Author Topic: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????  (Read 8758 times)

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Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« on: March 22, 2011, 02:45:40 PM »
Whats the longest kill shot you have made with a handgun and what was the caliber, bullet weight and barrel length?

Now at the local range on paper whats the longest accurate shot you have made with a handgun and what was the caliber, bullet weight and barrel length??

Honestly i been out hunting with a handgun a few times but never seen anything to hunt/kill.  I carried the ruger super blackhawk in 44mag with 240gr JHP's and a 7 1/2 barrel.

My longest shot at the local range is with a colt python in 357mag using my speer 140gr jhp reloads at 100yds.  I could ping small rocks on the berm at 100yds at will.  The revolver always shot high at 25yds so i took it out to 100yds.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 03:08:56 PM »
 :D  1911, I haven't shot much big game with the six gun..maybe 15 head..I killed several antelope around 100 yards with my Bisley .44 and handloads of 2400 and Speer 225 gr. had a 7.5 " longest shot was with my Bisley.357 and a 140 grain Rem. hp over was at a whitetailed jackrabbit and I did him in at about 180+ yards..It took several rounds..if I remember right I hit the first shot, but took more to finish the best shot was a crow flying over my remote mt. camp spot..he was looking for a nest of mallard ducks near by..on a whim, I pulled my S & W .357 out and took a quick my amazement and I am sure his, I killed him with one round...But as the master Elmer Keith pointed out such shots are not common, especially for me, but if you don't shoot you don't hit....

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2011, 03:23:13 PM »
Two longest shots.
Shot 1  N.C, was about 20 years ago pulling into the farm I saw a grey squirrell run across the road and to a Pecan tree.
I pulled over, Opened the door, and put both feet on the ground (Now Legal)
Loaded my Browning buck mark with what ever I had at the time, Rolled down the window and used the door as a rest and shot the little bugger in the chest at 50 yards.  he was standing at the time Dropped the nut, grabbed his little chest and fell over like he was a cartoon.  Gun was 5.5 Inch Browning Buck mark and do not remember what the ammo was.
Shot 2 was on a ground squirrel on the Tajone ranch about 3 years ago.
Gun was a T/C contender with a 14" barrel, Ammo was lead free 223. Federal ammo. ( do the contenders with longer than a 10" barrel count?)
Squirrrell was eating the one my friend Chad shot a few minutes earlier and he missed, as it was running to ward us I was able to hit it before it got to the hole about 60 Yards out.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2011, 08:38:34 PM »
I was following up a wounded deer in Coosa Co., AL near NW area of Lake Martin, a hilly wooded pine/hardwood mix area that was hit by a fellow hunter.  I was carrying a stock Ruber SBH 7.5" 44 Mag w/ 180gr Sierra JHCs over a safe, but hot load of WW296/H110(same powder per research). The 8 pt. buck exposed himself just before jumping a branch at the botoom of a hollow and I got 1 good shot in him @ +/- 100 yds thru thick brush.  It hit the last rib  (right side in) and I got the fully expanded bullet back in his neck on the left side, almost big as a nickle!. He dropped in the water (of course!).  I have killed 5 deer with a 44 mag, a couple from tree stands, the others tracking wounded deer.  I now have a couple Savage Styrkers  in .22-250 (8 pt @ 90 yds DRT) and 7mm-08(unblooded yet) so I am looking for some longer shots.

Offline keith44

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2011, 08:55:21 PM »
Longest kill with handgun, 88 long paces ( I claim 85 yards)  8 point (4x4) whitetail running across and away right to left quartering shot. Lead the buck by 3 feet, hit his left hip and exited in front of his right shoulder.  The gun was my Super Redhawk, wearing a Simmons 2x pistol scope, the load was a hand load using 300 gr Hornady XTP'S.  At the range I practice at 125 yards with 300 gr bullet loads, and 80 yards with 240-250 gr bullet loads
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Offline Ken ONeill

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 01:13:41 AM »
Medium sized game: Pronghorn, 258 yds. XP-100 .250 Savage 14", 100 gr. Hornady spire.
Small game/ varmints: Rockchuck, 340 yds, XP-100, .223, 14", 55 gr. Sierra Spitzer boat tail.

Where possible, stalking close when handgun hunting has always interested me more than long range shooting.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 02:36:33 AM »
Crazy:  A couple of 'longest shots':  65 yds on a Grey Squirrel on a tree branch with a Ruger Mk11 22lr using Remington's 'golden' 40 gn high speed, and about 75 yds on a Whitetail buck with a S&W 44 Mag Mountain Gun shooting a 300 gn LBT style slug over 2400 powder with complete pass-through.

