I know this guy, a heavy smoker, from down state that has a cabin a half mile from me. For twenty years he sat in a tree during bow season and never once bagged a buck. I used to tell him you have to be clean to get them in close and use the prevailing wind direction when choosing a place to construct a blind. This year he come down all smiles and happy, between bow season and gun season he bagged three good sized bucks, couldn't believe his luck. I didn't say anything but I was thinking that he quit smoking earlier this year and would bet this was his new found secret to success. When us non smokers can detect a smoker for 30 feet or more, imagine how far a whitetail could smell that same strong odor. After he would sit in the tree blind for hours, i'm sure that odor was permeated into all of the surrounding vegetation. Considering one has to get a buck up within a few yards to ensure a good bow shot, I think that is it. Like I keep on harping about year after year, when a number of trappers trap the same area, like they especially did here during the bounty era, many using the same lures and making the same sort of sets and one or two of them consistently hit 100 coyotes in a season and the other 20 or so trappers harvest somewhere between Zero and 30 coyotes each, what is the reason for this? The answer is PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAIL! Smoking may have cost them 3 coyotes, dirty boots 6 coyotes, taking too long to construct sets 9 coyotes, unnatural looking sets 7 coyotes, crouding animals by making sets where the animal feels insecure 8 coyotes, using poor lures or using them inappropriately 13 coyotes, leaving human tracks in the sand or snow 9 coyotes, leaving pools of blood after a catch 7 coyotes, leaving piles of pulled grass, chopped roots or broken brush in the set area 4 coyotes, taking along a buddy to double the scent trails, 6 coyotes, spitting or urinating in the set area, 10 coyotes, rusty or unclean traps, 8 coyotes, setting traps where the approach is obstructed or not on level ground 4 coyotes, plus 14 other smaller details, 1 coyote each. There 'ya go, all 100 coyotes down the drain while the trapper is looking for the 100+coyote trappers big secret or secret lure that animals can't resist. Both my Dad and I have been accused by failing trappers of holding out and using secret lure formulas that we didn't sell to other trappers. I think I made my point! Ace