I didn't know that about the diesels. I knew at one time they didn't. I also forgot about the ethynol in gas making for less gas mileage. Had to drain gas out of my tiller, weed eater and lawn mower this year and put fresh in to get them to work. Drove across town to get some gas that didn't have ethynol in it. Using ethynol has helped cause food prices to go up. Synthetic fuel from coal or allowing drilling offshore, Alaska, and on shore might cause fuel prices to increase, but at least food prices might stay lower. Because of our nations debt, prices will have to increase so the government can pay back debt with inflated dollars.
I no longer have small vehicles, since I have a lot of children and grandchildren, and I have to pull a boat, I have an expedition. However I only live 2 miles from work, and less than 2-3 miles from a mall, grocery stores, etc. If I don't go to the lake or out of town, I only spend $75 a month on gas, was about $50, but has gone up.