Longest shots on paper or other targets is 200 yds with the Ruger Super Blackhawk, 7.5" bbl, shooting a 240-245 gn cast gas checked Keith style bullet over Winchester 296 powder during metallic silhouette matches. 

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2011, 03:33:21 AM »
53 yds on a decent size whitetail with the 240 gr XTP ahead of 296 out of the 7-1/2 .44 mag angling in ahead of the left shoulder & exiting behind the right shoulder.
(this one still ran 29 yds before going down)

Same gun shoots great @ 130 yds and I have not tried farther than that. Most practice is done at 35 yds to 60 yds and I work some sessions in @ 100yds in the latter part of summer.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2011, 04:39:43 AM »
using both a S&W 22A and an EAA bounty hunter in 22lr/22mag, I have scared squirrels from 10yds to 50yds.  since I haven't hit one yet, I don't have a longest shot to tell about.
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2011, 05:57:47 AM »
Just to include a Pistol in my deer kills I hunted only one day with my 6 inch .357 Lframe Smith-Wesson and killed a six point buck at 40 yards, he went down with the first shot, climbed down from my deer stand walked over and finished him off.

This rounded out my Deer kills,  .257 Ackley Improved, 6.5 X 55, .270 Winchester, 7 M/M Mauser, 7 M/M Remington Mag, .308 Winchester, 30-06, 7.7 Jap, .303 British, 8 M/M Mauser, .338 Winchester Magnum, .375 H&H Magnum, 45/70, 458 Winchester Magnum, 50 Caliber Muzzle Loader.

Longest shot with a rifle 200 Yards with a 30-06, most deer were shot within 75 yards in wooded terrain.   Favorite deer killer 8X57 Mauser with the old Norma 196 grain round nose bullet in the Va and NC mountains.  My hunting buddy said that the only person who could destroy every piece of eatible meat on a deer with one shot was me and my 8X57.   The 196 grain Norma is the most destructive bullet seen on game.
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2011, 07:37:46 AM »
90 paces ~85 yards doe,  454 Casull loaded with 300 gr cast at ~1200 fps.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2011, 10:16:34 AM »
I handgun hunt the way other people bow hunt so most of my shots have been under 50 yards, however last season i got a TC Encore in 25-06 and shot a big spike at about 75 yards with a factory Hornady 117grn SST load.  I can reliably hit quart size oil containers out to 200 yrds with it so maybe next year that distance will go up.  ;D Of course The TC Bug has bitten and I have already got a Contender and just purchased my third barrel for it so who knows!

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2011, 01:08:46 PM »
I've taken two deer with a S&W 629 Classic DX at what I estimate at roughly 100 yards. I didn't have a range finder either time but stepped it off as best as I could and would say both were around 100 yards give or take five yards. Both were taken with Hornady 240 XTP HPs.

I've taken several with TCs in 7 TCU and 7-30 Waters that would go from about 110 yards to around 150 I guess again no rangefinder handy. In all cases I was using the Sierra 130 SSP that is now discontinued. I took a turkey at close to 100 yards with a .358 JDJ with 225 grain Nosler BTs.

With my 7-30 Waters I shot a group measuring 1.51" with my calipers at 250 range finder measured yards. Same day I shot several others that were under MOA. I think I was using the old discontinued Hornady 120 SSP at that time but would have to find old records to be sure.

I've shot groups on a metal plate at over 300 yards with the 7-30 that were 3" and less lots of times. That same Classic DX once put the first three at 100 yards into a half inch and the full cylinder group went 1.5". I was using my standard load of 24.0 grains of W296 and Hornady 240 XTP-HPs.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 04:37:03 AM »
Just this year.......73 yds ( my son lasered it a few weeks later ) , a doe with my Ruger Super Blackhawk, Bisley Hunter. Same load as G.B , 240 gr XTP over 24 grains of W-296.  That load shoots well in all my 44s.

regards  ,irold

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2011, 05:20:08 AM »
 My longest shot and kill was a Whitetail at 135+ yards with my S&W 460 mag with a 300 gr. hard cast bullet.

I have killed some game just under 100 and a lot more under 50 yards.  The most fun I have had with handgun hunting, has been when they are up close and personal. I have kill a lot of deer, hogs and black bear under 20 yards with several different handguns from 44 Mag to 510 GNR and 500 mags.

I have given up long range handgun hunting, I have more fun when they are up close.
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2011, 10:54:18 AM »
With revolvers my longest kill has been just under 200 yards with a FA 454 Casull.
With single-shot specialty handguns, well, a long ways on deer antelope, mulies, and elk. ;D
If you add prairie dogs to the mix, even further.
On paper I have a number of nice groups.  Here is a 4-shot group at 600 yards with a center-grip XP in 6.5-284 (140 A-max's).

