental regulations keep it from being produced here. So they are produced in China an Bolivia among other places. They said in the 1920's we would run out of oil in 30 years. Hmmm, we didn't. We discovered more.