Nowadays with one of my MOA's or bolt pistols, I usually start practicing on steel at 500 yards.
In fact there is a whole group of guys who shoot at distance with specialty handguns:
Each of words in Blue that are bold and underlined will take you to more info or pictures
If any of you are interested in this match or LR shooting with handguns email me or you could give me a call 307-257-7431
These distances are not impossible or only for a capable few.  With proper equipment and maybe some coaching you would be shocked what you could do on paper or steel yourself. 
One of the biggest hindrances to shooting distance is the 6" between your ears. :D
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2011, 03:58:05 PM »
Longest shot on a deer was 107 yards lasered. Contender 10" 357 mag 13.5 grs H-110 and a 180 Honady XTP.
I have killed a bunch of deer between 80 and 100 yards with different Contender barrels also. 14" 6mm-225 Win 30 grs Varget and 80 gr Suerra SSP, 14" 30-30AI 33 grs IMR 4198 and Nosler 125 ballistic tip. The stand that I use with the Contenders is on an old logging road that has a max range of 120 yard shot. Most are shot at a crossing between 80 and 100 yards.
I have killed a bunch of deer with various hand guns 50 yards and under. Most with an WWII era 1911A1 Colt 45 ACP 7 grs Unique and 200 gr cast LSWC that I kept my family fed with deer meat for 4 years because if I did not shoot it or catch it or grow it we did not eat it. We were Poooooooooor.


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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2011, 06:49:30 PM »
My longest was on a running and hopping armadillo at 37-40 yards with a H&R 6" .22 revolver
shooting .22Long rifles! One shot, one kill! ;)
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2011, 01:02:12 PM »
All of my deer have been a consevative 18-25 'ish yards. Loads have been in .38 158 gr BufBore LHP, and Rem 110 gr SJHP, and Rem 158 gr LRN. All in a S&W Model 10 4". In .357 I only use the Rem 158 gr SJHP in a S&W Model 28. All the deer with both calibers went about 20-30 yds. No markable difference between the .38 and .357.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2011, 05:45:52 AM »
open sighted sixgun a whitetail at 145 yards. 225 with my tc 730 but it has a scope on it. More of a short rifle. For the most part with open sighted guns i try to keep shots to 50 yards but have shot a handfull out farther while doing crop damage shooting. Conditions have to be about perfect at those ranges though. Good light, no wind and a good rest.
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2011, 07:32:51 AM »
  My longest ever revolver shot was about 180 yds (iron sights) with an 8 3/8" 357 & the 150 gr Sierra JHC, this was about 40 years ago when I was dumb & reckless....I'm still dumb! Anyway it was a lucky shot on a fork horn muley, I hit him at the base of the neck with the second shot. We measured it using the old bill of the hat method, measured it twice.
  Took a cow elk 5  years ago at 168 yds (iron sights) using a Ruger OM 45 & the 260 gr Keith slug over 23 grs of H110, she was standing in deep snow & stood out like a piece of black coal.
I try really hard to stay away from the long shots when possible though, handgun hunting to me is getting as close as possible & making a clean kill with one shot, taking multiple shots & killing isn't good shooting skill, its luck.
  My longest shot with  a single shot scoped handgun was a doe antelope in Wyoming at 444 yds using my 6.5/284 Encore, this was  a 15" Bullberry Barrel, we lasered it after the shot (one shot) its very hard to get a rangefinder reading on antelope at extended distance. This gun had a 3X12 Burris on it, also used the same setup in Africa but the shooting was close.
  I've taken rock chucks out to 500 yds  with various single shots, to me the challenge in long range shooting is the wind, once you know the distance with a rangefinder you should be able to make the long shots with great consistency. If it takes more than 2 shots, thats not long range accuracy, thats long range luck.
 I've witnessed Ken ONeill shooting long range chucks, he's a master long ranger!
  One time we were getting ready for a long range rifle match & I entered using my 15" 7/30 Improved, the distance was 500 yds at a water filled gallon jug. My buddy & I practiced for a couple of weeks getting ready. The day before the match we had 4 steel targets set up at 500 yds, one was a full size ram, 2 were pigs & one was a chicken. I went 4 for 4 using that Bullberry 7/30 Improved & 120 gr Ballastic Tips.
  When we got to the match the next day the water jug was on a table up on the side of a mountain...way above us, because of the steep angle the shot was very tricky, behind the water jug was heavy brush so no one could see the shots, 11 of us missed it twice each, on my 3rd relay I hit it & won the match.



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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2011, 09:38:21 AM »
I shot a jackrabbit in the head at 94 yards with a 6" Smith & Wesson .357mag. and a 2x scope, using a Winchester 180gr. Partition Gold factory load.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2011, 03:35:21 PM »
with a revolver 125yds +/-  on antelope 41 mag 4x scope 210gr gold dot.
with a xp 100 259yds (lasered) on antelope 7mm IHMSA 2.5x8 scope 140gr ballistic tip
with a contender 175yds +/- on antelope 30/30 win 2.5x7 scope 130gr ssp Hornady.


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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2011, 01:35:48 PM »
65 yards with a 9 1/2" Ruger srh shooting 240 grn xtp. That's about my comfortable limit.




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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2011, 03:12:09 PM »
Here's the unluckiest coyote of all time. Custom 6.5-284 XP-100/3-12x Burris BP reticle with addtl. turret calcs to 1000 for 129 SST--

Here's where he resides now right behind me as i type--

Buddy of mine kilt this guy at 500-something with my 17 Fireball/25 Horn HP using a Simmons 6.5-20x Stoney Point target turret and ballistics profile calc. only--

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2011, 08:14:31 PM »
Good shooting ole buddy!
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2011, 09:13:40 PM »
I've loved handgun hunting almost all my life.  @ 13 years old I drilled and tapped a hole in the top of my Ruger OM 357 Blackhawk for a Bushnell Phantom scope mounting stud, Screwed on a 1.5 power Phantom scope and shot a few deer with it.  @ 16 my first contender came into my posession, also had a rail mounted Phantom scope on a 221 Fireball 10" octagon barrel.  I shot antelope with that combination using 60 gr. bullets out to 200 yards.

My furthest shot was a Whitetail Buck @ 300 with an Ordanance Technology (forerunner of the M.R. Lone Eagle) they special chambered in 243 Win.  Burris pistol scope.

One of my most memorable handgun shots was a caribou with the Freedom Arms Revolver in 50 AE.  275 yards with a 345gr. LBT bullet.  The impressive part was the geyser of water in the swamp behind the caribou AFTER the bullet exited the chest cavity.

My wife shot a Big Horn Mtn Sheep with a TC Super 14 in 7mmTCU @ 200 yards.   Perfect heart shot, it took 5 steps and dropped dead.

All very fun times.

I think the most fun shot discribed in this thread so far was posted by "Streak"...  He said: (My longest was on a running and hopping armadillo at 37-40 yards with a H&R 6" .22 revolver shooting .22Long rifles! One shot, one kill!)  I'll bet there was some laughing and whooping it up after that shot! :)

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2011, 11:16:49 AM »
 I shot a crop raiding doe at just under 200 yards with a scoped (4x) Ruger super Blackhawk with 240 grain bullets. I've shot quite a few ground hogs with XP's and Wichita bolt action pistols at 300 yards and more.7MM 120 grain bullets. I killed a couple deer with my 6.5JDJ/120 grain bullet at 300 yards. MOST were in the 200 yard range though. I got out of the long range craze , and started to HUNT! Getting within 100 yards is more satisfying to ME than sniping from 3-400 yards.

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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2011, 12:52:36 PM »

 I think the most fun shot discribed in this thread so far was posted by "Streak"...  He said: (My longest was on a running and hopping armadillo at 37-40 yards with a H&R 6" .22 revolver shooting .22Long rifles! One shot, one kill!)  I'll bet there was some laughing and whooping it up after that shot! :)

There was a lot of laughing and whooping it up from me as my buddy had just shot at and missed the same armadillo three times!!
At my shot the armadillo just slid to a stop, DRT, never moved a hair!
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Re: Handgun hunting, your longest shot????
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2011, 07:42:54 AM »
One thing that i find to be very rewarding is making a 1st shot connection at long range using math in the field. A buddy's kid had a Marlin 22 that had a 3-9x Simmons plex reticle in it. We were hunting coyotes 1 day and this kid just had to carry his little 22 around with us. I asked to take a look at it and the plex reticle in the optic looked to subtend about 6 minutes at 9x. I told the kid that if he cranked it down to 3x it'd be right around 18 MOA, which might get him to 300 yds. or so. So we're walking through a prairie dog town on the way back to the truck and decided to give it a try. The kid gets set up on a PD mound, and i lasered a couple dogs at 290-something. H eputs the lower tip of the plex reticle on the dog and shoots (no wind that day), and hits a little low. He compensates a bit and shoots again and nailed the dog rolling it off the back of the mound. Dog runs back up and hesitates on the rim. The kid shoots again and nails him again killing him this time. His buddy comes out of the hole barking at him on the back side of the mound, and next 2 shots or so he nails this dog too. Kiling it outright. When we walked up to that mound i rmemeber thinking this couldn't have happened but sure enuf they were both there...thanks in part at least to improvising math in the field.